Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 716 old acquaintance

Chapter 716 old acquaintance


He Yihang felt like a stick in his throat when he heard her words.

For these years, he was clearly deceiving himself and others. At the beginning, the elders in the family didn't understand how he would give up the family's inheritance rights and turn to study the art of Qi and Huang. It wasn't until the moment he decided to enter the palace that He Yihang understood that all these years He never let go.

The woman in front of him has long been the deepest nostalgia in his heart.

Knowing that she can't get what she wants, she is willing to stay by her side, even if she can only look at her from a distance like this, she still feels satisfied.

"Your Majesty is pregnant now, don't worry too much, lest you hurt your body." He Yihang lowered his head to cover the complex emotions intertwined in his eyes, bowed gently towards An Xiuhui's position, then turned and left .

Looking at his running back, the corners of An Xiuhui's lips could not help but curl slightly.

He still has a place in his heart after all.

"Niang Niang?" Seeing the smile on An Xiuhui's face that was uglier than crying, Lu Yin asked worriedly, "Niang Niang, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," An Xiuhui smiled, and took out a handkerchief from her bosom to wipe away her tears, "Since I'm pregnant, I've become more sentimental."

He Yihang, who left Fengluan Hall, couldn't tell what he was feeling at the moment.

Today he realized that she had her own in her heart.

Between them, it is clear that they are in love with each other, but why did she insist on entering the palace in the first place?
Just as He Yihang was thinking about it, he didn't even notice the Ruicai person walking towards him.

"Look at the direction of Imperial Physician He, did he just come out of the Fengluan Hall? Why is Imperial Physician He looking lost, has something happened?" Rui Cairen was supported by the maid beside him, and looked at He Yihang with a full look in his eyes The taste of speculation.

"The lower official has met the Ruicai people."

"Excuse me, Imperial Physician He." Rui Cairen smiled slightly, "I heard that Imperial Physician He and the Empress are old acquaintances?"

Old acquaintance, these three words were deliberately accentuated by Chen Rui.

He Yihang's heart skipped a beat, but the expression on his face was still very calm, "Your Majesty was joking, the official only saw the Empress's true face after entering the palace."

"Really?" Although Chen Rui's voice was very soft, it was full of doubts.

He Yihang originally wanted to explain something, but later felt that if he explained it again, it would be unnecessary.

So he made an excuse and left in a hurry.

Chen Rui looked at his back, thoughtfully.

He Yihang is a pretty good banner, if American Express is to do it, maybe An Xiuhui can be pulled down from the queen's position.

However, this matter still needs to be planned slowly.

In March, the spring is bright.

Zhenmeili has launched a series of flower essence skin care products, and the business is booming.

Qian would go to Zhenmeili to help before dawn every day, and would not come back until sunset.

"Huanxi, why don't we go to the matchmaker tomorrow? Both of us have work to do, and this family should find someone capable to help with it." After two years of experience in the business field, Qian's horizons have also broadened. Not a lot.

When Tang Huanxi proposed to buy a few servants to take home for use, Qian always felt that something was inappropriate.

But now she has figured it out.

"Yes, as long as you agree, sister-in-law."

"By the way, Huanxi, I plan to visit Qingcheng Academy in two days. I made two clothes for Zihan a while ago, and I plan to send them there."

"Okay, when is sister-in-law going to leave, shall we go together?"

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements first?"

"it is good."

After Qian Shi left, Tang Huanxi continued to lower her head to calculate the accounts for the last three months.

Although Xia Shuqin got rid of Zhen Meili a few years ago, fortunately, the loss was stopped in time, so it didn't have much impact on Zhen Meili.

Under the care of the two sisters, Pingan and Fuan, Dai Laimei's business is getting better and better. Counting the dividends from the restaurant given by Brother Pei a few days ago, the money in Tang Huanxi's hands is now close to 1 taels. .

1 taels is a huge sum of money for ordinary people.

But once you consider what Xiao Baorui will do in the future, 1 taels is just a drop in the bucket.

Tang Huanxi thought about it and decided to go back to Hekou Village tomorrow.

She remembered that there was an undeveloped peach grove in the area of ​​Mingtang Mountain. If she could buy that peach grove and operate it a little, she might be able to earn a lot of money.

After making up his mind, Tang Huanxi quickly made arrangements.

Just at this moment, Xiao Yijin woke up.

Taking the child back from Hongrong's hand, Tang Huanxi had a gentle smile on her face, "Yijin, are you awake? Why are you pouting so unhappy? Do you miss your father? Actually, mother I also miss your father very much..."

Xiao Baorui, who was far away in Chaozhou, was taking stock of the wealth of the Governor's Mansion in Chaozhou, but felt his nose itch.

"What's the matter?" Qin Hong looked at him and asked with concern, "Is there something uncomfortable?"

"I'm fine." Xiao Baorui shook his head lightly, the lady and Yijin must both miss him.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Baorui tidied up a small box, filled it with some jewelry and a few banknotes, and then wrote another letter, telling the brothers of the Hongluan Gang to send it back to Yunshui County as soon as possible.

"Baorui, what's the next strategy?"

Originally, Qin Hong was worried that their Xinzhou gang would not have enough troops, and it would not be easy to conquer Chaozhou.

Who would have thought that Tang Lingtian had long regarded Xiao Baorui as his own eldest brother, and never said anything different about his orders.

Now that they have successfully occupied Chaozhou, taking advantage of the momentum of the soldiers, Qin Hong suggested to continue to attack Guangzhou and Ganzhou, which are adjacent to Chaozhou.

Especially Guangzhou Fufu, if they can successfully capture Guangzhou, then they will be one step closer to the position in Kyoto.

"The governor of Guangzhou is Han Guogong's confidant. As for Ganzhou, Liu Qian, the governor of Ganzhou, was also a general in the past. There are three thousand elite soldiers in Ganzhou, and our brothers from the Xinzhou Gang only have two thousand elite soldiers. It is not appropriate to continue to attack the other two state cities with more and less."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I heard that Liu Qian is impulsive and reckless. Although he has extraordinary martial arts, he has a fatal weakness. He is a womanizer."

"Are you going to use a beauty trick?" Qin Hong instantly understood what he meant, "However, it is not an easy task to subdue Liu Qian."

"It would be the best if he can surrender without a fight, but if he doesn't want to defect to us, then he can only be killed." Xiao Baorui pointed to the icon on the map and said expressionlessly.

"A few days ago, I contacted Qin Xiao, and now he replied, do you want to read it?" Qin Hong thought for a while, and decided to hand the letter to Xiao Baorui.

(End of this chapter)

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