Chapter 725

"Lu Yin, I remember that I handed over all the power to handle palace affairs to Concubine Rui before? Why is Concubine Rui still not satisfied? Concubine Chen brought a group of concubines and came to this palace without being informed. Fengluan Palace, looking at the posture, does Concubine Rui want this Palace to hand over the Phoenix Seal?"

There was always a slight smile on An Xiuhui's face, but every word she said was heartbreaking.

Concubine Rui did not expect that An Xiuhui would deliberately make things difficult for her when she arrived, her expression froze immediately, and she hurriedly came forward to salute respectfully, "This concubine has seen the empress, and it is indeed my concubine's discomfort to come here to disturb the empress, but today A major event happened in the harem, and the concubine really didn't dare to deal with it on her own, so I thought of coming to see the empress."

"Really?" An Xiuhui smiled, too lazy to argue with her anymore, turned around and walked in front of He Yihang, and asked puzzledly, "Physician He, I remember that today is not the day to ask for pulse, why are you here?" ?”

"Weichen..." He Yihang wanted to explain one or two things, but he felt a bit sore in his throat.

What if I explained it?
The obsession in his heart completely dissipated long after An Xiuhui became the queen and became pregnant.

"Mother, this concubine saw with her own eyes that Luo Cairen was having an affair with Imperial Physician He..." Concubine Rui explained softly, "At this hour, the Holy One rewarded this concubine with a lot of warming and nourishing herbs. This concubine was thinking about Luo Cairen a few days ago. Just after getting hit by the board, I wanted to visit, but I didn't want to see with my own eyes that Imperial Doctor He ran out of Luo Cairen's bedroom in disheveled clothes. The concubine was worried, and hurried into the inner hall, and found..."

Chen Rui frowned, his eyes were full of disgust, "The concubine found that Luo Cairen was also disheveled and messy, and there was still a scent of aphrodisiac in the bedroom."

An Xiuhui walked to Imperial Physician He's side calmly, with a bit of anger in her sharp tone, "Doctor He, are the words of Concubine Rui's words true?"

"Wei Chen—" He Yihang didn't understand why Chen Rui and Luo Yan'er staged such a big show to frame him.

He didn't understand.

But now everything has become an established fact, and he can't argue with it.

"Reporting to Empress Empress, what Empress Rui Concubine said is indeed true, but the relationship between Weichen and Concubine Luo is pure and innocent, and there is no personal affair! Weichen can swear to the sky!"

"Mr. He, I didn't expect you to be such a person... You are the one who killed Luo Cairen, yet you dare to argue!"

"Concubine Rui, if I haven't done it, I haven't done it!" The moment he heard An Xiuhui's voice, He Yihang sobered up a lot.

On the surface, it seems that this is a game deliberately designed by Concubine Rui and Luo Cairen against him, but in fact, their goal is clearly the queen!
He must not allow the queen to be harmed in the slightest, otherwise it would be meaningless for him to enter the palace and become an imperial physician.

"Concubine Rui, since you can't handle this matter properly, I will take care of this matter. Regardless of whether there is any selfish relationship between He Yihang and Luo Yan'er, I will investigate clearly!"

An Xiuhui's voice was sonorous and powerful.

Concubine Chen, who had been sitting at the top, looked at the queen carefully, and finally chuckled, "The Ai family has met Luo Cairen a few times, and he looks beautiful and handsome. At first glance, he is as similar as the queen." Six points are similar."

Just as Concubine Chen finished speaking, Murong He walked in.

Hearing these words just in time, his complexion was so gloomy that water could drip out.

Murong He's feelings for An Xiuhui are very special.

He absolutely cannot tolerate other people defile the goddess in his mind.

So as soon as he entered the palace, he ordered the powerful eunuch to take He Yihang down.

An Xiuhui raised her eyebrows and said nothing.

Concubine Rui looked at her suspiciously.

Until the little eunuch hastily reported that Luo Cairen had hanged himself.

And Luo Cairen left a suicide note before he died, explaining that there was no personal relationship between her and He Yihang, and the reason why he targeted He Yihang in this way was because He Yihang was unwilling to follow her orders to touch the queen's stomach.

Luo Cairen hated the Queen to death, and wished he could hurt her, that's why he used such a clumsy move.

She hated the queen, but she didn't want to implicate innocent people, so she apologized with death.

Murong He reluctantly accepted this ending.

Concubine Chen glanced at Concubine Rui, her eyes were full of dissatisfaction and disappointment.

It was originally a seamless situation, but in the end An Xiuhui managed to escape cunningly.

Jianjia Hall.

Embarrassed and angry, Concubine Rui broke a whole set of glass cups, but she still couldn't explain her depression.

"What a cunning An Xiuhui, what a stupid Luo Yan'er!" The originally perfect plan was ruined like this, how could she not be annoyed?
Seeing her angry and ugly expression, Concubine Chen lowered her eyes and took a sip of herbal tea.

"Is it enough?" Concubine Chen glanced at her, her eyes were full of disappointment, "Such a good game of chess was ruined like this, what's the use of getting angry now, it's clearly because your skills are not as good as others!"

"Auntie..." Concubine Rui burst into tears of grievance, "Luo Yan'er, an idiot, actually came here at the door!"

"Instead of blaming others here, it's better to investigate."

"...Yes." Rui Fei took a deep breath to adjust her emotions, and left in a hurry.

Concubine Chen retreated all the servants, and went to the small Buddhist hall in the backyard alone.

After reading the Buddhist scriptures for half an hour, Concubine Chen gradually calmed down.

An Xiuhui really has good means.

It's no wonder that she was able to turn the entire harem upside down with her own power. Neither the queen nor the imperial concubine was her opponent.

This woman is more terrifying than imagined.

Fengluan Hall.

Murong He expressed concern for An Xiuhui in a low voice, and left in a hurry.

He received a report that there seemed to be some changes in the five coastal states.

So he didn't stay longer in Fengluan Palace.

"Lu Yin, go to the Imperial Hospital to see Imperial Physician He, and ask the people in the imperial dining room to deliver a bowl of shock-reducing soup to Imperial Physician He." An Xiuhui sat in front of the dressing table, looked at the face in the mirror, and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Niangniang...wouldn't it be inappropriate to go at this time?" Lu Yin could see that today's farce was clearly a play deliberately staged by Chen Rui and Luo Yan'er, for the purpose of being in front of the Holy Majesty. A seed of doubt was planted in my heart.

Especially Concubine Chen's few words, clearly intended to bring disaster to the east.

"I am not afraid of the slanting shadow, just follow my orders." An Xiuhui raised the corners of her lips and smiled softly, "Also let Luliu come to see me."


"Here in this palace, there's no need to pick people up." An Xiuhui sneered, her tone became more and more severe!

(End of this chapter)

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