Chapter 706
"Returning to your mother, there is no news from Yunshui County, but..."

"Speak straight."

"There's a letter from Fucheng, ma'am, do you want to read it?" Now that Lu Yin has become An Xiuhui's confidant, she also understands An Xiuhui's thoughts to a certain extent.

She never thought about going home.

Even though she has become a queen, she really has no feelings for Yun'an City.

"If you have time, hand over that letter." An Xiuhui lowered her eyes to cover the sarcasm in her eyes.

Father never came to her for no reason.

There must be something to ask for.

Sometimes, An Xiuhui really doubted whether she was the daughter of her parents or not.

"Your Majesty, don't be sad. You still have slaves by your side. In another nine months, when you give birth to the little prince, you won't feel sad." Lu Yin gently massaged her shoulders, with a gentle tone Full of consolation.

"Yeah." An Xiuhui nodded and said no more.

At that time, it was the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Murong He was dealing with government affairs. Last year, Xiao Baorui burned down Xiliang's granaries by himself. Later, under the leadership of General Qin, the Yong Dynasty recaptured dozens of cities that had been occupied by Xiliang for many years.

However, after more than half a year of stable life, those Tartars in Xiliang began to be restless again.

Thinking of these things, Murong He felt a headache.

Until a faint fragrance came in.

Murong He raised his eyes, and met Rui Fei's smiling eyes.

"The concubine has met the Holy One, and the Holy One is blessed."

"Why is Aifei here?" Murong He smiled slightly, his tone full of exhaustion.

"The concubine heard that the Holy Majesty is busy with court affairs recently, so I cooked this tonic soup myself. I hope that the Holy Majesty will appreciate your face and drink a bowl." Concubine Rui walked to his side with a food box with a smile on her face, with Somewhat charming like a daughter's family, "The concubine is not good at cooking, and this tonic soup has been practiced for a long time before I feel that I can handle it...Your Majesty, please don't dislike it."

"My beloved concubine is so caring, how could I dislike it?" Murong He couldn't help feeling a little relieved when he heard her explanation.

"Try it, my lord?"


Murong He put down the memorial in his hand, and carefully tasted the tonic soup.

"What do you think, Your Majesty?" Concubine Rui looked at her with anticipation in her eyes, "Is it bad?"

"taste good."

"Did His Majesty speak the truth?"

"You have no jokes."

"If the Holy Majesty really likes it, then the concubine will be happy. But the concubine also knows that the concubine's craftsmanship is far inferior to that of the empress... By the way, my lord, the empress's cold is better? This concubine I'm really worried."

When Murong He heard this, the smile on his face restrained.

There is also a little more care in my heart.

"The queen's body has always suffered a loss, so she needs to take good care of it. Why, does Aifei feel a little tired of managing the affairs of the harem?"

"The concubine is fine, with the help of the nanny, and all the sisters in the harem are very harmonious. So the concubine doesn't feel tired, but your majesty, you must be very tired with all the affairs you have to deal with every day, right?"

Murong He smiled and said no more.

Concubine Rui knew that she had made a mistake in her words and deeds today, so she found an excuse and left in a hurry.

When An Xiuhui heard these things that happened in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, a mist appeared in her eyes.

"It seems that Concubine Rui is even more stupid than I imagined." An Xiuhui sneered, her tone full of sarcasm, "It's just that this superficial stupidity is really stupid, it's unknown yet."

Hubu Shangshu Chen Hena is a treacherous old fox.

This old fox, the daughter he taught will not be a stupid character.

Concubine Rui has been greatly favored since she entered the palace, and within three short months she became the second highest concubine below her.

Obviously, Concubine Rui would not be so foolish.

"My servant heard that Concubine Rui had a close personal relationship with Concubine Luo recently, and that Concubine Luo's father was the servant of the Ministry of Rites, who was also single-handedly promoted by the Minister of the Household Department. The servant thought that the reason why the imperial concubine said such things in the Hall of Mental Cultivation was for the purpose Probably to cleanse myself of suspicion."

Concubine Rui deliberately acted so stupid in front of the Holy Majesty, in order to dispel Murong He's suspicion.

I'm afraid Concubine Rui has already decided to treat Concubine Luo as the first bird.

Sure enough, in the early morning of the next day, Concubine Luo came to the gate of Fengluan Hall with the so-called extremely effective prescription for treating wind and cold.

Concubine Luo thought that if she wanted to go in, she would definitely have to go through a lot of trouble.

But he didn't want Luliu, the grand maid next to the empress, to welcome him in.

The moment she saw the queen, Concubine Luo's eyes were full of surprise.

Because the queen at this time didn't look like a person who was caught by the wind and cold at all, her face was rosy and her complexion was very good.

"It seems that the nanny next to Concubine Luo is not very competent. Concubine Luo has been in the palace for a long time, and she doesn't even know the most basic etiquette?" Lu Yin looked at Concubine Luo with cold eyes, "Seeing the empress, Still not polite?"

"The concubine is guilty, and I ask the empress to forgive me!" Hearing Lu Yin's question, Concubine Luo hurriedly knelt down.

"Get up," An Xiuhui ordered with a calm expression, "Why is Concubine Luo interested in coming to Fengluan Palace in my palace today?"

"The concubine heard that the empress had contracted a wind-cold recently and it was difficult to recover, so she thought of sending over an excellent medicine that the concubine had used before..."

"You are kind." An Xiuhui smiled slightly, her beautiful eyes were full of amorous feelings, "But I didn't catch the wind and cold. I was feeling unwell a few days ago. I only found out that I was afraid after calling the imperial physician. I have a body, but the pulse condition is too weak, and the imperial doctor can't be sure, so I secretly handed over the busy general affairs to Concubine Rui to take care of it, thinking about taking good care of my body."

With a body——

As expected, the queen was really pregnant!
A trace of jealousy quickly flashed across Luo Concubine's eyes, but soon disappeared.

"Then my sister congratulates the empress! Your empress is a blessed person."

"Then I would like to thank Sister Luo Concubine for her kind words."

Concubine Luo said a few more words, and finally she couldn't hold back the jealousy welling up in her heart, and hurriedly said goodbye and left.

Lu Yin looked at her back, eyes full of sarcasm.

"Your Majesty, why did you tell Concubine Luo about this?"

"When the month gets older, I won't be able to hide it anymore. What's more, if I want to keep the child, I will definitely be able to keep it." An Xiuhui smiled confidently.

She has never paid attention to these concubines in the harem.

It's just that Concubine Rui is used to pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, so she can't grow Concubine Rui's appetite.

Otherwise, it will be out of control.

(End of this chapter)

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