Chapter 597
After Tang Huanxi left, Song Zhuo frowned slightly, and kept tapping the table with his right index finger, thoughtful.

He knew that Tang Huanxi was lying.

She must know Anpin.

It's just that since she doesn't want to say it, there's no need for him to mention it.

Tang house.

After returning from the Song Mansion, Tang Huanxi has been restless, and that feeling has become more and more intense.

[Ding dong——Your refrigerator cutie is online, what's the master's order? 】

【Why does Mr. Song inquire about Xiuhui for no reason? Did something happen to Xiuhui in the palace? 】 Tang Huanxi frowned, and said worriedly.

Previously, Xiao Baorui had arranged for Honglian to protect An Xiuhui secretly, and she found out about Luyin's existence through the little cutie.

So through Xu Wanjin's eyeliner in the capital, she paid money to have Lu Yin's younger sister buried beautifully, and then let Lu Yin stay by An Xiuhui's side.

There are people around Jing Yuan who can be trusted and used, both in the open and in the dark.

【Master, don't worry, An Xiuhui will be fine. 】

[But after I came back from the Song Mansion, I have been restless. Is it true that nothing happened? 】

【one thing……】

【what? 】Facing the little cutie who hesitated to speak but hesitated, Tang Huanxi became more and more anxious, 【Is there something wrong with Baorui? 】

[Half a month ago, a traitor appeared in the Northwest Army Camp, which caused a fire in the camp where they were stationed, causing countless casualties...]

Tang Huanxi's heart suddenly skipped a beat, 【Then what?Is Bo Rui all right? 】

【Xiao Baorui is fine, but General Qin was seriously injured, maybe...】

Tang Huanxi immediately frowned, Qin Xiao and General Qin are Baorui's year-end friends.

Xiao Baorui was able to enter the northwest barracks smoothly, and General Qin Xiao must have been able to deal with it.

A month ago, Xiao Baorui just sent a letter, saying that he had made third-class military merits, and now he has been assigned to the vanguard army.

If something happened to General Qin at this critical juncture, the Thirteenth City in the Northwest might be in danger!

[The thing you asked me to donate quilts to the military camp earlier, is it related to this incident? 】Tang Huanxi sorted out the whole matter seriously, and finally came to a conclusion, 【Little cutie, did you already know that there would be a fire in the Northwest Military Camp? 】

【Yes! 】

【Then why are you...】

[Some things are predetermined fate.Master, it is beyond common sense for you to be able to die and be reborn. What's more, the change of your fate does not mean that you can change other established facts. 】

Tang Huanxi's heart sank little by little, as if she had fallen into a bottomless abyss.

She has never been a good person who is merciful, but when she thinks of those soldiers who were burned to death by the fire, she feels very sad.

【Is this fire a natural disaster or a man-made disaster? 】 Tang Huanxi frowned, his eyes flashed with anger.

After having an in-depth exchange with the cutie, Tang Huanxi felt extremely exhausted, so she gradually closed her eyes and fell asleep slowly.

At that time, the Northwest Military Camp.

April is supposed to be a beautiful spring season, but in the northwest cities, the land here is still covered with white snow, and there is no smile yet.

Inside a time-honored medical clinic in Wintersun City.

Xiao Baorui, who was dressed in casual clothes, looked at Qin Xiao who was still unconscious on the bed, his eyes were full of anxiety.

"Don't worry, the general has been fighting north and south for many years, and has narrowly escaped death several times, so I believe the general will be safe and sound this time." As Qin Xiao's confidant, Yan Lin looked at Xiao Baorui and said in a deep voice.

"That fire was really weird." Xiao Baorui turned around and walked out silently, with a gloomy light shining in his eyes.

Originally, Xiliang came to invade, and they were defeated repeatedly.

Coupled with the fact that Qin Xiao has been stationed in the Northwest Military Camp for many years, the name Qin Xiao alone can scare the Xiliang army!
But this time, the inexplicable fire not only killed hundreds of soldiers in the Northwest Army Camp, but also burned 10 taels worth of food and grass.

Before Qin Xiao was rescued by Xiao Baorui, he was still poisoned and unconscious.

If Xiao Baorui hadn't made a prompt decision and quickly fed him a sip of mountain spring water, he would have hugged Qin Xiao's life.

"I have already sent people to investigate." Referring to the weird fire, Yan Lin's expression became more serious, "The general was poisoned silently, I think there must be a conspiracy .”

"The fire has severely damaged the barracks, causing the morale of the soldiers to be low. If Xiliang invades at this time, I'm afraid..."

When Xiao Baorui thought of this possibility, his eyes were full of worry.

The two discussed again, and then they left.

Half an hour later, Xiao Baorui left and returned, and Qin Xiao, who was supposed to be unconscious, also opened his eyes at this time.


"Ahem..." Qin Xiao, who is over half a hundred years old, has already grown gorgeous hair on his temples, but his wise eyes are still shrewd. "Do you think Yan Lin is trustworthy?"

"What do you think, the general?" Xiao Baorui didn't answer the question, and then under Qin Xiao's gaze, he said softly, "You don't need to be suspicious, you don't need to be suspicious. General Yan Lin has been with you for many years, so he is naturally a trustworthy person. "

"Both Yan Lin and Bai Bo were brought out by me personally. Yan Lin has followed me for six years, and Bai Bo has followed me for ten years." Qin Xiao sighed quietly, his tone full of melancholy, "But I I never dreamed that Baibo would poison my food and drink, if I hadn't been reminded by you in advance, I would have gone to see the King of Hades by now!"

Bai Bo is the deputy general of the vanguard, and he was brought up by Qin Xiao.

But Baibo couldn't resist the temptation, and was bought by Tuoba Jun, the third prince of Xiliang, who not only poisoned Qin Xiao, but even set fire to the northwest military camp, causing hundreds of soldiers to be burned to death !
By the time Qin Xiao realized these things that Bai Bo was secretly planning, it was too late.

"I happened to see Bai Bo leaving the barracks in a hurry that day, and I was curious, so I followed him..." Thinking of the events of that day, Xiao Baorui frowned, "But now Bai Bo's whereabouts are unknown..."

"Now it seems that Yan Lin should be a trustworthy person." Thinking of Yan Lin's performance just now, the cloud of suspicion that shrouded Qin Xiao's heart gradually dissipated.

"What is the general going to do next?"

"The golden cicada has escaped its shell and released the news that I have sacrificed. In addition, it spreads suspicions to lure the enemy into the enemy." Qin Xiao said a few words in a concise manner, Xiao Baorui thought about it seriously, and finally understood his intention!

"Baorui, I'll leave this matter to you." Qin Xiao thought for a while, and then seriously told Xiao Baorui about the plan he had planned long ago.

Xiao Baorui proposed several changes that needed to be changed, and gradually the adults reached an agreement and proceeded according to the plan.

(End of this chapter)

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