Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 708 Jun 1

Chapter 708

Tian Xuezhi looks handsome, even though he is over fifty years old, he still looks energetic, especially his eyes, which are very shrewd.

"Big cousin, I have asked my wife to tidy up two guest rooms. You must be tired from rushing all the way here. Why don't you go back and rest for half an hour before coming to the main room for dinner. What do you think?"

After sitting in the carriage all afternoon, Tang Ren was indeed a little tired.

He is nearly sixty years old, and his body is not as good as before.

But there are priorities, he looked at Tian Xuezhi, and asked with deep eyes, "Cousin, have you ever received the letter I sent to you earlier?"

Tian Xuezhi nodded immediately, his eyes flashed across Tang Huanxi's face inadvertently, "Maybe the letter must have been written by Mrs. Xiao?"


Xiao Baorui is a vanguard general of the third rank, with a great reputation.

Tang Huanxi didn't give up too much. Among the people around Yunshui County, who has never heard of Tang Huanxi's name?
With a kind heart, the Bodhisattva is reincarnated.

These are the images of Tang Huanxi in the minds of the common people.

Now that Tian Xuezhi saw Tang Huanxi with his own eyes, there was a little doubt in his eyes.

"Mrs. Xiao, the matter you explained in your letter is of great importance. It's just that there is no evidence, how can I believe you? Even if I believe you, how can I convince those people?" Tian Xuezhi once heard The only thing about Tang Huanxi's deeds was that she was able to predict the time when the earthquake would occur. This point is really incredible.

Even more unbelievable.

"Master Tian, ​​can I take a step to speak?" Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then walked out of the main room with Xiao Yijin in her arms, and came to the backyard of Tian's house.

"What does Mrs. Xiao want to say?"

"Seeing is believing." Tang Huanxi looked at him and smiled slightly, "Master Tian, ​​whether you believe what I wrote in the letter or not, at least you should want to keep your Tian family's ancestral grave Right? In addition, Mr. Tian, ​​you have a very good reputation among the people, and you are deeply loved by the people. Are you willing to reduce the entire Tianshui County to ashes?"

"How do I know Mrs. Xiao isn't scaremongering?"

"Do you think it's necessary for me to bring Uncle Tang from thousands of miles to scare you? To be honest, what does it matter to me whether the people in Tianshui County live or die? I'm not an official, and I have nothing to do here. Industry. If it wasn't for Uncle Tang who helped me when I was young, why would I come here to talk to you?"

Tian Xuezhi immediately lowered his eyes, thinking seriously about the deep meaning in Tang Huanxi's words.

As early as when he received Tang Huanxi's letter, Tian Xuezhi began to doubt it.

Seeing Tang Huanxi's attitude now, he knew it was not Tang Huanxi's alarmist talk.

"It's just that if I do what you wrote in your letter, will it really work?"

"If Master Tian doesn't try, how will he know?"

Night fell quietly, and countless stars twinkled in the night sky.

Tang Huanxi sat in the gazebo in the backyard of the Tian family, looking up at the night sky with mixed feelings in her heart.

This time she brought Yijin to Tianshui County, could she really avoid this disturbance?

Also, Xiao Baorui, when do you plan to go home?
Have you forgotten that you still have a wife and children at home waiting for your return?
Xinzhou Island.

Looking at Xiao Baorui, who was paler and paler, Qin Hong frowned, "What's wrong with you? Suffering from the wind and cold?"

"Well, it's nothing serious."

"That's good," Qin Hong nodded, and continued to deploy the battle plan, "You see, our Xinzhou Island is the closest to Chaozhou and Shenzhou, but Tang Hao, the governor of Chaozhou, is treacherous, and he must have a lot of money in his hands. Elite soldiers, so I plan to use the trick of making a move."

Now the brothers of the Xinzhou Gang have a total of only about 2000 people, and the number of weapons is far from enough.

Even if the brothers can fight ten against one, but they don't have weapons, if they confront the elite soldiers of the imperial court with swords head-on, they will die in a blatant manner.

"Master, I have an unfeeling request." At this moment, Tang Lingtian suddenly stepped forward and said with a serious expression, "Please give me a chance to sneak back to Chaozhou City with a team of people. I will find a way to win over the guards guarding the city gate, and when the brothers invade Chaozhou, they should cooperate with each other."

"It's not going to work!" Hou Zi objected immediately, "The governor of Chaozhou is your father, who knows what you have in mind? If you secretly go back and tell your father our plan, wouldn't our success come to naught?"

"I don't have a father for a long time." Tang Lingtian smiled wryly, took a step back and said nothing more.

Seeing this, Xiao Baorui patted him on the shoulder, comforting him silently.

"Uncle Qin, I trust Ling Tian." Xiao Baorui looked at Qin Hong and said firmly.

Qin Hong pondered for a moment, finally looked at Tang Lingtian, and smiled slightly, "Since Baorui trusts you, then I trust you too. You lead a small column and set off first. I'll give you five days, and five days later, at midnight , Brothers will directly attack Chaozhou, if you still can’t convince the generals defending the city, then don’t blame us for bloodbath Chaozhou.”

Most of the death of the Xiao family in Jinling was also written by Tang Hao.

Now it has come to a critical moment, he has been dormant for so many years, and now it is time to take revenge.

The rain is coming and the wind is all over the building.

Xiao Baorui looked at the calm sea, and the expression on his face became more and more calm.

"What are you thinking?" Scorpio walked up behind him and asked curiously.

"Brother Scorpio, I'm wondering if the path I chose to take is the right one?"

If the troops led by Uncle Qin rushed out of Xinzhou Island, he would definitely blaze a trail in the land of the Dayong Dynasty.

But in doing so, is it a kind of protection or a kind of harm to the people?

"Brother Xiao, you might as well think about this issue from a different angle." Scorpio handed over a jar of wine, then sat on the ground, looking at the boundless sea, and sighed softly, "I have been a beggar since I was a child. Before Big Brother, I saw the worst side of the common people."

"At that time, the imperial court was in turmoil, and the streets of Zhumen's wine and meat were frozen to death. The imperial court increased taxes, and the common people were in dire straits. Those poor families had no way to fill their stomachs, so the most unbearable side of human nature appeared. When they came out, those people first sold their daughters and finally their sons, and what’s more, the refugees ate the carcasses of animals that had rotted long ago in order to fill their stomachs..."

"Later Murong Ze came to the throne, but he was so busy controlling power that he didn't realize how miserable the people of the Yong Dynasty were living in during the summer of his rule. To put it bluntly, in my eyes , the members of the Murong royal family are too cold."

(End of this chapter)

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