Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 707 Whimsical

Chapter 707 Whimsical
The fact that the queen was pregnant was like a gust of wind that quickly spread throughout the harem.

It was like a stone was suddenly thrown into the originally calm lake, and in an instant, a stormy sea broke out.

Murong He was startled at first, and then ecstatic.

What made him even happier was what An Xiuhui said secretly in his ear.

"Sometimes my concubine feels very sad. Your Majesty, you often doubt my concubine's feelings for you...Concubine is not good at expressing emotions, but concubine always treats you wholeheartedly. Concubine entered the palace just to disturb you. The situation in the harem... In fact, from the very beginning, my body and mind belong to you completely..."

After Murong He and An Xiuhui made friends that day, the nanny took away the yuan handkerchief that consummated the house the next day.

At that time, there were indeed traces on the Yuan handkerchief.

But he never got the most accurate answer from An Xiuhui, so he never dared to expect extravagantly.

But I don't want him to be mediocre all the time.

Now that An Xiuhui was pregnant, Murong He calmed down after being ecstatic.

No matter what, he wanted to hug the child in An Xiuhui's stomach.

When news of the queen's pregnancy spread throughout the Yong Dynasty, Tang Huanxi, who was far away in Yunshui County, was researching recipes.

When I heard the news, I couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

An Xiuhui is really a powerful character.

"Huanxi, are you really planning to leave for Tianshui County in the afternoon?"

"Well, there are some things to deal with." Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, and took out the freshly cooked sweet potato balls, "Sister-in-law, I leave all the things at home to you."

"Okay." Qian Shi smiled slightly, "Yesterday I went to see the sister of the Pei family, and she looked much better. She said that she still wants to work in Zhenmeili. Huanxi, what do you think?"

"Yes, it's just to reduce shopkeeper Pei's time to do things, and to reduce her workload."

"Success, I understand!"

Tang Huanxi fried two pots of sweet potato balls with purple sweet potato cores inside.

Bite down, the taste of purple sweet potato explodes in the mouth instantly, the taste is excellent.

Even Xu Wanjin, who doesn't eat much sweets on weekdays, couldn't help but eat five or six.

"Happy, your skills are getting better and better. Look at my belly, it has grown a lot!" Xu Wanjin has been busy running the shop in secret during this time, and he is so busy that he does not touch the ground.

But no matter how busy they are, there are always three meals a day, and Tang Huanxi often cooks, so everyone in this Tang house is raised fat and fat.

"Uncle Xu, I want to write a letter to sister Jiuqin, can you do me this favor?"

Before Tang Huanxi helped Xu Wanjin fake his death, Xu Wanjin handed over all the business of the Xu family to Xu Jiuqin.

In the past two years, Xu Jiuqin has also changed a lot. She is no longer as muddle-headed as before, and is earnestly learning to do business.

Now the reputation in Jinling City has also changed a lot.

"Are you looking for Jiuqin?" Xu Wanjin's eyes were a little surprised, "Huanxi, did something happen?"

"Well," Tang Huanxi nodded, and told Xu Wanjin that she had predicted the earthquake, "Uncle Xu, Tianshui County is not far from Feng County in Jinling City, and Xu's ancestral grave is near Feng County, right? "

Listening to her words, Xu Wanjin's eyes gradually became serious.

He understood why Tang Huanxi said these words. If there is an earthquake in Tianshui County in the future, then the Xu family's ancestral grave may not be peaceful...

"The matter is of great importance. I will write a letter to Qin'er immediately."

"Uncle Xu, the matter of moving the grave is very important. Even if Sister Jiuqin can take care of herself in the Xu family now, I'm afraid that other members of the Xu family will not agree to such a major event."

For an unreasonable speculation, it is necessary to move the ancestral grave.

The rest of the Xu family would definitely not agree.

"In your opinion, what should we do?"

"Uncle Xu, please read this letter, and send this letter to Sister Jiuqin after reading it."

Xu Wanjin suppressed the doubts in his heart, and carefully took a letter from Tang Huanxi's hand. After reading the contents of the letter, he was very surprised.

"Huanxi, the contents of this letter are all your own thoughts?"

"Yes, Uncle Xu, thank you for trusting me."

"Silly boy, how could I not believe you?" Xu Wanjin looked at him and said lovingly.

The afternoon sun was very warm. Tang Huanxi leaned back in the carriage, closed her eyes and rested.

Tang Ren looked at her several times during the period, but hesitated to speak.

"Uncle Tang, why don't you just speak up if you have something to say?"

"Huanxi, didn't you say earlier that the earthquake might happen two days later? We just set off for Tianshui County now, isn't it a bit late?"

"Uncle, don't worry, I know it well." Tang Huanxi smiled at him, "Uncle, try the sweet potato balls I made. How does it taste?"

"good to eat!"

"Then uncle, eat more. According to the speed of this carriage, maybe we can reach Tianshui County before dark."

Tang Ren looked at her confident appearance, so he couldn't say anything more.

He nodded with a smile, and simply began to tease Xiao Yijin who was held in Hongrong's arms.

[Ding dong——Your refrigerator cutie is online, what's the master's order? 】

[Little cutie, the real person of the Three Realms once said that Yijin was born with a godhead, if I take him to Tianshui County, can I stop this earthquake from happening? 】

【Master, are you too whimsical? 】

[Whimsical?I don't think so,] Tang Huanxi smiled lightly, the corners of her lips raised slightly, 【Didn't you tell me that whenever Yijin cried, it would rain? 】

Tang Huanxi has gone through a hundred years of reincarnation, and has long since lost her godhead and power.

But God finally treats her kindly, this child Yijin is extremely talented.

Maybe he is the key to stop this earthquake from happening.

【Master, the little master does have the ability to call the wind and rain, but he is still young and has no way to control his ability, so when he was in the Great Buddha Temple earlier, the real people of the Three Realms have blocked his divine power. 】

[Actually, at the beginning, I couldn't figure out many things, such as why I was Bairui a hundred years ago, and how could I be Concubine Lan Gui in my previous life?After Yijin was born, I wanted to understand a lot of things.The person who can really control the entire Yong Dynasty and become the superior cannot be Xiao Baorui, Yijin is the chosen one, right? 】

The little cutie was speechless for a moment.

He knew that his master was smart, but he didn't expect her to have already guessed the final outcome.

With no more cute voices in her mind, Tang Huanxi knew she must have guessed right.

That's why she insisted on taking Xiao Yijin out.

At dusk, Tang Huanxi and his party arrived in Tianshui County in a carriage.

Tang Ren's cousin, Tian Xuezhi, the master of the Tianshui county government, personally welcomed these people to Tian's house.

(End of this chapter)

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