Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 742 Holy Grace

Chapter 742 Holy Grace
"Your Majesty, what do you mean..." Lu Yin looked at the faint smile on An Xiuhui's face, and a look of surprise quickly flashed across her eyes.

The empress has done so much before, is she just trying to let Concubine Rui kill herself?
If this is really the case, then the empress's scheming is really too deep.

"Where is His Majesty now?" the Queen asked, frowning.

According to how much Murong He cared about her, how could he be indifferent to such a big thing happening in Fengluan Palace?
Unless someone deliberately provokes.

Compared with Concubine Rui, who was not to be feared, An Xiuhui was more worried about the Supreme Emperor Murong Ze who was huddled in the Chunhua Palace.

"It turned out that the Holy Majesty had already come, but when he heard that the Supreme Emperor was unwell, the Holy Majesty diverted to Chunhua Hall."

"Sure enough." An Xiuhui waved her hands, her voice became deeper and deeper, "Lu Yin, you go out first, I want to be alone for a while."

The wind in early autumn is a bit bleak.

Murong He leaned on the dragon chair in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, closed his eyes and meditated.

Until a vague fragrance spread to his nostrils, he slowly raised his eyes, and what caught his eyes was a light blue figure.

An Xiuhui carried the food box and walked to his side with a smile, "My lord, my concubine went to the imperial dining room to cook this glutinous rice and red bean cake in person. Would you like to try it?"

"Now that you are pregnant, why do you keep yourself so busy?" Murong He looked at her with a sincere smile in his eyes, "But your cooking skills are excellent."

"If the concubine's craftsmanship can make the Holy Majesty relieve his fatigue, that is the concubine's blessing." An Xiuhui smiled, then took a piece of glutinous rice and red bean cake and handed it to Murong He's mouth, "Try it, Your Majesty?"


"I heard that someone poisoned the spices in Fengluan Hall?"

"My Majesty, don't worry, my concubine is fine." An Xiuhui said softly, "My concubine knows that my majesty will protect my concubine and the prince in his womb, so I don't worry."

"I already know the ins and outs of the whole matter. At the right time, I will give you an explanation."

"My lord, my concubine doesn't care about these things. What my concubine cares about is your majesty's feelings for my concubine." An Xiuhui looked at him with a bright smile on her face, but tears fell down uncontrollably, "If in the past, Once the Holy Majesty heard that something like this happened to the concubine, he would definitely visit the concubine immediately, but this time..."

Seeing her burst into tears, Murong He felt very sad, but remembering the Supreme Emperor's instructions, he still remained silent after all.

At this moment, An Xiuhui's heart was full of worries.

"Queen, stop thinking about it. It's not that I don't care about you, it's just that I know you're fine, so I didn't rush to Fengluan Hall immediately."

In the dead of night, An Xiuhui returned to Fengluan Palace.


"Lu Yin, prepare your pen and ink, I want a letter from the palace."


After some deliberation, An Xiuhui still decided to tell An Xionghu about Murong He's abnormal behavior during this period.

"Your Majesty, it's late at night, why don't you go to bed earlier?" Zisu, Concubine Rui's confidant in the Palace of Hehuan, looked at her and said worriedly.

"I want to make more clothes for the children." Concubine Rui smiled softly, but the movements of her hands did not stop, "The current situation... I don't know who will win between Bengong and the empress in the future. Seeing that I still have time, I want to do more things for the children."

"Your Majesty—" Zisu was at a loss for a moment, she thought for a while, and then said her thoughts to Concubine Rui, "My Lady, are you really going to fight the Queen endlessly?"

Concubine Rui didn't speak, but silently put down the needle and thread in her hand, and her eyes became very sharp in an instant, "Auntie's death must have been done by the queen, and I will always let the queen pay for it with blood!"

"But now that the Empress is deeply favored by the Holy Grace, and she is also pregnant, it is better not to confront her head-on at this time."

"Zisu, I think I'm so stupid. I only understand what my aunt told me back then."

Concubine Rui gave a wry smile, her words were full of regret.

She was really too stupid, she had received Murong Ze's favor as soon as she entered the palace, she thought that the Holy Spirit would also show some sincerity to her, but since ancient times, emperors are so ruthless.

When Murong He doted on her back then, it was only for check and balance.

"My lady, don't say that."

"Zisu, go and do something for Bengong." Concubine Rui suddenly thought of someone, and a surge of excitement surged deep in her heart, "After the matter is done, Bengong will let you out of the palace."

"Your Majesty, this servant wants to stay by your side and take good care of you."

"An Xiuhui has ulterior motives, I am not her opponent. She even caught the hidden stake that my aunt planted in Fengluan Hall many years ago. If you stay by Bengong's side, it will be a real waste."

"Your Majesty, what do you want the servant to do?"

Concubine Rui didn't speak, but turned around and packed some jewelry and stuffed a few banknotes into the bag.

"Go to Yun'an City and inquire about everything about An Xiuhui, and don't forget even the trivial things. Then you go to Yunshui County and help me deliver a letter to Tang Huanxi in Yunshui County."

"it is good!"

The weather in early autumn is very cool.

Tang Huanxi stayed in the room to specify the rules and regulations of the newly opened restaurant, occasionally frowning and occasionally laughing.

"My lady, what's the matter with you?"

"When I think of our restaurant's success in the future, I feel happy from the bottom of my heart." Tang Huanxi smiled at him, "By the way, Xiao Baorui, is Big Brother Pei back?"

"I have sent someone to pick him up, and I believe he will be here soon."

"That's good."

He made up his mind to open a restaurant in Kyoto because he wanted to collect information better.

When Pei Zhonghou received Xiao Baorui's invitation, he hurried back without looking at the ledger in his hand.

"Brother Baorui, are you back?" The moment he saw Xiao Baorui, Pei Zhonghou's face was full of surprises, "Let's go, let's go, we brothers are going to have a drink to our hearts' content, and we won't go home until we're drunk!"

"Brother Pei, I'll have a good drink with you after finishing the business."

"to make."

Pei Zhonghou walked to the study, and after listening to Tang Huanxi's plan, he raised his eyebrows slightly thoughtfully.

"If the plan is successful, by the end of the year, the Huiwei Building in Kyoto will be able to open. I will give you ten more recipes. The business of the Huiwei Building will definitely flourish by then." Tang Huanxi Looking at him, he said with a firm tone.

If it was someone else, Pei Zhonghou would have turned his head and left long ago.

But the person in front of him was Tang Huanxi, the one who was best at creating surprises.

"Huanxi, why did you refuse when I proposed to open Huiweilou in Kyoto?"

(End of this chapter)

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