Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 745 Incompetent Mother

Chapter 745 Incompetent Mother

"Sister-in-law, please stay and help me!" Tang Huanxi calmed herself down in the shortest possible time, then looked at Xiao Baorui and said, "Xiao Baorui, please go to Miaochun Hall and invite Doctor Cheng to come and have a look."

"Okay!" Xiao Baorui turned around and left immediately.

"Sister-in-law, go get a basin of well water and prepare two clean towels."

"it is good."

When there was no one else in the room, Tang Huanxi hugged Xiao Yijin and closed her eyes.

[Ding——Your refrigerator cutie is online, what's the master's order? 】

[Little cutie, Yijin suddenly developed a high fever, can you do me a favor? 】

【What does the master want me to do? 】

【Can you cool down Yijin?He was burning so badly that I was really worried. 】

[Master, it's normal for a child to have a headache, if I intervene, it will be a blessing or a curse for the little master]

Tang Huanxi also understands that after a child has a fever, it can improve immunity.

Ke Yijin is special, since he was born, he rarely got sick.

Yijin is very good, so Tang Huanxi has always felt guilty.

Yijin is almost two years old now, but she has been running around with her for the past two years.

"Happy, I got well water."

Hearing Qian's voice, Tang Huanxi immediately opened his eyes, soaked the veil in cold water, and then gently wiped Yijin's etou
At this time, Xiao Yijin was already sound asleep, but occasionally made a humming sound, which made Tang Huanxi feel very uncomfortable.

"Yijin is good, mother knows that you are uncomfortable, but you are a brave child, mother believes that you will overcome this difficulty."

Half an hour later, Dr. Cheng hurried in.

Looking at the flushed little Yijin, he carefully squeezed the little guy's wrist.

"Open the clothes on the child." Cheng Ji hurriedly ordered.

Tang Huanxi suppressed the doubts in her heart, and then untied Yijin's clothes.

"This... what is this?"

Yijin's body was covered with dense red bumps, which looked shocking.

"How could this be?"

"Don't worry, this is a rash after a high fever." Cheng Ji immediately took out a small milky white porcelain bottle from the medicine box, poured the medicine inside on Xiao Yijin's lips, and then took out a black one The small porcelain bottle was handed to Tang Huanxi, "Go clean your hands first, and then apply this potion on the child's chest little by little. I will write a prescription now, boil the medicine into a bowl of water with three bowls of water, and then Then find a way to feed the child to drink, if there are no accidents, the fever will subside tonight."

"Doctor Cheng, thank you." Tang Huanxi expressed her gratitude from the bottom of her heart.

Soon, everyone performed their duties and went to work.

In the middle of the night, looking at Tang Huanxi's blue eyes, Xiao Baorui said with some distress, "Lady, I'm looking at Yijin, go and rest."

"I'm not sleepy," Tang Huanxi shook her head lightly, then reached out to touch Xiao Yijin's forehead, "It still seems very hot."

"Yijin has just taken the medicine, and I believe the fever will subside in a while." Xiao Baorui comforted softly, "Lady, close your eyes and sleep for a while, okay?"

"Xiao Baorui, am I a very incompetent mother?" Tang Huanxi looked up at him and smiled wryly, "Yijin has suffered a lot by my side in the past two years, but fortunately this child is a well-behaved girl. Yes, so I have always felt that I am a pretty good mother."

"Miss, you are already fine. Didn't Doctor Cheng say that Yijin suddenly developed a high fever because of a cold, so don't blame yourself too much."

"Since I found out that I was pregnant again, I handed Yijin over to my sister-in-law to take care of her. My sister-in-law is very careful, and she taught Yijin well. But I am very incompetent... If I hadn't insisted on taking Yijin If Jin goes out, Yijin won't catch a cold."

"If the lady thinks that she is an incompetent mother, wouldn't I be even more incompetent?" Xiao Baorui looked at her with deep eyes, "I have always felt that another name on my body is a shackle, and I don't like it. I don't want to face it either. But I can't help myself. If I don't want to face it, you and Yijin will encounter more assassinations in the future. I can't put you in danger, so I can only force myself to do it. face."

Rather than facing those intrigues and conspiracies, Xiao Baorui wanted to stay with his wife and children.

"Xiao Baorui..."

"Miss, don't think about it, Yijin will be fine, and don't take everything on yourself." Xiao Baorui rubbed her hair and said softly, "It's getting late, you sleep for a while. "

"En." Leaning in his arms, Tang Huanxi, who was exhausted, closed her eyes.

There was nothing to say all night, and in the early morning of the next day, a drizzle suddenly fell outside the window.

"Xiao Baorui?" Tang Huanxi rubbed her sleepy eyes and asked softly, "Has Yijin's fever gone?"

"Don't worry, lady, Yijin's fever subsided an hour ago. According to Dr. Cheng's instructions, I fed him another bowl of medicine, and now he is sleeping soundly."

"That's good." Tang Huanxi also heaved a sigh of relief when she heard that Yijin's fever had subsided.

At this time, Qian brought in the red bean porridge that had just been cooked.

"Huanxi, Baorui, you must be tired after taking care of Yijin all night, right? The red bean porridge you just cooked, you two, hurry up and eat it while it's hot."

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Tang Huanxi cast a grateful look at Qian.

At this time, Nanny Gui also led Ke'er to the inner hall.

Ke'er didn't sleep well last night, so Tang Huanxi asked Nanny Gui to take care of Ke'er.

"Ma'am, has the young master's fever gone?" Nanny Gui asked anxiously.

"It's all right."

Nanny Gui was still a little worried, she stepped forward to take a look, and her heart skipped a beat.

Seeing Nanny Gui's expression, Tang Huanxi was worried, "Mommy, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly?"

"Ma'am, the young master didn't have a high fever because of the wind and cold, but because he was under the spell of witchcraft."

"The art of witchcraft? Where do you start?"

"When the young master had a high fever, did you have a large red bump on your chest?"

"Well, a large patch appeared, which looked scary, but it's much better after applying the potion."

"It looks much better on the surface, but the old servant thinks, within half an hour, these little red bumps will pop up again."

As if confirming Nanny Gui's words, at this moment, Yijin woke up again and burst into tears, and a bunch of red bumps appeared on her chest again.

"How is this going?"

"Someone is using the horoscope of the young master's birthday to do it! This kind of witchcraft is handed down from the palace!"

Tang Huanxi's mind instantly remembered a person, a person whom she had neglected for a long time.

"Sister-in-law, please take good care of Yijin. Xiao Baorui, Nanny Gui, please accompany me somewhere!"

(End of this chapter)

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