Chapter 760

Tang Huanxi stared into his eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "Husband, you shouldn't have forgotten the circumstances under which you mistook An Xiuhui for Xiao Jingyuan?"

After her reminder, Xiao Baorui recalled the past.

In his hazy memory, Jing Yuan had a scarlet tear mole at the corner of her eye, and Xiao Jingyuan happened to have a tear mole too.

So he took An Xiuhui as Jingyuan for granted.

"Through Nanny Gui's channel, I got the news that An Xiuhui was able to keep her child in the harem full of ghosts and monsters. Apart from being cautious, what's more important is that she has a noble person to help her. And this noble person is He Yihang. .”

"How could this happen?" Xiao Baorui didn't get the news, and was very surprised to hear it suddenly.

"If we hadn't taken An Xiuhui away in our self-righteousness, and even let her meet He Yihang, then An Xiuhui would not be able to live such a prosperous life in the harem today. Xiao Baorui, the things of those years have passed, We don't need to think about it again. It's just that if you think about it carefully, this time Hongrong was hunted down, and later she saw a girl who was suspected of Jingyuan in the prefect of Yun'an. Don't you think it's all a coincidence? "

"My lady, what if that person is really Jing Yuan?"

"Xiao Baorui, since An Xionghu can test us, why can't we test him instead?" Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, then tiptoed to his ear and whispered a few words.

Xiao Baorui's eyes lit up immediately, and he soon had an idea in his mind.

At dusk, Tang Huanxi was playing with Xiao Yijin in the room, when he heard the commotion in the main courtyard from a distance.

A quarter of an hour later, Nanny Gui walked in with Caihuan.

"Caihuan, what's wrong with your face?"

Caihuan's appearance is fairly handsome, and her round face looks very cute.

This is now a clear red palm print on the face, which is shocking.

Nanny Gui immediately went to the kitchen, planning to boil eggs to reduce her swelling.

Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and deliberately poured some spring water on Caihuan's face.

"How is it, is it better?"

"Mrs. Xiao, thank you, the servant feels no pain anymore."

"You are sister Jiudi's personal maid, which blind person dares to bully you?"

"It's all on the spur of the moment..." Caihuan sobbed aggrievedly, and then told Tang Huanxi the ins and outs of the incident.

It turned out that today Xu Jiudi brought Caihuan to see Miracle Doctor Xue Lai, but happened to overhear what the Third and Fourth Young Masters had said to Miracle Doctor Xue Lai.

When Xue Lai was young, she was the child of the fifth aunt in the mansion, and the fifth aunt raised the third and fourth young masters.

Later, after Xu Wanjin's 'death', the Xu family had a dispute over the family property for a while, Xu Jiudi took out Xu Wanjin's 'last letter' and the family heirloom jade pendant, and justifiably became the head of the Xu family.

But these people are not satisfied with the rich life of rich clothes and fine food. They want more, so they deliberately bribed Xue Lai, and even told Xu Jiudi that it was difficult to conceive, and then told the news to the members of the Xu clan. The status of the clan forced Xu Jiudi out of breath.

"The servant was not angry for a while. When I returned home, I happened to see the third young master and the fourth young master flirting with Cailian, so I contradicted her."

"Then the wound on your face?"

"It was Cailian who beat her." Thinking of this, Caihuan felt even more uncomfortable, "The third young master and the fourth young master together forced Cailian to beat the slave..."

"It seems that Cailian is really an ungrateful villain."

"I don't blame Cailian, but she is also very embarrassed."

Nanny Gui peeled the hard-boiled eggs, wrapped them in gauze, and rolled them lightly on Caihuan's face, "Caihuan, in fact, your slap today is not bad."

"Ah?" Caihuan was dumbfounded immediately, and looked at Nanny Gui aggrievedly, "Mommy, why do you say that?"

"First, don't you think it's too strange that you happened to meet Cailian being bullied by the third and fourth young masters? Cailian is a maid in Miss Xu's yard, why did she come around to the front yard? Second, you are Xu Miss Xu's most trusted maidservant, but now you have been slapped in the face by Cailian. The process is not important, what matters is the result. From the eyes of other people in the mansion, if you are beaten, it is equivalent to Miss Xu's face You were also beaten. You might as well think about it seriously."

Caihuan gradually calmed down, carefully considering the deep meaning in Nanny Gui's words.

After the pain on her face was relieved, Caihuan said goodbye and left.

"Why did Mammy say those things to Caihuan?"

"Ma'am, I have seen a lot of insidious means in the palace before, but I have never seen a family like the Xu family who even poured dirty water on their relatives in order to compete for family property. Miss Xu family The environment is even more difficult than hell, and Caihuan is Xu Jiudi's personal maid, if even she can't establish her prestige, she and Miss Xu will be torn to pieces by these ghosts and snakes in the future."

"Mommy was right. Now that I think about it, I don't know whether Sister Jiudi's change is right or wrong." Tang Huanxi couldn't help but feel a little emotional, "By the way, Mommy, is there any news in the palace these days? came?"

It is now the first ten days of October, and An Xiuhui's due date is in the twelfth lunar month.

She is pregnant with twins again, so the possibility of giving birth early is relatively high.

"The old slave just received the news two days ago that Concubine Rui showed signs of miscarriage. She suspects that An Xiuhui has planted eyeliner around her, and she is already starting to clean up the hidden threads in the palace."

"Chen Rui is Chen He's daughter. Chen He is an out-and-out old fox. I don't think he will let his daughter be bullied. But is the child in Concubine Rui's belly really a princess?"

"He Yihang's medical skills are superb, even though he is young, he is quite praised in the Tai Hospital."

"Sometimes, what we hear may not be true, let alone our eyes can deceive us." Tang Huanxi lowered her eyes and said softly.

"Madam thinks that the child in Concubine Rui's belly is also a prince?"

"I don't know, but I don't think even the best imperial physician can tell [-]% whether the baby in the pregnant woman's stomach is a boy or a girl." Tang Huanxi looked down at her swollen abdomen, and said softly, "But I want to know Ruifei Whether the child in the womb is a boy or a girl is not difficult."

"Do you have any good ideas, ma'am?"

"Since An Xionghu wants to use Jing Yuan to confuse Xiao Baorui's sight, then we can't remain indifferent." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, turned around and walked to the desk, and immediately wrote down a few words.

"Ma'am, are you trying to make a fuss?"

"Well, An Xiuhui and the others have played tricks so many times before, we should fight back this time. Otherwise, they don't even know what it means to have a bloody head!"

(End of this chapter)

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