Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 741 Moths to the flame

Chapter 741 Moths to the flame
"My lady—" Xiao Baorui's eyes gradually turned red, and his voice became more and more choked up.

"Sansheng is lucky to be able to marry you as a wife."

"Being able to marry you is the blessing of my reincarnation." Tang Huanxi smiled, "I'm a little hungry after lying down for so long, can you help me up first?"

"it is good."

Hearing the news that Tang Huanxi had woken up, Qian who hadn't rested immediately rushed into the kitchen.

After a while, a bowl of wontons entered Tang Huanxi's stomach.

"Huanxi, now that Baorui is back, don't worry too much, do you understand?" Qian didn't know that Tang Huanxi had been assassinated, and she thought that Tang Huanxi fell into a coma because of too much work.

"Well, I see, sister-in-law, don't worry, it's getting late, sister-in-law, why don't you go back and rest?"

"Ok, I know."

Before Qian left, she did not forget to take away Xiao Yijin who was sleeping on one side.

"Sister-in-law has changed a lot." Looking at Qian's back, Xiao Baorui said softly, "My lady, thanks to you."

"How is the situation in Linhai Wuzhou now?" Tang Huanxi looked at him and asked worriedly, "Is everything on the right track over there? If you come back like this, will you be concerned about the situation over there?" What's the effect?"

"Mistress, don't worry, with General Qin here, everything will be fine." Xiao Baorui raised his hand to touch her face, which was obviously thinner, and said softly, "I haven't seen you for a few months, madam, you have lost a lot of weight."

"This child is no better than Yijin. When she was pregnant with Yijin, she always had a good appetite. But this one is a bit delicate and can't eat meat, so she lost some weight."

"My lady, I'm sorry."

"Why do you have to apologize to me?" Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows slightly, a little puzzled.

"If I didn't have those so-called identities, my lady, you wouldn't have to work so hard." Xiao Baorui smiled wryly.

In fact, until now he still feels a little helpless, he has never thought about the position that does not belong to him.

But God's will tricks people, no matter in the eyes of the first emperor or Lan Guifei, they all chose him.

But no one ever asked Xiao Baorui what he wanted most in his heart.

"Xiao Baorui, if you don't have these extra identities, what would you most like to do?"

"My lady, have you ever heard of Peach Blossom Spring?"

"Yeah." Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, "The land is flat and open, and the houses are like mulberry and bamboo in the fertile fields and beautiful ponds. The traffic in the rice paddies, the chickens and dogs hear each other. Among them, the planters and men's clothes are like outsiders. Yellow hair hangs down. , and take pleasure in it.”

"I just want a peach blossom garden that belongs to me and my wife, and that's enough."

Tang Huanxi thought for a while, got up and walked to the side of the study, opened a box on the table, and handed the preliminary design inside to Xiao Baorui, "Look carefully."

Xiao Baorui raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes full of doubts.

After a quarter of an hour, he finished reading the dozen or so design drawings, and his eyes were burning with excitement.

"Ma'am, this is?"

"The reason why I didn't want to leave Yunshui County with you before was because I also had something I wanted to do. So I spent money to buy a field near Mingtang Mountain in order to have the opportunity to build my own in the future. Peach Blossom Spring.

Xiao Baorui, in fact, I understand you, I understand that you don't want to use the so-called late emperor's edict to become a great treasure, but today's Dayong Dynasty has long been dominated by foreign powers, and the late emperor and Lan Guifei tried their best to send you out of the palace , in addition to wanting to preserve your name, more is placing a hope on you, they don't want the Murong royal family's country to fall like this. "

"But lady..." Xiao Baorui smiled wryly.

"Xiao Baorui, have you ever thought about what would happen if you didn't show up in time when I was assassinated by those people today?"


"If you don't show up, I will definitely die. Even if Hongrong is a master of martial arts, she can't beat four hands with two fists. So I am dead. If I die, you will have two choices. First, you will be devastated and never again You can't pick yourself up; second you grieve for a moment, and then you pick yourself up and take back what's yours."

"I... I won't, I won't let my lady have an accident!"

"From the moment the emperor's last edict existed, you were already in danger. So we have no way to escape."

If you can't escape, you can only face it.

In fact, Xiao Baorui knew this truth very well in his heart, but he had resentment in his heart.

This kind of resentment is actually very bad.

Tang Huanxi's words just resolved the resentment in his heart.

"My lady, I understand."

"Well, it's good to understand."

Tang Huanxi nestled quietly in his arms, listening to the familiar steady heartbeat, her mood improved a lot.

"Miss, I miss you very much." Xiao Baorui rested his chin on her fluffy hair, his deep voice was full of charm, "I miss you very much."

"I miss you as well."

Tang Huanxi raised her head and looked at the man in front of her with a smile.

The moonlight is hazy, the veils are flying, and the room is charming.

Compared with the warmth of the Tang residence at this moment, the Fengluan hall in the imperial palace is very noisy.

An Xiuhui looked at the two court ladies who were kneeling and accusing each other, her eyes became colder and colder.

"I originally wanted to give you a chance. As long as you are willing to tell me who ordered you to poison the spices in this palace, I will save your life. But since you don't appreciate it, then I will Don't waste time, Lu Yin, take them down, each of them weighs [-] big boards, and then send them to Xin Zhe's library, and sell them out of the palace a month later."

"Empress, please spare me! Please forgive me!"

"Grace?" An Xiuhui sneered, "You dare to tamper with the spices in this palace to murder the emperor's heir, and you come to ask me for mercy, so you tell me, how can I show mercy?"

After a cup of tea, Lu Yin hurried into the inner hall.

"What's the matter?" An Xiuhui asked softly, fiddled with the long armor in her hand.

"These two people are the eyeliner placed by Concubine Chen in Fengluan Hall. Your Majesty, it's because of the negligence of slaves that such a big mistake occurred."

"This matter has nothing to do with you." An Xiuhui waved her hand indifferently, "Concubine Chen has stayed in the harem for so many years, it's not surprising that she would put eyeliner in Fengluan Hall of this palace, but Concubine Chen is dead, these talents She started to feel restless, obviously Concubine Rui couldn't help it."

An Xiuhui was surprised that Concubine Rui was smart, that's why she stayed behind closed doors in Hehuan Palace after Concubine Chen passed away suddenly.

But now, this person is obviously an idiot.

"Then how does the empress plan to deal with it?"

"Physician He told Ben Gong a long time ago that Concubine Rui's stomach is a princess, but she naively thought that she would definitely give birth to a prince. But it doesn't matter. Compared with Ben Gong, I would rather watch her moths flutter. Fire kills itself."

(End of this chapter)

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