Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 703 No need to worry

Chapter 703 No need to worry

Qin Hong looked at his downcast eyes, sighed softly, raised his hand and patted his shoulder heavily.

"The current situation in the court seems to be calm, but in fact it is turbulent and weird, just like the calm before the storm. The mountain rain is about to come and the wind is full of the building."

Xiao Baorui lowered his head, still not saying a word.

"Even if you don't care about this country, don't you care about that child from the Xiao family?"

Thinking of Jing Yuan, Xiao Baorui raised his eyes nervously.

"Uncle Qin, do you know Jing Yuan's whereabouts?"

Qin Hong shook his head, "An Xionghu's actions were too fast back then. Originally, Xu Wanjin wanted to leave a queen for the Xiao family out of good intentions, but he didn't even think of it, and was tricked by others. But based on my treatment of An Xionghu I understand, the child from the Xiao family must still be alive."

Xiao Jingyuan is considered to be one of the few remaining relatives of Xiao Baorui in this world.

What's more, when Concubine Lan Gui secretly used the civet cat to replace the prince, An Xionghu also knew about it. Even when Concubine Lan Gui was able to send Xiao Baorui out of the palace smoothly, An Xionghu also helped in the middle.

That scheming man set up a game of chess a long time ago.

Back then, An Xionghu deliberately feigned death on the battlefield, and later relied on his own ability, relationship, and contacts to successfully get the job of the prefect of Yun'an.

These years, the reason why he has been dormant in Yun'an Mansion is because Yun'an City is not too far from Jinling City, which is convenient for him to inquire about news.

Another point is that there is an iron mine in a certain mountain near Yunshui County.

"It has been more than 20 years, and the strength of An Xionghu in his hands today is probably unpredictable." In the Liang Dynasty, Qin Hong and An Xionghu were known as the two heroes of the north and the south.

There are also a group of loyal soldiers behind An Xionghu.

"He paved the way for himself under the banner of revitalizing Daliang. Now his daughter has become the queen of this harem. Once his daughter gives birth to a son and a half, he will take the emperor to command the princes, and he will surely be able to achieve it." I wish." Qin Hong sighed faintly, "Chen'er, this country is yours in the first place, don't you want to take it back at all?"

Xiao Baorui was silent.

He understood the meaning of the responsibility that Qin Hong said, but he didn't want to take that responsibility.

"Anyway, think about it carefully!" Qin Hong looked at him, hesitating to speak, "At noon tomorrow, I will arrange someone to wait for you at the port. If you want to leave, then go."

It was night, and the champion held an emergency meeting.

He told the brothers the significance of his dormancy on Xinzhou Island these years, and also expressed his thoughts.

For a while, everyone was silent, and everyone was secretly planning in their hearts.

Xiao Baorui walked to the seaside, looked at the bright moon hanging in the night sky, and was filled with emotion in his heart.

"Brother Xiao, are you okay?" Tang Lingtian hurried to Xiao Baorui's identity, and asked out of breath, "I just heard those people say that you...you are the third prince Murong Chen, is this true? "


"Wow, I knew that Brother Xiao, you are definitely not an ordinary person, as expected, you are a dragon and phoenix among people!"

Xiao Baorui didn't speak, but looked through the bright moonlight, thinking about someone in his heart.

Girl, it would be nice if you were by my side right now.

Now, my husband really doesn't know how to choose.

He didn't want to get involved in this power struggle, but he thought of the innocent Xiao family who were implicated, the innocent Lan family who were beheaded, and Concubine Lan Gui...

He felt uncomfortable in the bottom of his heart.

"Brother Xiao, are you troubled?" Tang Lingtian also understood from the conversations with those members of the Xinzhou Gang that Xiao Baorui's current situation is really not very good.

"Actually, Brother Xiao, you don't need to worry about it."

"I promise my wife that in the future, I will accompany her to live a quiet life of wandering clouds and wild cranes in the countryside."

"This will not conflict with your current choice," Tang Lingtian asked in confusion, "Brother Xiao, you have also been to the Northwest Military Camp, Spring City, Dongyang City, and Chaozhou. The people of the Yong Dynasty did not live very well."

Over the years, the superiors have been busy intrigue and killing each other, and who really cares about the life and death of the common people?

"During the drought last year, uprisings broke out everywhere. Although the court suppressed it and killed and injured countless innocent people before calming down, is killing the ultimate way to deal with these turmoil? Brother Xiao, I know You are caught in a tangle now, and I don't want to interfere with your choice. It's just that the current Dayong Dynasty really needs a Mingjun.

As for the things you promised to sister-in-law, you are already in deep trouble now. If you can't solve the current predicament sooner, you will be even more impossible to fulfill your sister-in-law's dream, isn't it? "

Tang Lingtian's words were like enlightenment, which made Xiao Baorui completely sober.

Yes, he didn't need to be entangled, because he had no choice at all.

He is the son of Concubine Lan Gui, the third prince Murong Chen of the Great Yong Dynasty, and this point can never be changed.

The current Murong He's foundation is still young, so he doesn't have the energy to deal with him at all.

But what about the future?

People in high positions are prone to suspicion.

If the late emperor's last edict did not appear, then Murong Ze, Murong He and his son would not be at peace.

Unless Murong Chen died, they would never let Murong Chen go.

"Thank you," Xiao Baorui, who had been silent for a long time, finally raised the corners of his lips, raised his hand and rubbed his head, "Tang Lingtian, you are smarter than I imagined."

"Of course!" Tang Lingtian smiled arrogantly.

Just when Xiao Baorui made a decision in his heart, Tang Huanxi designed a batch of new designs.

"Huanxi, the ones you drew don't look like clothes, do they?"

"Well, not clothes."

"That is?"

"These are the design drawings of weapons. You can see that this is a bow and crossbow that can hit every shot, and this is a sleeve arrow that can be hidden in the sleeve."

Tang Huanxi explained with a smile, "Sister-in-law, these are confidential drawings, and they must not be leaked!"

"Well," Qian nodded solemnly, and hurriedly retracted her head, "I still don't read it, and I didn't understand it at first."

Tang Huanxi smiled and began to tidy up those blueprints.

These are all designed by her for Xiao Baorui.

"I don't know what's going on with Mu Sheng's child now," Qian said, holding Xiao Yijin in his arms, and couldn't help sighing, "This child is too. How long has it been? I don't know how to write a letter to report her safety." , my heart is really up and down."

On the second day after Mu Sheng left, Tang Huanxi held an urgent family meeting and told everyone about Murong's real life experience.

Who would have thought that Mu Sheng was actually the son of Yunnan Wang Muli!

"Sometimes, no news is good news. Sister-in-law, don't worry. That child Mu Sheng has his own ideas in his heart. I believe he will handle his own affairs well."

(End of this chapter)

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