Chapter 598

At the beginning of April, another bad news came out of Dongyang City where the winter snow had not yet melted.

General Qin Xiao, the Northwest General, was assassinated by the enemy and died.

As soon as the news came out, the entire Wintersun City fell into a depressed atmosphere.

Northwest General Qin Xiao is known as the God of War in the Northwest, and now the God of War has suddenly passed away, whether it is for the soldiers in the army or the people in the thirteen nearby cities, it is a heartbreaking thing.

The tenth day of April is the day of the general's funeral.

The soldiers of the entire barracks came to Wintersun City, wanting to send their great God of War general for the last time.

At this time, it was also the time when the defense of the Northwest Army Camp was weakest.

At dawn, the drums of war suddenly sounded.

Xiliang's army started a large-scale attack, but they didn't expect that the camp they attacked was empty!
It wasn't until the squad headed by Xiliang General Fu Guangjie was surrounded by hundreds of people headed by Xiao Baorui that Fu Guangjie realized that this was a trap aimed at him and Xiliang!
In the end, Xiao Baorui took Fu Guangjie's head off by himself, and gained a firm foothold in the army.

The army of Xiliang lost its general and was severely injured. The soldiers of the Yong Dynasty took advantage of the victory and pursued them. In the end, they not only forced Xiliang back, but also successfully occupied the three cities that originally belonged to Xiliang!
When this exciting news reached the capital, Murong Ze, who was sitting high on the dragon chair, smiled and conferred military merit on Qin Xiao, and named him the Marquis of Heroism!And Xiao Baorui also made great contributions in this war, and was named a third-rank vanguard general!
The name Xiao Baorui spread throughout the capital overnight.

It was night, and Murong Ze arrived at Luoxue Pavilion, which he had not set foot in for a long time.

Ever since An Xiuhui was named An Concubine, she has stayed in Luoxue Pavilion. She wanted to live a low-key life, but Murong Ze refused to give her this opportunity.

Although Murong Ze no longer stays in Luoxue Pavilion, as long as he is free, he will come to Luoxue Pavilion to sit.

Sometimes without saying anything, just play a game of chess with An Xiuhui.

Sometimes just come for a cup of tea.

In short, in Murong Ze's heart, he and An Xiuhui got along more and more harmoniously.

"Xiao Baorui has made military achievements, and I have named him a third-rank vanguard general." Murong Ze sat casually on the chair, his eyes fell on the face of An Xiuhui who was quietly copying Buddhist scriptures standing in front of the desk.

When she heard the name Xiao Baorui, An Xiuhui's heart twitched uncontrollably.

"What does His Majesty want to say?"

"Concubine An, I find that your handwriting is becoming more and more dignified and elegant." Murongze suddenly changed the subject with a smile, "I lost a purse two days ago, if Concubine An is free, why not embroider it for me?" A pouch? Don’t use those cumbersome tricks.”

An Xiuhui raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at Murong Ze with puzzled eyes.

"When the concubine goes to pay her respects to the empress tomorrow morning, she will tell the empress about this matter. I believe that in a few days, the majesty will receive the purse that he wants." An Xiuhui smiled lightly and said firmly.

Murong Ze didn't speak, but a trace of anger quickly flashed across his eyes.

After a while, he got up to leave, and before leaving, he took a deep look at her.

Half an hour later, Lu Liu tidied up all the Buddhist scriptures on the desk, turned to look at An Xiuhui who was standing in front of the window, and asked worriedly, "Ma'am, what's wrong with you?"

"Since the Holy Majesty left half an hour ago, you have been a little restless..." Lu Yin also frowned and asked, "Your Majesty, are you alright?"

"I want to go to Fengluan Palace, the green willows, you two can go with me." An Xiuhui was silent for a while, and finally made a decision.

For the past six months, Murong Ze has kept a distance from her.

Gradually, An Xiuhui got used to the way they got along with each other. Since she couldn't change the status quo, she had learned to accept it.

But what she can accept is staying in this Luoxue Pavilion to live a peaceful life, which does not include sleeping in bed and falling in love with Murong Ze.

Today, Murong Ze deliberately brought up the matter of his brother in front of her, which is clearly a threat.

There is also the matter of embroidering purses. Women in the Yong Dynasty would only embroider purses for their beloved men.

What Murong Ze said today and the meaningful look in his eyes before he left were all warnings.

Maybe it won't be long before she will be forced to sleep.

In other words, maybe tonight, Murong Ze will flip her sign.

This is not what she wants.

Fengluan Hall.

When the queen who was sipping tea heard the servant's announcement, surprise quickly flashed across her eyes.

Ever since this Concubine An expressed her feelings in front of her that day, she has stayed in Luoxue Pavilion quietly and kept a low profile.

The queen also knew that the Holy Majesty was interested in this woman, but as long as the Holy Majesty never summoned her to sleep, then this woman would not be a threat.

"My concubine has met the empress, my empress is safe!" An Xiuhui walked slowly in front of the empress and saluted respectfully.

"Sister An Concubine is free." The queen smiled generously, and stretched out her hand to help the person in front of her, "When did the wind bring Sister An Concubine to Fengluan Hall?"

"Empress, my concubine has been missing my hometown and relatives for the past two days, so I feel that I can't sleep at night because I don't want to eat and drink... I don't know if the empress can allow this concubine to stay in the small Buddhist hall in the harem for a few days. To copy some Buddhist scriptures for the family, in order to pray that the Buddha can bless the family safety."

After listening to An Xiuhui's request, surprise flashed across the Queen's eyes.

She immediately winked at Nanny Xue who was standing on one side, and soon, Nanny Xue took everyone else down.

"Concubine An, tell me honestly, do you want to hide from the Holy Majesty?" The queen looked at An Xiuhui and said with certainty, "Didn't I persuade you before? Now that you have entered the palace, You are already the Holy One, you can hide for a while, but you can't hide forever!"

"My lord, my concubine really doesn't want to... my concubine is forced to enter the deep palace, and my only goal is to live a good life. For the rest, my concubine has nothing to ask for... Your mistress, can my concubine...can you?" Can't you do me a favor?"

An Xiuhui grabbed the queen's sleeve and cried out in tears.

It was night, when the little eunuch in the respect room delivered the plaque to the Cheng'en Hall, the queen entered the hall with the freshly cooked tonic soup.

"Why is the queen so free today?" Murong Ze, who was reviewing the memorial, saw Xie Wanru who suddenly appeared in front of him, and a flash of surprise quickly flashed across his eyes.

"The concubine noticed that you looked tired yesterday, so I decided to cook some tonic soup for you. Now the temperature is just right. Do you want to taste it?"

(End of this chapter)

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