Chapter 752
"You think so too?" Xiao Baorui frowned, a little surprised, "Do you think your grandmother is the kind of person who is willing to commit suicide by taking poison?"

"General Xiao! What do you mean?" Hearing Xiao Baorui's questioning voice, Diao Mama stood up angrily from the ground, pointed at his nose and cursed, "My old lady is dead, how can you Relying on being a general, how can you disrespect someone who has already died?"

"I'm just seeking truth from facts." Xiao Baorui said expressionlessly, "If Qiu Shushi is really a person who is willing to sacrifice himself, why would she want the detoxification pill in my wife's hand? A person who wants to completely remove the residual poison in his body How could someone take poison and kill himself after just a few days? It's illogical."

Nanny Diao wanted to say something, but in the end she just pouted and said nothing.

"Anyway, grandma is dead now, and I have had someone investigate. There is no trace of outsiders coming to the Qiu residence."

"That means the possibility of homicide is ruled out." Xiao Baorui said in a deep voice, "This matter is really too strange."

"General Xiao, my grandmother is dead. I hope that the previous entanglements and grievances can be put aside." Qiu Pingchuan looked at him and said sincerely.


When Xiao Baorui came home, Tang Huanxi was frying egg pancakes.

The aroma of eggs spreads in the air, arousing people's appetite.

Paired with her pre-steamed steamed buns and freshly cooked millet porridge, it is full of appetite.

"My lady, it smells so good."

"Baorui, what you said is ambiguous. Is it your wife who smells so good or the food made by your wife?" Xu Wanjin who had just sat down heard Xiao Baorui's words and couldn't help but joked with a smile.

"It's all fragrant."

"Stop being so talkative, eat quickly." Tang Huanxi smiled and said softly, "Xiao Baorui, go to the study after eating."


The whole family had breakfast together, and the atmosphere was very warm.

In such an atmosphere, Qian only felt sad.

In four days, Tang Huanxi will be leaving...


"Qiu Shu committed suicide by taking poison?" Tang Huanxi expressed surprise upon hearing the news.

She has met Qiu Shushi many times before and after, based on her understanding of Qiu Shushi.

Qiu Shushi is a person who cherishes life and is afraid of death.

Such a person should not commit suicide by himself.

"But there are no other traces in the room, and according to Nanny Diao's testimony, she went to the kitchen to boil medicine, and it took less than half an hour before and after. More importantly, if Qiu Shu was killed, then the death There should have been signs of struggle before, but there wasn't."

"What is hidden is more important than what is revealed." Tang Huanxi thought for a while and said softly, "However, Qiu Shu's death reminded me of one thing."


"She deliberately discredited Princess Nanxiang that day." Tang Huanxi said in a low voice, "I just don't understand why Qiu Shu did this?"

"Miss, don't think too much." Xiao Baorui stretched out his hand to smooth her frowning brows, and said in a gentle voice, "Don't think too much, Qiu Shushi is dead now, even if she was killed, she will be killed in the future." There will be a day when the truth will be revealed.”

"I know, I'm not wondering whether Qiu Shu was killed or not, I just can't figure out why she said those things that day. Nanny Gui once stayed in the palace for more than 30 years, and she said that Princess Nanxiang was not The kind of person Qiu Shu mentioned is just me..."

Tang Huanxi couldn't express how she felt at the moment.

Princess Nanxiang has disappeared so far. This news made her feel very uncomfortable, as if her heart was being held tightly by someone, which made her very uncomfortable.

"Miss, I have asked the brothers of the Hongluan Gang to secretly inquire about the Nanxiang princess. I believe there will be news soon."

"I'm afraid it will be very difficult." Tang Huanxi shook his head lightly to veto his words, "The world thinks that Princess Nanxiang died on the day of her wedding. If Princess Nanxiang was powerful in the palace back then, how could she expose herself so easily? identity?"

"I don't think so, lady, your thinking like this is really too negative." Xiao Baorui took him into his arms and said softly, "As long as we have the heart, we can definitely find some clues."

"hope so."

Leaning into his arms, Tang Huanxi nodded gently.

"Xiao Baorui."


"Will you be nice to me forever?"


"Xiao Baorui, it's good to have you." Tang Huanxi stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around the man's muscular waist, rubbing his fluffy hair against her embrace.

"Silly lady."

"By the way, why didn't you see Brother Scorpio today? Where did he go?"

"I asked Brother Scorpio to go to Jinling." Xiao Baorui thought about it, and told Tang Huanxi about his plan.

"Would it be a little risky to do this?"

"We have always been in danger. Since I promised Uncle Qin to lead the Xinzhou Army, I have been in the whirlpool. In addition, the king of Yunnan gave me the soldier talisman, which has caused some people's fear."

"So instead of being so passive, you would rather take the initiative?"


"Xiao Baorui, no matter what the situation is, I hope you can protect yourself."

"I will, lady." Xiao Baorui held her shoulders, his sincere eyes were full of affection, "Lady, I know that I am not alone, behind me are you, Yijin and the child in your womb , so I promise you that no matter what happens in the future, I will let myself work hard to survive."

"it is good."

Three days passed in a flash, Qiu Shu's family died suddenly, Qiu Pingchuan had to resign from office and Ding You, and even Qiu Ge, who was far away in the capital, had to come back to Ding You.

Tang house.

Qian Shi helped Tang Huanxi pack the luggage together, and couldn't help but blushed, "I heard that Chaozhou is very cold in winter, Huanxi, you have to take good care of yourself and Yijin then!"

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, I will take good care of myself. In addition, Chaozhou is not very hot in winter, but the climate there is a bit hot and humid."

"In short, when you go out, you must be careful in everything. By the way, after the new year is over, you can let Nanny Gui go out to find a safe and stable woman. After winter, your stomach will get big, and some things can be avoided. Don’t do it, you know?”

"En." Listening to Qian's intermittent instructions, Tang Huanxi's eyes turned red before she knew it.

After so many years of getting along, she has long regarded Qian as her sister.

This time parting, I don't know if I want to see each other again, it will be the year of the monkey.

"Huanxi," the moment Qian Shi packed her luggage and looked back, she happened to see the tears in her eyes. She wiped the corners of Tang Huanxi's eyes with a handkerchief and said with a smile, "You can't cry now that you are pregnant. , if this child is also a crybaby, wouldn't you be bored to death?"

"Well, I don't cry."

(End of this chapter)

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