Chapter 724 Trap
"This diced chicken was fried by me this morning, and I added your Laoganma fried sauce. How is it? Is the taste okay?"

"It's delicious, sister-in-law's cooking skills are naturally good." Tang Huanxi looked at her and said with a smile.

"You, you know how to coax me. Who in the ten miles and eight towns of Yunshui County don't know that your cooking skills are the best!" Qian smiled pretending to be annoyed, "But this chicken noodle can get you Appreciate it, and I am also satisfied."

Tang Huanxi smiled and continued to eat noodles. The moment she saw Nanny Gui enter the door, she gave Nanny Gui a wink calmly.

Nanny Gui nodded slightly, and quietly stood beside Tang Huanxi.

A quarter of an hour later, Tang Huanxi suddenly passed out.

"Huanxi?" Qian stood up nervously, and hurriedly supported Tang Huanxi.

Nanny Gui immediately took a step forward, picked up Tang Huanxi's wrist, and made a serious diagnosis, "No, madam is poisoned!"

"Poisoned?" Qian's eyes widened in astonishment, and she looked at the unconscious Tang Huanxi in disbelief.

"This noodle is poisonous!" Nanny Gui took a silver needle and inserted it into the diced chicken noodle, and quickly came to a conclusion!
"'s impossible. I made this noodle with my own hands. How could it be poisonous?" Qian couldn't believe it. She kept waving her hands, and her expression became very worried!
"Ma'am, don't panic, who else has touched this bowl of noodles except you?"

"No more, I did it all by myself...No, Mingyue and Zhuzhu have been helping me!"

Hong Rong immediately went to arrest the two maids!

Nanny Gui took out a golden needle and stuck it at a point on the back of Tang Huanxi's hand, and the latter immediately opened his eyes.

Looking at the pale Tang Huanxi, Qian's eyes were filled with distress and self-blame.

"Huanxi, are you feeling better? It's all because of sister-in-law's fault..."

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, I'm fine."

Qian shook her head lightly, feeling more and more self-blaming.

Hong Rong has already investigated the ins and outs of the matter clearly. Both Pearl and Mingyue are secretly planted in Tang Zhai's eyeliner with the purpose of killing Tang Huanxi.

"I'm too stupid. If I didn't know people clearly, how could I poison you..."

"Sister-in-law, I'm really fine, don't worry, it's a pity that I haven't had enough of that bowl of chicken noodles yet."

"Then I'll cook you wontons, I'll do it myself!" As soon as Qian heard that she was hungry, she hurried to the kitchen,

Looking at her hurried back, Tang Huanxi smiled helplessly.

Nanny Gui, on the other hand, frowned worriedly.

"If madam wants to drive those two maids away, can't she just find an excuse? Why do you use this method?"

"Mommy, sister-in-law is a relative to me, I can't make her too sad."

If Tang Huanxi drove away Pearl and Mingyue regardless, I'm afraid Qian would be sad.

In order to take care of Qian's emotions, Tang Huanxi used this trick.

"Madam Qian's temperament is too simple, in fact, Madam should find a way to let her face the sinister heart."

Nanny Gui had heard about Qian's past, but after going through so many storms and setbacks, it was a bit rare for Qian to maintain such a clean and pure heart.

But if he stayed by Tang Huanxi's side, what he would have to face in the future would be bloody storms.

If Qian's temperament is not corrected sooner, it may lead to disaster in the future.

"Since Madam has already made a decision in her heart, the old slave will not say much."

"Well, don't worry, sister-in-law. My sister-in-law is always sincere to me. But I understand your painstaking efforts, sister-in-law. My sister-in-law is simple-minded, and I will need your help and persuasion in the future."

Nanny Gui nodded lightly, and she had an idea in her mind.

In the blink of an eye, more than half of April has passed.

An Xiuhui leaned on the beauty's couch bored, a little melancholy appeared between her brows.

"Father is really stupid. Ben Gong told him long ago that Tang Huanxi is not stupid. How could he be so reckless to put eyeliner on Tang Huanxi's side!"

"Your Majesty, don't get angry. You are pregnant now, so you can't move your baby." Lu Yin stood beside An Xiuhui, fanning her while persuading her softly.

Thinking of the child in her stomach, the annoyance on An Xiuhui's face instantly disappeared, replaced by a faint smile.

She stretched out her hand to touch her swollen belly, a little smile appeared on the corners of her eyes and brows.

"However, Xiao Baorui and Tang Huanxi and his wife are always a hidden danger," An Xiuhui sighed in a low voice, but the emotions in her tone were somewhat complicated.

She also sincerely regarded the couple as brothers and sisters-in-law, but thinking of Xiao Baorui's identity and Tang Huanxi's intelligence, she felt a headache.

If the child in her womb is the prince, then Xiao Baorui and his wife will become her son's stumbling blocks sooner or later.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Rui, please see me." Just as An Xiuhui was restless, a message from the palace servant rang in her ears.

Ruicai, who had been degraded, regained her honor at the end of last month. In addition, she was pregnant, and the Holy Majesty raised her status again. , but the difference is huge.

"What is she here for?"

"Your Majesty, I heard that there was a restless concubine in the harem who colluded with other people to do such a mediocre thing, and it happened to be caught by Concubine Rui."

"Nowadays, this palace doesn't take care of the palace affairs very much. Concubine Rui decides all matters in the harem. Since someone commits misdeeds in this palace, they should be killed directly."

"Niang Niang?" Lu Yin quickly raised her eyes and glanced at her, with a hint of unbearable flashing in her eyes.

"Your Majesty, why don't you go and see it before making a decision?"

An Xiuhui raised her eyebrows in doubt, and looked at Lu Yin with dissatisfaction in her eyes.

Lu Yin bit her lip, and finally said in a soft voice, "Your Majesty, I heard that the person who had sex with that concubine was Imperial Physician He."

He Yihang?
A flash of anger quickly flashed in An Xiuhui's eyes, and soon disappeared.

An Xiuhui is very clear about what kind of person He Yihang is.

He is an out-and-out gentleman.

It seemed that someone couldn't sit still and wanted to attack her.

An Xiuhui squinted her eyes, and there was a strange light in her eyes. Originally, she didn't want to waste time and energy with these women, so she would rather hand over the right to manage the palace affairs, just wanting to be clean.

But these women don't have brains at all, so it's ridiculous to use such clumsy methods to deal with her.

"Lu Yin, then help me go and have a look."


With the support of Lu Yin, An Xiuhui went to the side hall of Fengluan Hall.

At that time, the house was full of people.

Sitting at the top is Concubine Chen, followed by Concubine Rui, and the rest are some unremarkable concubines.

An Xiuhui's eyes quickly passed over the faces of these people one by one, and finally landed on the tall and straight figure kneeling on the ground, smiling slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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