Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 484 The Sturdy Woman

Chapter 484 The Sturdy Woman

"Master He doesn't have to be like this." An Xiuhui raised her eyebrows unexpectedly, and then smiled, "All this has nothing to do with you."

It's just that some people have dirty thoughts, so they will be as dirty as others think.

She has no feelings for He Yihang, so naturally she doesn't pay attention to Zhang Jizhi's every move.

Her indifferent appearance suddenly gave He Yihang a deep sense of powerlessness, and even a sense of frustration.

Could it be that he is too ugly?

That's why Miss An has no feelings for him?
Wait, why does she have feelings for herself?

He Yihang was instantly dumbfounded——

Looking at the back of the young man running away, An Xiuhui raised the corners of her lips slightly, and picked up the cup of tea in front of her in a happy mood.

"What are you laughing at? So happy?" Tang Huanxi walked in stooping, sat opposite her, and asked curiously.

"It's nothing." An Xiuhui shook her head gently, and looked at her worriedly, "You drugged those people, I'm afraid you won't be friends anymore..."

"I don't know, it doesn't matter." Tang Huanxi shrugged and said that he didn't care.



"You said they were your friends too."

"Maybe it's because of their behavior that I can't stand it." Tang Huanxi smiled indifferently, "Although I don't know what kind of grievances and resentments between your father and the Hongluan Gang are, but all these It has nothing to do with you, not to mention that you are likely to be Xiao Baorui's younger sister, so relatives are naturally more important than friends."

There is another point that Tang Huanxi didn't say.

That is, the red lotus she met head-on last night was not what she remembered.

She suspected that the two men were counterfeit.

An Xiuhui lowered her head slightly, covering the complex emotions in her eyes.

The He family's merchant ship sailed smoothly on the sea.

It's only a few hours from morning to sunset.

"Xiao Baorui, just now I saw fish and prawns in the back kitchen, how about I cook tonight?" Tang Huanxi rolled up her sleeves and said with a cheerful smile, "Help me, okay? "

"My pleasure, lady!"

Looking at the table full of fresh seafood ingredients, Tang Huanxi couldn't help licking her tongue.

All are seafood!
Salt and pepper prawns, steamed fish, fried crab, and grilled scallops with garlic!


Delicious food is just too much!
Tang Huanxi took the lead to pick up a big fish, then took a kitchen knife and began to slap the head of the fish——

When He Yihang, who had just arrived at the back kitchen, saw this scene, he was instantly frightened!

This woman is too tough!

Big brother Xiao - how pitiful!

Tang Huanxi, who had been busy for an entire hour, smiled contentedly as she looked at a table full of delicious seafood dishes.

"In the past, I always felt fishy and ugly when I ate the food in the sea, but how did it become so fragrant after passing through your hands?" He Yihang looked at the seafood on the table and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Xiao Baorui, try this fried crab quickly, it shouldn't taste too delicious!" Tang Huanxi ignored He Yihang who was feeling emotional, and took the lead in picking up a crab and handing it to the bowl in front of Xiao Baorui!
Wrapped with Laoganma's fried crabs, they exude a tempting aroma at this moment!
Tang Huanxi pulled off a crab's large pincers, enjoying the delicious taste to the fullest!

After finishing the two crabs in a row, Tang Huanxi's gaze shifted to the salt and pepper prawns.

Xiao Baorui, who was eating crabs, immediately put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, then picked up the plate of prawns, and began to peel the prawns.

With the tender and delicious shrimp, Tang Huanxi ate the rice in the bowl, and then burped contentedly.

So cool!

Eat and drink enough, just want to sleep!
"Xiao Baorui, I seem to be stuffed—"

"Then let me rub it for my wife?" Xiao Baorui didn't expect his wife to like seafood so much, she even got full.

He immediately freed up one hand and drew circles on Tang Huanxi's stomach.

"Brother Xiao, you are too pitiful." He Yihang looked at him, his eyes full of sympathy and pity.


The other three were at a loss when they heard his words.

He Yihang shook his head pretentiously, then stood up and ran away!

He didn't dare to speak out what was in his heart. He couldn't afford to offend a tough woman like Tang Huanxi, so he had to hide!

With Xiao Baorui's assistance, Tang Huanxi closed her eyes comfortably.

"Ding dong—congratulations to the master for getting a Michelle Banbu Epilepsy Pill!"

"What the hell?" Tang Huanxi was stunned for a moment, "Little cutie, what are you talking about?"

"Master, you successfully rescued An Xiuhui from the hands of two impostors, so the system rewards you with a smile! As the name suggests, this pill is a superior poison with great lethality!"

"……and then?"

"Master, this pill will definitely come in handy in the future!"


"Master? Isn't your reaction a little too plain?" This time it was the little cutie's turn to be at a loss.

"If I remember correctly, the reward you gave me last time seemed to be spring water, right? This time it turned into a pill that can harm people. If you were me, would you be happy? This reward obviously lowers the standard Ah!" Tang Huanxi pursed her lips and explained a few words angrily.

"Master, mountain spring water is very precious! And the rewards given by the system every time are the most appropriate according to the future situation, so don't look at this half-step crazy smile, it will be in the hands of the master in the future It has produced unexpected results!"

"Forget it, stop talking, you're so noisy." Tang Huanxi frowned and said.

"Don't the master want to know who is the one pretending to be Hong Yan and Hong Lian?"

"If I said I was curious, would you tell me?" Tang Huanxi crossed his arms and asked with raised eyebrows.


"Then talk about it!"

"Master doesn't have many blessing points left. Master must accumulate 888 blessing points before he can get the information prompt from the system." Cutie covered her head again, and said softly, "Master, you have been working hard for a while. They are all consuming blessing points, if this continues, the situation will be bad!"

"Then how can I increase my blessing point?" Tang Huanxi put his hand on his chin and said angrily, "Now we are on a ship, you can't let me jump into the sea, can you?"

"Master... someone will call for help at sea in fifteen minutes. If you can rescue that person, the system will reward 666 points of blessing!"

"wtf? Do you really want me to jump into the sea?" Tang Huanxi was speechless immediately, "Little cutie, don't tell me, this is also a task stipulated by the system!"

"Uh...Master, this is indeed the fourth side mission of the third mission!"

"I @#$%^^^..." Tang Huanxi really wanted to scold her! "Did you forget that I can't swim?"

"Master, someone is coming, hurry up and save him!"


For some reason, Tang Huanxi seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit, and suddenly jumped from Xiao Baorui's body, then jumped off the deck at a speed of [-] meters, and jumped into the bottomless ocean ...

 New week, new start, ask for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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