Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 469 To be discussed

Chapter 469 To be discussed (fifteen more)

Tang Huanxi raised her eyes slightly, and met the pair of peach blossom eyes squatting on the horse's head wall. She narrowed her eyes immediately, and stared coldly at that cool gaze.

"I didn't expect that you young couple would be so bold and dare to abduct the daughter of An Xionghu, the prefect of Yun'an. Could it be that you really think your life is too long?"

"Who are you?" Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, her tone full of sarcasm, "Standing on the wall and eavesdropping on other people's conversations is not what a gentleman does!"

"Gentleman? I'm a proper villain, not a gentleman." He Yihang whistled indifferently, then took a leap, and stood steadily only one step away from Tang Huanxi. He suddenly stretched out his hand to think Grab her throat!
Xiao Baorui, with sharp eyesight and quick hands, knocked out the salty pig's hand that suddenly stretched out!

He Yihang sneered and punched again!

In an instant, the two men became entangled.

Taking advantage of the gap between the two fighting, Tang Huanxi immediately turned around and grabbed An Xiuhui's arm, turned and ran!

"Wait a minute! Don't we need to help?" An Xiuhui stopped in a hurry and asked hastily.

"No, that embroidered pillow is not Xiao Baorui's opponent." Tang Huanxi pulled An Xiuhui to stand in a safe area, then turned around, and watched the fight in front of him with interest.

She still has some trust in Xiao Baorui's skill.

What's more, even if Xiao Baorui can't beat this embroidered pillow, it doesn't matter, what's more, at the critical moment, she can spend more blessing points to exchange for the time stop function!

An Xiuhui didn't expect her to be so big-hearted, she was shocked and at the same time began to worry about Xiao Baorui.

This kind of worry made her feel inexplicable and panic.

Why is she so worried about Xiao Baorui's injury?
Could it be that in her own subconscious, she also believed that Xiao Baorui was her brother?

Tang Huanxi, who was focused on watching the battle, did not see the complex entanglement in the eyes of the people beside her.


Xiao Baorui's sweeping kick was very crisp, but it was avoided by the embroidered pillow!
"Xiao Baorui, attack his lower body, all his strength is concentrated in the upper body, you find a way to sneak attack his lower body!" Tang Huanxi shouted excitedly after seeing the embroidered pillow's move clearly!
A quarter of an hour later, the winner was announced.

Xiao Baorui pinned the arm of the embroidered pillow behind his back, and then pressed one leg on his back.

"Xiao Baorui, you are so handsome in this pose!" Tang Huanxi looked at her man, her eyes filled with love, "It's a pity that I don't have a camera. It would be great if I could take a picture of you in this pose!"

"My lady, what should we do now?" Xiao Baorui asked with a silly smile and raised his eyebrows.

Tang Huanxi walked around this 'embroidered pillow' twice while touching her chin, and finally stretched out her hand to pull Xiao Baorui up.

"I've heard for a long time that the local snake in Peixian County is a little boy, a little boy who is not very useful, but today, it seems that meeting him is not as famous as it is!" Tang Huanxi sighed regretfully, "Young Master He, you just laughed at me With my man, now my man beats you to the ground, are you convinced?"

He Yihang hurriedly got up from the ground, rubbing his arms while staring at this arrogant woman.

"I am convinced, and I am only convinced by him. As for you, hehe."

"Mr. He, do you believe that you are not my opponent?" Tang Huanxi rolled her eyes and made a decision in an instant, "How about this, how about a bet between you and me? Let's wrestle, if you win, I'll just kneel in front of you and bark like a dog."

"make a deal!"

"Wait!" Tang Huanxi quickly waved her hands and smiled slightly, "I haven't finished talking yet!"

"If you win..." He Yihang squinted his eyes and snorted coldly, "If you win, no matter what you want, I, He Yihang, will help you achieve it even if I use my brain, how about it?"

"Deal!" Tang Huanxi hurriedly raised her hand and gave the other party a high five!

But Xiao Baorui, who had witnessed the whole process, was at a loss, "Ma'am, you and him, this is?"

"He Yihang, the land snake in Peixian County." Tang Huanxi said with a smile, pointing to the nose of the embroidered pillow, "There is a medicinal herb shop in Peixian County called Shanzhen Pavilion, which has a lot of valuable medicinal herbs. And this Mr. He, It is the local snake in Pei County, and the county magistrate of Pei County must give him three points."

"Have we met before?" He Yihang was very surprised when he heard Tang Huanxi's words, his eyes were full of bewilderment, "But I don't remember seeing you before? How could you guess my identity?"

"Ahem," Tang Huanxi coughed twice pretending to be mysterious, and then walked in front of him, grabbing the sachet on Bieza's waist, "This thing betrayed you."


"The pink sachet also has a faint medicinal scent." Tang Huanxi explained with a smile, "I heard that Mr. He likes pink the most, so most of the ornaments on his body are pink. In addition, the sachet contains It's processed mint leaves. Only Mr. He can have such a coquettish smell in Pei County."

"Miss, you are amazing!" Xiao Baorui gave his wife a thumbs up belatedly!

"Of course, I can't guess your identity just by a pink sachet." Tang Huanxi shrugged and continued to laugh, "I think this hotel should belong to your family, so you can be unscrupulous They sat on top of the wall and no one bothered. I heard that most of the property in Peixian County belongs to the He family, and now it seems that what I said is true."

The He clan was the mother clan of the former Empress Dowager. For some reason, the former Empress Dowager offended the late Emperor and was thrown into limbo. Later, the famous He clan moved to Pei County thousands of miles away to live.

Pei County has a special geographical location, and the He family is a family of medicine, so Pei County has gradually become a territory of the He family.

And the pure imperial concubine in the current imperial palace is a descendant of the He family's direct line, so the position of the He family in Pei County is unshakable.

Tang Huanxi got all these news by spending 30 blessing points.

"Hehe, pretending to be smart." He Yihang rolled his eyes at her, then rolled up his sleeves angrily, "Come on, if I can't let you squat on the ground and bark like a dog today, I'm not a man! "

"You have lost your grace long ago when you bet with women." At that time, An Xiuhui suddenly said something indifferent.

Immediately, He Yihang's face became extremely ugly.

"You...what do you know? This woman is not a woman at all!" He Yihang pointed at Tang Huanxi's nose and cursed.

"My husband is very clear about whether I am a woman or not." Hearing this, Tang Huanxi smiled indifferently, and looked at him with sarcasm in his eyes. "As for whether Mr. He is a real man, it is still open to discussion!"


(End of this chapter)

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