Chapter 746
"Ma'am?" Nanny Gui looked at Tang Huanxi who had a fierce look on her face, and held her arm worriedly, "Ma'am, don't be impulsive!"

"These people are really deceiving people too much! The tiger treats me like a sick cat without showing its power, and even stretches its hand on Yijin's body!" At this moment, Tang Huanxi burst out with a terrible evil spirit, full of murderous intent.

"Does Madam already know who is behind the scenes?"

"In Yunshui County, she is the only one who has stayed in the deep palace for two years. Mrs. Qiu Shu, we should settle this account."

Mrs. Qiu's boudoir name is Shu Baolin, and she also stayed with the Empress Dowager for two years.

The Shu family is a famous family, and Qiu Shu's father was once a cabinet scholar.

"Shu Baolin? It's her?" When Nanny Gui heard the name, her eyes were filled with surprise, "Ma'am, are you sure that Mrs. Qiu's name is Shu Baolin?"

"Well, before Han Yi went to the Qiu Mansion before leaving, Hong Rong found out that Mrs. Qiu had a close relationship with Han Jianming, the Korean father, so I asked her to investigate Qiu Shu's back. Yesterday Hong Rong came back and brought back Information about the Qiu Shu family."

"Nurse, from your tone, you seem to know the identity of this Qiu Shu family?"

"Well, it's just that the old slave never thought that such a proud person in the past would hide in such a remote small county. No wonder the princess could never find her whereabouts."

"The princess?"

"Ma'am, Mrs. Qiu Shu came from a famous family, and she was born beautiful and outstanding since she was a child. So she was very popular with the Queen Mother at first. Mrs. Qiu Shu is very smart, with a clever mouth, she conveyed the meaning of the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother's justice. The female princess of Nanxiang coaxed her very happily.

It wasn't until the first emperor gave marriage to the princess of Nanxiang County to the Duke of South Korea, and the princess of Nanxiang accidentally discovered that Qiu Shu's family had already been married to the public and private of South Korea, but Princess Nanxiang's love for Han Jianming reached a level The degree of obsession, so I choose to hold back.

But the queen mother regarded Nanxiang Princess as her own, and when she found out that she had been wronged so much, she was furious.

In the end, Qiu Shu was sent out of the palace, and fell ill.

"What about Princess Nanxiang?"

"On the day of the wedding, she died suddenly. The queen mother was so shocked that she couldn't afford to fall ill, and then she died in depression." Nanny Gui said softly, "At that time, the old slave had just entered the palace for a few days, so the news I heard was very serious. One-sided. After the death of the Empress Dowager, there were vague rumors in the palace that Princess Nanxiang was poisoned by Qiu Shushi, so she died suddenly on the day of her wedding."

"It's impossible for Qiu Shu to do this alone, right? Unless..." Tang Huanxi suddenly thought of something, his eyes were full of disbelief, "Mother, could all of this be a conspiracy by Han Gong... ...I heard that since the sudden death of the empress dowager, the physical condition of the ancestor emperor has also been deteriorating, and then he was lingering and collapsed for several months..."

"Madam, in fact, I have heard a rumor." Nanny Gui thought for a while, then said softly, "There are rumors that the emperor Han Guogong's ancestor was the illegitimate son of his half-brother. Emperor Taizu had a dewy love overnight..."

The deep palace is dangerous, and many seemingly absurd rumors in the deep palace, in fact, half of them may be true facts.

"Ma'am, the young master's situation is not very good now, but Qiu Shu's backing is Han Hangong, if you go to Qiu's mansion with such a big fanfare, I'm afraid it will not be worth the loss to scare the snake."

Seeing Tang Huanxi gradually calm down, Nanny Gui said softly, "Young master has been subjected to witchcraft. This kind of vicious trick must use the clothes that young master once wore as an introduction, and then put the clothes on the cloth. On the body of the doll, the needle was finally inserted an inch below the navel of the doll. So the most important thing for us now is to find the doll as soon as possible."

"Mother, thank you very much." Under Gui's enlightenment, Tang Huanxi gradually calmed down.

She asked Xiao Baorui to go to the Qiu Mansion to secretly inquire about the doll's whereabouts, while she took Nanny Gui to the county government office.

At that time, Qiu Pingchuan was holding a volume of scriptures and was reading with relish. The moment Tang Huanxi walked in, surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Why is Shopkeeper Tang here?"

"Lord Qiu, I want to ask your opinion on something."

Since they were already friends on the same boat, Tang Huanxi didn't want to hide anything.

She told Qiu Pingchuan everything Mrs. Qiu had done, then looked into his eyes and said, "Once Xiao Baorui finds the doll with Yijin's birthday written on it in Qiu's mansion, I hope you, Mr. Mrs. Qiu must be brought to justice."

It is a felony to perform witchcraft in the court, and it should be executed according to the law.

"The shopkeeper Tang wants me to kill my relatives?" It took Qiu Pingchuan a quarter of an hour to completely digest the news she said, and finally raised his lips, and said softly, "General Xiao is an official of the third rank. , if grandma really committed such a heinous crime, with General Xiao's status, she can be killed. But shopkeeper Tang wants me to kill my relatives righteously, why?"

Tang Huanxi originally wanted to say that because your grandmother had an affair with Han Gong, Xiao Baorui could not compete with Han Han with his current ability.

But when the words came to her lips, she still endured it.

"Master Qiu, I can't tell you why I asked you to do this for the time being, but I hope you can help us. In the future, if Xiao Baorui and I are capable, Master Qiu, you will definitely be able to achieve your wish."

Qiu Pingchuan looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes.

After some deliberation, he nodded slightly, "As long as General Xiao finds the evidence, no matter who the criminal is, I will bring him to justice."

"Okay!" With Qiu Pingchuan's assurance, Tang Huanxi seemed to have taken a reassurance.

After returning to the Tang residence, Tang Huanxi immediately went back to the room.

"Just now Yijin cried again, and Hong Rong and I fed him a bowl of soup. He just ate the soup before he fell asleep." Qian said in a low voice, her tone was full of distress, "I don't know Who the hell is so ruthless, doing such unreasonable things behind the scenes, pity our little Yijin, this time I have suffered enough..."

Tang Huanxi didn't answer, but wrung out the towel and gently wiped the sweat from Yijin's forehead.

"But Huanxi, don't worry too much. Auspicious people have their own destiny, and Yijin will be safe and sound."

"En." Tang Huanxi nodded, then took the potion and gently tapped it on Yijin's chest.

This time she added a lot of mountain spring water to the potion, hoping to help.

Concern is chaotic. When little Yijin had a high fever, she never thought of using mountain spring water to help Yijin.

Now that she has calmed down completely, she realizes that she is really incompetent.

Yijin had a high fever, and she was completely flustered.

"My lady, I'm back."

(End of this chapter)

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