Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 468 What a big show!

Chapter 468 What a big show! (fourteen more)

Tang Huanxi was extremely sleepy.

Her body couldn't bear the fatigue of the long journey.

Xiao Baorui looked at her with distressed eyes.

He simply hugged her and jumped out of the carriage, then called softly to the carriage behind him, "Second brother, we are here."

An Xiuhui, who was sitting in a daze in the carriage, heard the voice, regained consciousness in a trance, then opened the curtain, and jumped out of the carriage.

After half an hour, Xiao Baorui settled everything and went back to the house with Tang Huanxi in his arms.

An Xiuhui, who was not sleepy, sat beside the table not far away, quietly watching the scene in front of her.

"Miss, you really look like a cute little pig." Hearing his wife's even breathing, Xiao Baorui whispered.

When the shop waiter prepared hot water, Xiao Baorui immediately wrung out the veil, and gently wiped his wife's face aside.

That careful movement was full of tenderness and care.

At this moment, An Xiuhui suddenly understood.

She seemed to understand why Tang Huanxi said that this man with a single muscle was worth entrusting to him for life.

In this place where men are superior to women, Xiao Baorui regards her as a treasure in his palm, and taking care of her tenderly is an extremely rare thing.

After Tang Huanxi was settled, Xiao Baorui turned around and sat opposite An Xiuhui, his eyes were full of guilt, "Jing Yuan, brother didn't expect that there was only one room left in this hotel, you can sleep with your sister-in-law tonight ? Later, I will move the beauty couch to the side of the bed, and when the waiter brings a new mattress, you can sleep in peace."

"how about you?"

"Me? I'm not sleepy, so I'll stay outside to protect you." Xiao Baorui said with a bright gaze.

An Xiuhui lowered her head and remained silent for a long while, finally she slightly raised the corners of her lips, and said in a low voice, "Since I am your second brother, how can I share a room with my sister-in-law?"

"This..." Xiao Baorui obviously didn't expect this, and was immediately embarrassed.

"Forget it, I'm not too sleepy, I'll just sleep on that beauty's couch for one night. You don't have to go out, just sleep on this table, and after dawn, you can find a way to prepare some pens and ink for me. "An Xiuhui looked at him and said softly.

"it is good!"

That's it, nothing to say all night

The next morning, when Tang Huanxi woke up, she felt refreshed.

The feeling of full sleep is just one word, cool!

"Miss, are you awake?" Xiao Baorui heard the movement on the bed, and hurriedly came over, and said with a smile, "I just asked Xiaoer to bring breakfast to the room, hurry up and try it while it's hot!"


Tang Huanxi dressed quickly, tied a ponytail on herself, quickly rinsed her mouth and washed her face, and then sat beside Xiao Baorui.

"The fried spring rolls taste a little worse than sister-in-law's." Tang Huanxi frowned, and finally lost her appetite after drinking a bowl of vegetable porridge.

"My lady, will I go out alone or the three of us together?"

"Let's go together." Tang Huanxi rubbed her sore and swollen temples, then raised the corners of her lips and said, "We're not in a hurry anyway, why don't you accompany me to find some herbs?"

"Miss, what medicinal materials do you want to find?"

"Well, there are a lot. Besides mint, I want to look for snake gall and realgar." Tang Huanxi counted his fingers and said in a deep voice, "I plan to study some toilet water, which can prevent mosquito bites. When we come back in the future In Yunshui County, beauty stores can also carry a few more products."

After all, it will take ten days and half a month to get to Jinling from here!
She doesn't want to waste time on the road all the time, she always wants to do something meaningful in the limited time.

"Success, listen to the lady!" Xiao Baorui immediately nodded with a smile.

Tang Huan smiled happily and took the man's hand, and the corners of her lips curled up happily.

This silly man has always been obedient to her.

Peixian County is located in the northwest of Yun'an City. This county town is located on a plain with Qinyang Mountain as its back.

Most of the people in Pei County grow medicinal materials, so Pei County is also called Medicine Township.

The small hotel where Tang Huanxi and the others live is located in the northwest corner of the county. Because it is close to the city gate, there are many merchants coming and going.

That's why when they arrived last night, there was only one room left in this small hotel.

"As expected of a medicine town, the air is filled with a faint medicinal fragrance." Tang Huanxi still likes this faint medicinal fragrance.

"My lady, why don't we go to the medical clinic first?"

"it is good!"

Before the three of them stepped out of the hotel gate, dozens of men in black descended from the sky and surrounded the three of them tightly.

This scene happened so suddenly that people were caught off guard.

Tang Huanxi blinked her eyes, turned her head to look at Xiao Baorui who was still calm and composed, her eyes were full of appreciation.

She man, awesome!

"Master, these people are full of murderous intent. It's this time, and you still have the mood to show off your husband?" The little cutie in the space complained angrily.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Xiao Baorui frowned, quietly protecting the two women behind him.

The leading man in black took a step forward and respectfully knelt down in front of An Xiuhui, "Miss, the master asked me to escort you back to the mansion."

"I won't go back." An Xiuhui was in a daze for a while, and then said firmly, "I've already written a letter to my father, you go back, you don't have to come and arrest me."

"Miss, please don't make things difficult for me!" Although the man in black's tone was respectful, his attitude was very strong.

The leading man in black winked at the others behind him.

In the blink of an eye, both Xiao Baorui and Tang Huanxi had steel knives on their necks, and the blades shone with a strange silver light in the sunlight.

The breeze lifted Tang Huanxi's hair, and it fell on the blade, and it broke in an instant.

Xiao Baorui quickly made a move, and with one stretched out hand, he embraced Tang Huanxi into his arms!
At the same time, the big knife of the man in black quickly approached Xiao Baorui's neck!

"An Yi, stop!" In desperation, An Xiuhui pulled out the silver hairpin from her bun and aimed it at her throat, "If you dare to hurt them even a little, I'll show you!"

The man in black who was called Anyi immediately retracted the weapon in his hand, and knelt down in front of An Xiuhui again.

Tang Huanxi, who had never changed her face, raised her eyes slightly at this time, and met An Xiuhui's firm and fearless eyes.

"An Yi, go back and tell my dad that I'm going out to relax. I'll go back in a month at the most." An Xiuhui was silent for a while, and finally said in a deep voice, "If you want to continue chasing We, then I will take my own life with my own hands! You tell my father that rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, I don't want to enter the palace draft, if he insists on forcing me, it is better to let me die."


"Go away, I don't want to see you again!"

"...Yes." Anyi is the secret guard of the prefect of Yun'an, and one of An Xionghu's confidantes.

He lived in An Mansion since childhood, grew up with An Xiuhui, and knew her temperament very well.

Miss, she has always been stubborn and said one thing.

If he continues to pester her, with the eldest lady's temperament, he will really commit suicide.

Anyi couldn't tolerate this kind of thing happening, so he had no choice but to turn around and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

"It's such a big show!" At that time, a gray figure stood on the wall of the hotel, and made a sarcastic voice towards Tang Huanxi and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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