Chapter 717
After Xiao Baorui finished reading the contents of the letter, he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Uncle Qin actually said that if he rebelled, he would kill him.

In other words, once the group led by Xiao Baorui really became popular, Qin Xiao would not sit idly by.

"Are you really Uncle Qin's eldest brother?" Xiao Baorui handed the letter to the dim candlelight, watched the letter gradually burn to ashes, and finally chuckled lightly. The emotion in his tone made him It is difficult for people to understand.

"He is different from me. He has been instilled with the idea of ​​loyalty and patriotism since he was a child." Qin Hong sighed helplessly, "Qin Xiao is different from me. Xiao Yuanchuan accidentally saved your life, I think it is impossible for him to take you in."

"Anyway, Uncle Qin has been kind to me in nurturing me."

Although Qin Xiao blocked Xiao Baorui's painful experiences when he was young without obtaining Xiao Baorui's consent.

But no matter what, Xiao Baorui was brought up by Qin Xiao. He personally taught him how to read and learn martial arts.

A teacher for one day and a father for the rest of his life, so in Xiao Baorui's heart, Qin Xiao's weight is very heavy.

"The Great Yong Dynasty had constant internal and external troubles. Those in power only wanted to enjoy themselves, but never thought of being a wise ruler who loved the people. Such a court would be overthrown sooner or later. After all, this country was brought down by your Murong family. Yes, if you just hand it over to someone else, wouldn't you feel a pity? The taste of power is quite wonderful."

Xiao Baorui didn't speak, but felt a little disdainful in his heart.

He never cared about whether he had power or not. He just wanted to guard his wife and children and live the rest of his life safe and sound.

Looking at his side like that, Qin Hong understood what he was thinking.

"I know your original intention and you don't want to rebel, but Xiao Baorui, at this moment and at that moment, if you are really just Xiao Baorui, you naturally don't have to face these things, but you are Murong Chen, this is an indisputable fact, even if you don't want to take it back Something that belongs to you, some people, will force you to fight for it."


As soon as Qin Hong finished speaking, a dart flew towards Xiao Baorui's eyebrows.

Xiao Baorui dodged and avoided the dart!
"Come on, chase after!"

When Scorpio led a team of people to investigate, Qin Hong looked at him and said in a deep voice, "If the dart is flying towards your wife this time, do you think she can escape in time?"

Thinking of Tang Huanxi being dragged into a dangerous situation by himself, Xiao Baorui's whole body was released with a low pressure.

The terrifying momentum is very terrifying.

Qin Hong patted him on the shoulder before leaving, and said earnestly, "I know what you think in your heart, and now things in Chaozhou are gradually coming to an end, why don't you go back, you and your wife have a good discussion .”

As for Xiao Baorui's wife Tang Huanxi, Qin Hong had already inquired secretly.

He was very curious about this Tang Huanxi.

If Xiao Baorui really wanted to achieve great things in the future, it would be more at ease to keep his wife and children under his nose.

Xiao Baorui readily accepted Qin Hong's suggestion.

He had received a letter from Tang Huanxi's family before, and the lady's thoughts were very clear in her heart.

No matter what decision he will make in the future, the lady will be by his side.

Thinking of his wife, Xiao Baorui felt warm in his chest.

Seven days later.

In the early morning after it just rained, the air was very fresh.

Tang Huanxi dressed Xiao Yijin in an orderly manner. Looking at her son's cute face, she couldn't help showing a happy smile.

"Yijin, your father said he would be back in two days, do you miss your father?"

"Du... think..."

In the blink of an eye, Yijin was almost one year old, and sometimes, Yijin could pronounce some simple syllables.

Tang Huanxi smiled when she heard her son's soft voice.

"I miss your father too. Do you think your father misses our mother and son? I heard that there are so many beautiful women in Chaozhou. I don't know if your father has forgotten both of us..." Tang Huanxi whispered Tucao, unknowingly, the eye sockets turned red.

"My lady," Xiao Baorui, who happened to walk to the door, felt a strong sense of self-blame and guilt when he heard Tang Huanxi's words.

Back then when he left with Tang Lingtian, he wanted to ask Tang Hao what happened to the Xiao family in Jinling back then, as well as Xiao Jingyuan's whereabouts, but who would have thought that he would go to Xinzhou Island by mistake...

It's been four months since I last left home.

Seeing Tang Huanxi again, Xiao Baorui's eyes were filled with strong thoughts.

"Why did mother hear your father's voice?" At this time, Tang Huanxi was facing Xiao Yijin and was facing the door, so she thought she was hallucinating, "It is said that longing is sick, and mother used to be indifferent. Believe in these, but now it seems that this is true."

"My lady, it's me."

Xiao Baorui couldn't hold back the thoughts surging out of his heart anymore, strode forward, and suddenly wrapped Tang Huanxi into his arms.

The moment the two people looked at each other, they both saw deep thoughts in each other's eyes.


"Yijin can speak?" Suddenly hearing Yijin speak, Xiao Baorui was very excited, "Huanxi, when will Yijin be able to speak? Will he call your mother? Then when will he call my father?" ?”

Xiao Baorui, who was very excited, hugged his son happily, then pressed his forehead against his, and said with a hearty smile, "Yijin, hurry up, call daddy and let daddy listen!"

Xiao Yijin didn't speak or cry, but just looked straight at Xiao Baorui.

"Lady, is this Yijin?"

"You haven't been home for several months, and this beard has sprouted, and your face is gray. We Yijin haven't recognized you as his father yet! Baorui, you go wash your face first, and I'll go to the kitchen for you." Make something to eat, okay?"

Looking at the bruise in Xiao Baorui's eyes, Tang Huanxi's heart was filled with distress.

It takes at least ten days to travel from Chaozhou to Yunshui County.

But Xiao Baorui only took seven days, obviously he rushed back day and night.

Although Tang Huanxi also missed him very much, seeing the exhaustion on his face, there was only distress in her eyes.

"it is good."

Tang Huanxi handed the child to Hong Rong, while she plunged into the kitchen.

Fortunately, there was still a large bowl of porridge left in the morning. Tang Huanxi thought about it, and quickly made another bowl of willow leaf fried dumplings.

The fragrant dumplings, with rice vinegar and a few pickles, look appetizing.

Xiao Baorui picked up the chopsticks, and after a frantic sweep, all the dishes on the table were swept away.

"My lady cooks the most delicious food." Xiao Baorui smiled contentedly, and then stretched out his hand to embrace Tang Huanxi in his arms, "My lady, these days have really worked hard for you."

(End of this chapter)

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