Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 761 Misfortune Comes Out of Your Mouth

Chapter 761 Misfortune Comes Out of Your Mouth
In late autumn and October, the maple leaves wither.

As the cold autumn wind blew up, An Xiuhui gathered the cloak on her shoulders, and there was a dark and unclear light in those bright red phoenix eyes.

"Your Majesty?" Lu Yin looked at An Xiuhui who was silent, and shouted with distress, "I don't know who is behind the scenes, but Doctor He is still in a coma!"

He Yihang suddenly fell into a coma on the way to Hehuan Palace to ask for Concubine Rui's peace pulse, and when he woke up, his lower body was stained with a large amount of blood.

"Lu Yin, go and tell the people in the Imperial Hospital that if He Yihang's life cannot be saved, I will let the entire Imperial Hospital be buried with him!" An Xiuhui clenched the Buddhist beads in her hand and roared fiercely!

"Yes—" Lu Yin had never seen the Queen look so hostile.

It seems that Imperial Physician He's position in the empress's heart is unshakable.

She put away the slander in her heart, and hurried to Tai Hospital.

At that time, several principals of the Grand Hospital were surrounding He Yihang, who had a high fever, circling around anxiously like ants on a hot pot.

"Prince Yuan, you should think of a way! I heard that this doctor He is a celebrity trusted by the empress. If there is something wrong with him, I'm afraid the whole hospital will be in disaster!"

"Yes, Imperial Physician Yuan, what do you think we should do?"

"Okay," the head of the Tai Hospital growled a little irritably, "Stop making noise, don't you think things are not tricky enough?"

Imperial Physician Yuan thought about it, took He Yihang's pulse, then picked up the scissors, and carefully cut off the blood-stained clothes on his thigh.

Holding the worst mentality, he carefully inspected He Yihang's wound.

Finally took a deep breath.

Fortunately, the knife edge deviated from a sensitive position, otherwise there would be one less young talent like He Yihang.

"Prepare gauze, hot water, and alcohol-based sore medicine." Imperial Physician Yuan ordered in an orderly manner, "Doctor Zhang, go grab a pair of fever-reducing medicine, boil three bowls of water into one bowl of water, and then feed him to drink."


After being busy for half an hour, He Yihang's life was finally pulled out of the Palace of Hell by Imperial Physician Yuan.

"I don't know what evil Yihang did this time, to suffer such an innocent disaster. It's really a fight between gods and gods, and the kid suffered!" one of the imperial physicians couldn't help but sighed.

"Misfortune comes from the mouth, and this time, Yihang should be taught a lesson." Imperial Physician Yuan frowned and said in a deep voice.

There were a lot of rumors in the harem before, saying that the queen's belly is twins, but Ruifei's belly is a little princess.

There is no wind in the hole, if it wasn't for He Yihang's treatment of the queen...

Then how could the queen use this incident to suppress Concubine Rui's arrogance?

After Concubine Chen passed away, Concubine Rui was no longer as kind and innocent as before.

After all, in this deep palace, pure and kind people cannot live well.

"Send someone to take good care of him!"


At that time in Fengluan Hall, Lu Yin had gone to the imperial hospital earlier, and when she learned that He Yihang was not in danger of life, she was a little relieved.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Imperial Physician He is fine, but he has lost too much blood and needs a good rest."

"Yes." An Xiuhui lowered her eyes slightly, and said in a low voice, "Is there any news from Hehuan Hall?"

"No," Lu Yin shook her head, "Since Concubine Chen passed away, Concubine Rui has become more and more cautious. The nails we originally placed in the Hall of Hehuan were also pulled out by her. But according to the maid of honor, He Yihang It was injured after leaving Hehuan Temple."

"He Yihang has always been only responsible for the health of my palace, and Concubine Rui doesn't believe in other people, but only trusts the upright Master Yuan." An Xiuhui said in a low voice, "Concubine Rui suddenly asked He Yihang to ask for a peace pulse for her, which is weird."

"Your Majesty, is there any other secret behind this matter? Imperial Physician He clearly knows that the people in Fengluan Hall and Hehuan Hall are incompatible, and he can definitely refuse Concubine Rui's wishes."

"These doubts can only be known after He Yihang wakes up."

Seeing An Xiuhui's downcast eyes thinking, Lu Yin stopped talking, but stood quietly behind her, gently kneading her shoulders.

"Your Majesty! The Holy Majesty heard that Concubine Rui was shocked today, so he went to Hehuan Hall on purpose. I'm afraid I won't come here again tonight."

The little maid in Fengluan Hall knelt on the ground and lowered her head, and said cautiously.

"You go down first." Lu Yin quickly waved her hands and said, then turned to look at An Xiuhui, "Your Majesty?"

"Let's serve dinner!"


While An Xiuhui was eating dinner alone in Fengluan Hall, there were bursts of laughter in Hehuan Hall.

"My lord, my concubine was really frightened today—" Concubine Rui pressed her head into Murong He's arms, and Wu Nong said softly, "My lord, they all said that the queen's belly is twins, and this concubine's belly The one in it is a little princess... Your Majesty, do you like little princesses?"

"Whether it's a prince or a princess, they are all my children, so I will love them very much. If Concubine Rui can give birth to a princess who is as gentle, lovely and understanding as you, I will be even more happy."

Although Murong He loves An Xiuhui deeply, he loves power even more.

Sitting on the dragon chair, the taste of power that can control the life and death of the world is wonderful.

Now that Murong He is in his prime, he will prefer the princess over a prince who is likely to compete with him for the throne.

After hearing Murong He's answer, Concubine Rui lowered her eyes secretly, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

The mysterious man was right. Although the Holy One loved the queen, he loved himself and power even more.

Concubine Rui was pretty and cute, and she often said some witty words, which made Murong He laugh heartily.

So he logically stayed in Hehuan Hall to rest.

Fengluan Hall.

An Xiuhui took up the pen and wrote down the last static word, the curvature of the corners of her lips gradually enlarged.

Compared with a powerless opponent, she finds it more interesting to deal with a well-matched opponent.

In this deep palace, the fastest climber falls the earliest.

I don't know this truth, Rui Fei can understand.

The breeze came, and the dim candlelight flickered gently.

An Xiuhui blew lightly, and the candle light went out immediately.

In the early morning of the next day, a ray of sunlight in the morning sun sprinkled on the ground covered with jade, reflecting a faint light.

Concubine Rui opened her eyes immediately, the bed beside her was already cold.

"Your Majesty?" Zisu put the hot water he had just brought on the shelf, turned around and walked to Concubine Rui's side, and said with a smile on her face, "Eunuch Xi just brought a lot of rewards, all of which were specially rewarded by the Holy One." Here it is, after you wash up, do you want to go and have a look?"

Since Concubine Chen's death, Concubine Rui has been huddled in her Hehuan Palace, rarely going out.

If it wasn't for the incident yesterday, Murong He might have forgotten about it.

"Put all the things in the warehouse, and I will go to Fengluan hall with me later."

(End of this chapter)

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