Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 765 Xu family split

Chapter 765 The Xu Family Separation ([-])

Tang Huanxi rushed out of the study with a stride, and immediately returned to the guest room.

At that time, Xiao Baorui was checking the secret letter sent back by Scorpio, those beautiful eyebrows were now tightly twisted together and tied in a knot.

"Xiao Baorui, I know what An Xiuhui's confidence is now."

"My lady?" Xiao Baorui raised his eyebrows, puzzled.

"Xiao Baorui, I need you to do one thing."

"My lady, please tell me."

"I remember that Murong He was an unfavored prince back then. Since he was a weak crown, Murong Ze sent him to the barren Cangzhou, right?"

"Well, that's right."

"Xiao Baorui, bring the map of the Great Yong Dynasty." Tang Huanxi ordered in a deep voice.

When the huge sheepskin map was spread out on the table, Tang Huanxi carefully looked at the contents on the map.

Cangzhou belongs to Hebei, and several cities are separated from Kyoto.

Then she set her sights on a mark in the east of Yun'an City, "Xiao Baorui, I remember you said that this mark means mountains?"

"Well, this is a mountain, but judging from the marks on the map, it's not too high. It's only about 1000 meters high."

"Xiao Baorui, look, this is Cangzhou. After bypassing this mountain, this is the east side of Yun'an City."

"My lady, what do you mean?"

"At the beginning, Murong He ascended to the throne easily. We have always thought that it was An Xionghu's handwriting. After all, he was a general of the Liang Dynasty, but he became the overlord of a party by virtue of his own ability, and even sent his own daughter. On the queen's throne."

"My lady, what are you doubting?"

"Since Murong He successfully ascended the throne, all of this is just a conspiracy." Tang Huanxi deliberately lowered his voice, frowned and said, "Xiao Baorui, look next to Cangzhou, it is Yinzhou. Yinzhou belongs to Henan, and Henan is The fief of the Korean government."

"We thought things too narrowly before." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then said in a deep voice, "Xiao Baorui, please send a letter to Uncle Qin so that he will stop secretly recruiting troops."

"My lady, do you mean that Murong He and An Xionghu have colluded for a long time, and their target is Han Hangong?"

"Well, Xiao Baorui, think about Shao Shu's death, and think about everything that happened after you went to Chaozhou. It's like a fog that cannot be solved, right?"

Back then when Tang Lingtian came to the door suddenly, he told Xiao Baorui that there was another hidden story behind the destruction of the Xiao family in Jinling.So Xiao Baorui went to Chaozhou to investigate the truth, and then went to Xinzhou Island, inexplicably found the imperial edict of the ancestor emperor, and even led the Xinzhou Gang, and got the help of the King of Yunnan, and got the defense army. The soldier talisman finally became a faction.

"Miss, do you mean that someone is secretly helping me expand my power?"

"Well, it's all too coincidental." Tang Huanxi pondered for a moment, then frowned and said, "Sister Jiudi and I talked about An Xiuhui just now, and sister Jiudi asked me curiously why Murong He was canonized My father's concubine Hui is the queen? Could it be that they have cherished each other for a long time?"

"I have cherished each other for a long time. These six words are like a ray of light entering my mind, clearly illuminating the original fog. So I guess, Murong He and An Xiuhui have long been born to each other. Even the reason why An Xiuhui was willing to enter the palace was to pave the way for Murong He."

An Xiuhui is an unusual woman.

She plays a different role in front of everyone, turning everyone around.

After she first entered the palace, she took the lead in surrendering to Empress Xie and won the empress's trust. Then she deliberately designed to make Concubine He Gui, who was enduring her favor, fall out of favor. The massacre turned the entire harem upside down.

The harem was in chaos, and Murong Ze was also in chaos.

Coupled with the fact that An Xionghu's strong guard Murong He ascended the throne, Murong He was able to successfully ascend the throne as emperor.

"Murong Ze won the first place in the fierce battle to win the throne. How could he fail to see An Xiuhui's intentions? So I guess Murong Ze acquiesced to all of this, otherwise An Xiuhui would not be able to win the throne again. So much has been done in such a short amount of time.”

"But lady, there is something that doesn't make sense. If Murong Ze had sensed Murong He's intentions early on, why didn't he take precautions earlier?"

"I think the biggest possibility is that there is a bigger threat than Murong He. Maybe Murong Ze knows in his heart that if he is willing to abdicate, he might be able to catch the big fish behind him. I think that big fish is Han Gong Han Jianming."

Before Qiu Shu's death, he said a lot to Tang Huanxi.

Although most of them are nonsense, how can someone who is afraid of death like Qiu Shushi willingly suffer death?
So Tang Huanxi guessed that these had something to do with Han Jianming's real background.

If Han Jianming was really the child of Emperor Taizu and Mrs. Guangyuan's absurd night after drinking, how could Han Jianming have no idea at all?

Throughout the ages, may I ask which prince would not want to ascend to that supreme position?

"Xiao Baorui, what we have to do now is to lie low-key. Someone wants to use you to numb the enemy's sight, and we just don't like him!"

After some serious thinking, Tang Huanxi quickly made up his mind.

"After the matter of the Xu family is over, we will transfer to the capital." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then lowered her voice and whispered a few words into Xiao Baorui's ear.

Xiao Baorui nodded immediately, his eyes glowed with a bright light.

During these two hours, Tang Huanxi had thought about too many things and wasted too much energy, so she leaned into Xiao Baorui's arms and soon fell asleep.

Looking at her peaceful sleeping face, Xiao Baorui's eyes were full of distress.

"My lady, sometimes I would rather you not be so smart. If you are not so smart, you won't be so tired..."

Nanny Gui, who happened to come in with Yijin in her arms, couldn't help being a little startled when she heard these words, but quickly restrained her emotions.

"General, the young master fell asleep after playing too tired."

"En." Xiao Baorui responded, then raised his hand to hold Tang Huanxi in his arms, and put him gently on the bed.

Then he carried little Yijin onto the bed.

"Mommy, I have something to ask you." Xiao Baorui thought for a while, and left the inner hall with Nanny Gui.

"Nurse, how much do you know about Mrs. Guangyuan?"

Gui Momo's eyes quickly flashed a hint of surprise, "General?"

"Tell me what you know."

"Yes." Nanny Gui nodded lightly, "I remember that the first time I saw Mrs. Guangyuan was at a banquet in the palace. Mrs. Guangyuan is the niece of the Empress Dowager Taihuang, who is also the niece of Emperor Taizu. Cousin, Mrs. Guangyuan is gorgeous, her dancing is moving, she is kind and very talkative."

"Then why didn't Emperor Taizu take such an excellent woman into the harem?"

(End of this chapter)

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