Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 740 Rebellion

Chapter 740 Rebellion
Facing Tang Huanxi's question, Han Yi was at a loss.

He really didn't expect that he would show his feet so quickly.

"What is Madam planning to do with me?"

"Although I hired you, you were not enslaved. So you shouldn't ask me this question." Tang Huanxi looked at him and smiled slightly, "I admit that I was too stupid to see that you did it on purpose. Come to get close to me. But Han Yi, you are very talented, just a butler of the Duke's mansion, don't you feel that you have wronged yourself?"

A look of surprise quickly flashed across Han Yi's eyes.

He originally thought that once his identity was exposed, Tang Huanxi would definitely punish him severely.

But this woman actually did the opposite.

It was really surprising that she wanted to pull herself into his camp.

"Madam, I am the son of the Duke's family." Han Yi smiled, and chose to tell the truth, "My mother is the nurse of the Duke."

"30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, now you are just a housekeeper of the Duke's Mansion, but since you have come to my side, you should have guessed my true identity. If you can give me your heart and give me everything Professor and willing to help me, in the future..."

Tang Huanxi chose to stop at some words.

Han Yi looked at the smile on her face, thoughtful.

Finally, he turned and left without hesitation.

Half an hour later, Hong Rong hurried in, "Madam, Manager Han has already packed her bags and left."

"En." Tang Huanxi nodded lightly in response and said nothing more.

"Ma'am, you don't seem surprised at Shopkeeper Han's departure?" Hong Rong looked at her and asked in a low voice, "But what you said to him just now, didn't you intend to keep him?"

"He won't stay." Without waiting for Tang Huanxi to answer, Nanny Gui smiled at Hong Rong, "Han Yi is the son of the Duke's mansion, and his mother is the wet nurse of the Duke of Korea. So the relationship between them must be extremely deep."

"Well, Han Yi is a talented person, so it's a pity to give up like this." Tang Huanxi silently put down the account in his hand, and smiled slightly, "However, no one can predict what will happen in the future."

"How long does Madam plan to stay here?" Nanny Gui said softly, "It's autumn now, and the weather here is a bit cold. If you stay for a long time, this old slave is worried that it will be bad for your health."

"Let's go back in the afternoon." Tang Huanxi smiled, "Han Yi has sorted out the accounts on the Moonlight side of the lotus pond very clearly, and there are no major mistakes. I think Yijin, tidy up, and we will go back later. "


On the way back, Tang Huanxi held a volume of military books and read them with gusto.

Tang Huanxi immediately became more vigilant when the carriage swayed suddenly.

Nanny Gui immediately protected him behind her back!


The sound of swords colliding suddenly rang in my ears!
Tang Huanxi immediately took out a dagger from his arms!

A sword shadow descended from the sky and immediately split the carriage in half!

In desperation, Nanny Gui immediately hugged Tang Huanxi in her arms, but her shoulder was injured.

Immediately there was a strong smell of blood in the air!

Seeing the man in black flying straight towards her, Tang Huanxi's eyes suddenly became very cold, as if a cold light flashed by!
"Be careful, Mommy!" Tang Huanxi immediately stretched out one arm to firmly protect Nanny Gui behind her back, and picked up the iron-sharpened dagger with the other hand to block it!


The long sword in the man in black's hand snapped!

The man narrowed his eyes suddenly, and stretched out his hand to grab Tang Huanxi's neck!
Tang Huanxi suddenly felt that she could no longer breathe——


The man in black in front of him was suddenly kicked away by a light blue figure!

"My lady, are you alright?" Xiao Baorui kicked the man in black away, and then took his life without hesitation!

Intense blood bloomed coquettishly in Tang Huanxi's pupils.

The alluring blood red made her feel sick.

Nanny Gui felt Tang Huanxi's emotions, and immediately raised her hand to cover her eyes!
"General, such a scene is too bloody, Madam may not be able to bear it—"

Before Mammy Gui could finish her sentence, Tang Huanxi was completely unconscious.

An hour later, Miao Chuntang.

Xiao Baorui looked at Tang Huanxi, who was still pale, with guilt and self-blame in his eyes.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't kill people in front of my wife."

"The situation is forcing you, so don't worry too much." Scorpio stood behind him, patted him on the shoulder lightly and comforted him, "Fortunately, we are all hurrying along the way, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Thinking of the group of men in black who wanted to kill his wife, Xiao Baorui's eyes suddenly burst into anger.

"Those people are dead men. I'm afraid we won't be able to find out for a while, but I have already ordered people to inquire about the news secretly."


At that time, Tang Huanxi fell into the mental space again.

【Ding, your cute refrigerator is online—Master, why did you behave so poorly this time? 】

The situation at that time was very urgent. If Xiao Baorui could not show up in time, Tang Huanxi might have to pay for his life.

[I don't know what's going on, I saw a lot of blood when I was with Xiao Baorui in the past, but this time——] Tang Huanxi just felt dizzy, and the position of his heart was stuffy and uncomfortable .

【Master, take this opportunity to take a good rest in the mind space, and I will send you out when you feel refreshed. 】

【Um. 】

Tang Huanxi nodded slightly, then closed her eyes again and forced herself to fall asleep.

In fact, she also had a guess in her heart.

Now the one in my stomach may not be able to see the blood.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the cool breeze blows.

Xiao Baorui stood by Tang Huanxi's side, his eyes full of longing.

"Lady, you have been asleep for more than two hours, wake up, okay?"

If Dr. Cheng hadn't said that Tang Huanxi's body was fine, Xiao Baorui would really be going crazy.

"My lady, I've been missing you and my son for the past few months. It's just such a big thing, why didn't you tell me?" Xiao Baorui reached out and gently touched her swollen belly, affectionately His eyes were full of gentle pampering, "Lady, I am really happy. If the child in your belly is a daughter, a pink and tender daughter like you, I will be even happier."

"Greedy." Hearing the man talking to himself, Tang Huanxi rolled her eyes at him angrily, "You won't like me if I give birth to a son?"

"Miss, are you awake?" Xiao Baorui was overwhelmed with surprise, holding her hand with both hands, excited, "Miss, why didn't you tell me that you are pregnant?"

"Fool, I know you are working hard for our future, and I don't want you to be distracted by me."

(End of this chapter)

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