Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 485 Why Don't You Let Me Die?

Chapter 485 Why Don't You Let Me Die?
Tang Huanxi's series of actions were done in one go!
It wasn't until she was completely submerged in the sea that Xiao Baorui came to his senses, and then jumped down without saying a word!

An Xiuhui's mouth widened in surprise, and she couldn't help feeling a little absent-minded.

This couple, what do you mean?
"Miss An, what happened?"

He Yihang heard the movement and ran over in a hurry.

"Young Master He, Xiao Baorui and Tang Huanxi both fell into the water!"

Ever since, He Yihang stopped the boat, and immediately ordered the sailors to go down to search for the whereabouts of the couple!
At this time, Tang Huanxi, who was constantly falling under the sea, closed her mouth tightly, and greeted all the eighteen generations of her cute little ancestors in her heart!
This damn stinky refrigerator dared to do anything to her, it was simply audacious!
"Ding dong—Master, we are about to arrive at the location of the rescued person! Come on, master, if you can successfully rescue that person this time, the system may reward you to get Xiaomei back!"


Her cell phone!
The long-awaited game of kings!

Thinking of this, Tang Huanxi was instantly motivated, and carefully recalled the dog planing strokes he saw in the movie before!
flutter flutter-

A black figure suddenly appeared in front of him!

Tang Huanxi slowed down and approached slowly!

I saw that person suddenly opened his eyes, they were a pair of breathtaking pupils like glass.

There is no wave, no life.

Tang Huanxi's eyes instantly fell on the dagger stuck in her chest!

The dark red blood instantly stained the dark brown sea water.

"Miss?" Xiao Baorui didn't expect that his wife suddenly jumped down to save someone?

He immediately swam to his wife's side and hugged her anxiously.

At this time, the deck was already in chaos and crowded with people.

In the end, Xiao Baorui hugged Tang Huanxi and pulled the escalator thrown down by the helmsmen, and slowly climbed onto the bed.

As for the woman, she was also rescued on board.

"Drink some ginger soup!" Seeing that the two were safe and sound, An Xiuhui also breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately took two bowls of ginger soup and walked into the cabin.

At that time, Tang Huanxi and Xiao Baorui were each wrapped in a thick quilt, with a few seaweeds hanging from their wet hair.

Tang Huanxi felt less cold after a bowl of ginger soup.

"Miss, did you rush down suddenly just now to save the injured woman?" Xiao Baorui looked at Tang Huanxi, who was still pale, and frowned angrily, "Miss, did you forget what the doctor said?"

"I..." Just as Tang Huanxi was about to explain, he met Xiao Baorui's obviously angry eyes, and looked away guiltily.

"My lady, I'm angry!" Xiao Baorui looked at her with a straight face, and said in a deep tone.

"I..." Tang Huanxi wanted to explain but didn't know what to say. She couldn't say that she was framed by a stinky refrigerator, could she?
Speak out, ghost letter!
Tang Huanxi bit her lip and looked at the man in front of her who was still looking worried, and then started blinking non-stop.

After a while, Dou Da's tears kept rolling down his cheeks.


She covered her face with her hands and wept.

Xiao Baorui panicked instantly, "My lady? Why are you crying?"

"Xiao Baorui, you bastard, I'm feeling so uncomfortable, you're still pissing me off, woo woo woo..." Tang Huanxi simply lay on the man's shoulder, sobbing softly.

Anyway, a woman's biggest weapon is tears, don't use them for nothing!

Sure enough, Xiao Baorui's face suddenly softened a lot. He patted her shoulder and comforted her softly, "My lady, I was wrong. I shouldn't be cruel to you. Don't cry, okay?"

Tang Huanxi sobbed twice more, then leaned on the man's shoulder and did not speak.

"My lady, don't be so reckless in the future." Xiao Baorui saw that her mood had calmed down, he held her soft and boneless little hand tightly, and whispered softly, "My lady, you just realized that you scared me, if you Something happened, I..."

"Xiao Baorui, I was wrong." Tang Huanxi lowered her head, bit her lip, and whispered, "I won't be so reckless in the future."

"En." The man responded softly, and then stopped talking.

He Yihang ordered someone to prepare clean hot water. After the couple took a bath, they were both too sleepy and fell asleep.

Silent all night.

"Ding dong—Master, congratulations to the master for completing the instant task, the system will issue rewards soon!"

"Stinky refrigerator, where's my little beauty?"

"Master—if you want to touch Xiaomei, you need to continue accumulating blessing points!"

"So, what you said yesterday was all about lying to me?"

"..." Xiaocuti immediately remained silent and did not speak again.

Tang Huanxi gritted her teeth for a while, and then stared fiercely at that little white spot for a whole quarter of an hour!

"What about the reward?"

"666 points of blessing have been distributed, please sign for the owner!"


Tang Huanxi nodded slightly, then turned over and continued to sleep.

This body is really too weak. It was weak at first, but now it suddenly soaked in sea water for a long time.

She decided not to act to death any more, and for the remaining two days, she obediently lay on the bed and had a good rest.

"Miss, are you awake?" Xiao Baorui brought the freshly cooked porridge in front of her and greeted her softly.

"En!" Tang Huanxi nodded obediently, and after washing up a bit, began to enjoy Xiao Baorui's feeding.

"Xiao Baorui, did we rescue that person yesterday?" In an instant, the bottom of the bowl of porridge was finished, and Tang Huanqi raised the corners of his lips curiously.

A dagger was stuck in the woman's heart. Although her clothes were messy, her glazed eyes were lifeless.

Intuition told Tang Huanxi that even if that woman could come back to life, she would still be dead.

"Brother He has already arranged for a doctor to treat that girl." Xiao Baorui frowned and said in a low voice, "Lady, did you predict the identity of that woman?"

"?" Tang Huanxi raised her eyes immediately, her obsidian-like pupils were filled with puzzlement.

"The lady is a fairy, she can predict the earthquake, so she can also predict the identity of the person who fell into the water, can't she?" Xiao Baorui asked with a smile while looking into her eyes.


Tang Huanxi nodded first, then shook her head, and finally nodded again.

"Xiao Baorui, actually I don't know what's going on, I feel that everything is inexplicable and natural!" Tang Huanxi lowered her head and said in a low voice, "I don't know why I had such a strong reaction yesterday, and even ignored it. I rushed into the sea. But my intuition tells me that the identity of that girl is extraordinary."

Xiao Baorui didn't speak, but raised his hand to reach her forehead to make sure that she didn't have a fever, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

His actions filled Tang Huanxi's heart with guilt.

At that time, An Xiuhui was taking care of the woman who was still unconscious in another room.

"Are you awake?" An Xiuhui put away her veil, and met the woman's calm eyes.


"Why save me? Why not let me die?"

The woman lying on the bed suddenly stretched out her hands and grabbed her neck viciously...

(End of this chapter)

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