Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 753 The thick skin is getting thicker

Chapter 753 The thick skin is getting thicker

"Sister-in-law, you are actually very good. In the past two years, you have taken care of both Dai Laimei and Zhenmeili very well." Tang Huanxi looked into her eyes and said sincerely, "With your help, I can Much easier."

"I, I know very well that I am pretending to be a tiger. If you are not behind the scenes to control the overall situation, maybe these two shops will be in my hands!" Qian waved his hand indifferently and smiled. laugh.

"In short, sister-in-law, everything here is entrusted to you. Xiao Baorui and I have a very difficult road to go, and we don't know when we will come back, maybe three years, maybe five years, maybe ten years, or even longer. "

"Huanxi, don't worry, no matter when you come back, Zihan and I will be here waiting for you." Qian promised, patted her chest.

"it is good."

After bidding farewell to Qian Shi again, before Qian Shi left, she was still a little bit reluctant.

"Huanxi... Actually... I don't know what you and Baorui are going to do, and I don't mean to ask what you want to do; but I hope that no matter what happens in the future, you, you, Xiao Baorui, and Yijin, Everything will be fine, okay?"

Qian's temperament was already a little sensitive, and she had some vague guesses about Tang Huanxi's actions.

She does not hope that they will be rich and powerful in the future, but only hopes that the whole family will be healthy and healthy. This is her greatest wish.

When Tang Huanxi heard these words, she couldn't help being a little moved.

The tears that had been forced back burst out again at this moment.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I will." Tang Huanxi held her hand and said solemnly.

On September 28, it was dusk.

"Miss? Are you leaving now?" Xiao Baorui frowned and said worriedly, "It would be dangerous to travel in the dark."

"It's okay, just let the carriage run slower." Tang Huanxi smiled and explained softly, "I'll ask Hongrong to set off tomorrow morning, and let her wear the clothes I usually wear before going out."

"What is the purpose of the lady doing this?"

"Someone in Yunshui County has been secretly watching our every move. I don't want people to find out that I am going to Jinling to find Sister Jiudi, so I asked Hong Rong to dress up as me, and then I took a car to Chaozhou directly."

"Young lady is smart." Xiao Baorui couldn't help pecking her on the face, and then gave her a thumbs up.

Tang Huanxi glared at him angrily, "Rogue!"

"Don't worry, lady, I will only treat you in this life..." Xiao Baorui leaned close to her ear and finished those three words.

Tang Huanxi immediately blushed.

Since getting married, this man's skin has really become thicker——

After Xiao Baorui packed all the luggage, the group got into the carriage.

"My lady, what are you thinking?" Seeing her thoughtful look, Xiao Baorui asked worriedly, "Is there something uncomfortable? Dr. Cheng said earlier that you should not be too sad because you are pregnant. not good!"

"Xiao Baorui, don't be nervous, I'm fine." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, "I'm just thinking about Qiu Shushi's death."

There is no doubt that Qiu Shushi died of taking poison.

"It's all over, don't think about it." Xiao Baorui rubbed her head and said softly.

"Xiao Baorui, under what circumstances do you think a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death would willingly commit suicide by taking poison?" Tang Huanxi wiped her chin and asked her own question.

"Miss, did you think of something?"

"I think Qiu Shu must have some reason to be held by the murderer, otherwise she would not have swallowed the poison so simply. Didn't Master Qiu say that there was no sign of struggle at the scene, that is to say In the Qiu Shu family, he took the poison himself."

"For Qiu Shushi, the biggest clue is probably that she deliberately took Princess Nanxiang to the Great Buddha Temple to meet Han Jianxun, and then repeatedly created opportunities for the two of them to get along alone?"

"I suspect that things were not that simple back then." Gradually, a string appeared in Tang Huanxi's mind, and she smiled slightly, "I'll talk to Nanny Gui again when I'm resting."

"That's good. Go to sleep now, lady. See how soundly Yijin sleeps now?"

Following the direction of Xiao Baorui's finger, Tang Huanxi saw Xiao Yijin who was lying on the soft bed on one side and sleeping very sweetly, her whole body exuded a kind of soft beauty, "Yijin is very obedient, so obedient it makes people feel distressed. I don't know if the one in my belly will be better than Yijin this time?"

"I don't think she can compare to Yijin." Xiao Baorui shook his head solemnly, "Miss, think about it, when you were pregnant with Yijin, how many ups and downs did you go through? Is Yijin's performance special? Okay? What about this one now, it’s only been a few months, and it’s started to torment you, wait for her to come out, and see if I don’t beat her hard!”

"When she comes out, are you willing to fight?" Tang Huanxi looked at him and said a little funny.

She had already asked Dr. Cheng and Xiaocuti that the child in her belly was a girl.

So she waited for the day when Xiao Baorui was slapped in the face.

Well, now that I think about it, I still look forward to it.

At that time, the imperial palace, Fengluan Hall.

An Xiuhui received the news that An's family had recently delivered to the palace, her eyes were full of surprise.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

"Lu Yin, have you heard about the Princess Nanxiang?" An Xiuhui cast a curious look at her.

"Princess Nanxiang?" Lu Yin searched carefully in her mind, and finally shook her head gently, "I don't have any impression, ma'am, who is this Princess Nanxiang?"

"Princess Nanxiang used to be the most beloved royal daughter of the Empress Dowager, but there are also rumors that she is the illegitimate daughter of Princess Nanxiang." An Xiuhui smiled and leaned against the beauty's couch with her already huge belly , "Before I entered the palace, the nanny who taught me once said something about the Empress Dowager."

"That is a very good and courageous woman. In order to get the rights she wanted, she tried her best to pursue them. Even when the situation was extremely bad, she still succeeded."

"Your Majesty, the servant does not understand what you mean?"

"I understand or don't understand, it's not that important." An Xiuhui lowered her eyes and began to think deeply.

With Murong He's suspicious temperament now, he must have planted a lot of eyeliners in Yunshui County.

Presumably, news of Qiu Shu's sudden suicide by taking poison will reach the capital soon.

At that time Qiu Ge will go home to Ding You.

Now is the time when Mr. Qiu Ge is most dependent on His Majesty, if at this time, he dies suddenly——

That situation should become more and more interesting.

Thinking of this, An Xiuhui raised her lips, and soon had an idea in her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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