Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 704 Severe situation

Chapter 704 Severe situation

Tang Huanxi's words made Qian a little more relieved. She nodded with a smile, "Yes, that child has suffered a lot since he was a child, and he has an idea in his heart. I also believe that he will be able to handle himself well." things."

When Xiao Yijin fell asleep, Qian carefully put him back on the bed, then turned to look at Tang Huanxi, and asked softly, "Huanxi, are you hungry? Tremella lily porridge is still warming in the kitchen, I'll go get it for you." Do you have a bowl?"

"Alright, I just happen to be a little hungry too." Tang Huanxi smiled gratefully.

After the ink on the drawings on the table dried up, Tang Huanxi pondered for a moment, then wrote another letter.

"Hong Tao?"

"Young Madam?"

"Find a way to get this letter into Xiao Baorui's hands." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, thoughtfully, and then told me something else.


After Hong Tao left, Tang Huanxi gradually calmed down.

No matter what decision Xiao Baorui will make in the future, she will accompany him without hesitation.

[Ding dong——Your refrigerator cutie is online, master, the latest task has been announced. 】

【Again? 】Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows and smiled, 【I haven't completed the tasks issued by the system before! 】

Two months ago, the system required Tang Huanxi to become the new magistrate of Yunshui County.

Tang Huanxi did not complete the task.

[Won't the system punish me? 】

[Little cutie hasn't received any notice yet, but the master, the latest mission is a bit difficult. 】

【All ears. 】

[Recently, a large geological disaster will occur in nine counties including Yunshui County within the scope of Yun'an City. The owner must find a way to reduce the possible damage caused by this disaster as much as possible. 】

【Geological disaster? 】

【Um. 】

[What type of geological disaster?Earthquake or landslide? 】

[The system detects that a large earthquake will occur in the next ten days, with a deep focus and a wide range. 】

[Ten days? 】

【Yes! 】

[Where is the specific location? 】

[Changfeng Town, Tianshui County. 】

Tang Huanxi nodded slightly, her eyes became more serious.

Ten days, ten days later, a large-scale earthquake will erupt.

Thinking of this, Tang Huanxi felt her head hurt.

How can she turn the tide on her own?

"Huanxi, what's wrong with you?" Qian came in with a bowl of white fungus and lily porridge. Seeing Tang Huanxi's serious expression, she couldn't help feeling a little uneasy, "What happened?"

"It's okay," Tang Huanxi forced a smile, but her face became paler and paler.

"During this period of time, you have been busy designing new clothes for Dai Laimei and designing these blueprints. You must be tired. After you finish drinking this porridge, why don't you go to bed earlier?"

"it is good."

A quarter of an hour later, Tang Huanxi thought about it, and ordered Hong Fu to enter the inner hall.

"Hongfu, help me with one thing."

"Also ask Mrs. to order."

"No matter what method you use, you must send this letter to An Xionghu, the magistrate of Yun'an, and don't startle the snake." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and for the present plan, the only way to tell An Xionghu about the earthquake in the future up.

If An Xionghu really wants to be in that high position, then he will definitely try his best to make the people less hurt.

In this way, it can also win the hearts of the people.

The next day, Tang Huanxi woke up early and took Hong Rong back to Huayang Village.

If she remembered correctly, Village Chief Tang's cousin is currently working in the county government office in Yunshui County.

If you can get in touch with that person, maybe a lot of things can get twice the result with half the effort.

Huayang Village.

Tang Ren, who heard the sound of horseshoes, hurried out the door. The moment he saw Tang Huanxi, tears filled his eyes.

"Huanxi girl, you are here!"

"Uncle Tang, I was so busy years ago that I didn't have time to visit you. I heard that you caught a cold a few days ago. Are you feeling better now?"

"It's much better, much better!" Tang Ren's face blossomed into a smile, and he hastily welcomed Tang Huanxi into the room, "Hurry up, come in, don't freeze the child!"

Tang Huanxi smiled, and followed him into the main room of the Tang family.

"This child is Yijin, right?" Tang Ren kept his eyes on the child who was held by Hong Rong in his arms, and smiled lovingly, "He looks very good-looking, and his eyes are black and bright. , this child can tell at a glance that he is promising!"

Although Xiao Yijin is only a little over one year old now, he is really smart.

Hearing Tang Ren's voice, he actually grinned the corners of his lips, and smiled lolo.

"Look, the little guy smiled. It seems that he also agrees with what I said. This kid will definitely be promising in the future!" Seeing Xiao Yijin responding to him, Tang Ren smiled even more heartily.

Tang Wu made tea in a hurry, and then looked at Tang Huanxi with a smile, "Sister Huanxi, our family is very happy that you can come, especially my father, who has been looking forward to your coming for a long time!"

"It's all my fault. I promised to come to pay New Year's greetings earlier, but the delay came only now. Uncle Tang, please don't be angry with me!"

"Then how can you be angry?" Tang Ren shook his head hastily, "I know you are busy, not to mention the plague broke out in the county some time ago, I was thinking in my heart, you must not come, and some time ago It's freezing cold, and I've caught the wind and cold again, so I won't worry if you bring your child here!"

After exchanging pleasantries, Tang Huanxi looked at Tang Ren with a gradually serious expression.

"Uncle Tang, I heard that you have a relative who works in the county government of Tianshui County?"

"Well, it's been a long time since we talked." Tang Ren nodded, feeling deeply moved, "That's my aunt's son. Back then, my aunt married to Tianshui County. I heard that my cousin was a promising man. , became a head catcher at a young age, and later became a teacher in the county government. Didn’t a landslide occur in Huayang Village the year before last? My cousin is kind, and sent someone to send a A letter and six taels of silver."

"So, your cousin is also a generous person?"

"Well, I heard from my mother that my aunt is the kindest person, so I think my cousin is also a good one." Tang Ren's tone was full of melancholy, "It's just that we haven't contacted for a long time. , Why, Huanxi, why did you mention this all of a sudden?"

"Uncle Tang, there will definitely be an earthquake in Tianshui County within ten days." Tang Huanxi looked into his eyes and said solemnly, "Uncle Tang, can you come with me to Tianshui County?"

Tang Ren's heart skipped a beat when he heard the word "earthquake".

The sound of the earthquake that happened in Yunshui County two years ago made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Happy, it's not too late, so let's start earlier?"

(End of this chapter)

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