Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 766 Brother Chapter 766

Chapter 766 Brother 760 Chapter Six

When Nanny Gui heard this question, she hurriedly looked around, and after confirming that there was no one around, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"General, although this old slave has been in the palace for more than 30 years, it is related to some secrets in the palace, and this old slave has only heard about it." Nanny Gui said cautiously, "Back then, this old slave was fortunate to serve Concubine Hu. Hu Taifei, who was drunk, was very sad, she kept saying that she was just a substitute, and she cried hard while hugging the old slave."

"Concubine Hu is my grandmother?"

"Well, the first emperor was born of Concubine Hu, so you are indeed the grandson of Concubine Hu." Nanny Gui nodded and said, "Concubine Hu has always been gentle and prudent, dignified and virtuous, and she has never lost her composure like that. Out of curiosity, I inquired secretly, and later I learned that Concubine Hu's appearance is [-]% or [-]% similar to Mrs. Guangyuan's."

"So grandma thinks she is a substitute for Mrs. Guangyuan, so she is heartbroken?"

"Well," Nanny Gui nodded lightly, "Mrs. Guangyuan's original name is Li Qingqing, she is the niece whom the Empress Dowager loves very much. She has been married to Taigong Han since she was a child. Back then, the late Emperor was able to lead ordinary people to completely overthrow the Liang Dynasty. No.

The Empress Dowager made the decision and personally married Mrs. Guangyuan and Han Taigong. The two played harmoniously, and they gave birth to Han Jianming, the Korean male, not long after. "

"But grandfather and Mrs. Guangyuan have known each other since they were young, and their relationship is naturally extraordinary, so the two can't help it?"

Xiao Baorui had already guessed the subsequent development of the matter.

"Actually, there is no real basis for these words. It's hard to get to the bottom of whose son Han Han is. But I think Mrs. Guangyuan must be clear in her heart."

"She's still alive?"

"Mrs. Guangyuan shaved ordained as early as ten years ago and converted to Buddhism."

Xiao Baorui, who received this answer, couldn't help but sigh, "Why did she want to become a monk?"

"Ten years ago, Mrs. Han became ill and passed away. After Mrs. Han's funeral, Mrs. Guangyuan insisted on becoming a monk. No one knows the inside story."

"Maybe the Han family is even dirtier than I imagined." A bold guess suddenly appeared in Xiao Baorui's mind.

"Mommy, you are tired too, go back and rest first, we will leave Jinling in two days."


Under Caihuan's strong onlookers, the other six aunts of the Xu family took their sons and took the silver and the title deed and left.

Only Xu Le, who was tied up in the woodshed, and Aunt Fang, who had woken up, were left.

"Caihuan, I want to see the eldest lady." After waking up, Aunt Fang completely recognized the reality. She anxiously grabbed Caihuan and took off a silver bracelet with a plum blossom pattern wrapped around her wrist that had been hanging on her wrist for a long time. On Caihuan's wrist, "Caihuan, please help me!"

Seeing her pear blossoms weeping in the rain, Caihuan couldn't bear it in the bottom of her heart, "Your maidservant can pass your request on to the young miss, but whether the young lady wants to see you or not is not up to the maidservant to decide." .”

"Thank you so much! Caihuan! Thank you so much!" Aunt Fang cried with joy, thanking you non-stop.

Caihuan turned and left, feeling a little sad in her heart, who would have thought that Aunt Fang, who was so high and high in the past, would have such a humble time like today?
Caihuan returned to Xu Jiudi's room. At that time, she was in front of the window with her back to the door.


"Caihuan, is Aunt Fang awake?" Xu Jiudi asked softly.

"Already awake," Caihuan thought for a while, then took off the silver bracelet on her wrist, and said in a low voice, "Miss, Aunt Fang gave this to the servant, she wants to see you."

"You think I should go see her?"

"Miss, I don't know if you will see her, so I just told her, and I will only pass the words to you, that's all."

"En." Xu Jiudi responded softly, her eyes fell on the silver bracelet in her palm, "Since she gave it to you, you can take it."


"Caihuan, you have been by my side since childhood, and I have never doubted your loyalty. Caihuan, there are not many people I can trust, and you happen to be one of them."

"Miss..." Listening to her words, Caihuan's eyes gradually turned red, and she immediately knelt down on the ground, "Miss, please don't say that, if you hadn't been kind enough to take in the servant, the servant would have frozen dead, so the life of this servant is yours."

"Caihuan, get up first, the ground is too cold, it will be bad if your knees are frozen." Xu Jiudi immediately helped her up, and said softly, "Is Xu Le awake?"

"Already awake, does the eldest lady want to see him?"

"I don't think there is any need to waste time." Xu Jiudi quickly made a decision, "Let Xu Le go to see Aunt Fang, and let the second butler Fang come to see me."


There was a gust of breeze outside the window, and there seemed to be a faint fragrance in the air.

Ever since Caihuan left, Aunt Fang has always been a little uneasy. The secret that had been buried for so many years was torn apart in public.

If I had known today... Aunt Fang gave a wry smile, I would have known it earlier.

After all, paper still can't contain fire.

"Auntie!" Xu Le staggered in with the last hope, "Auntie, tell me, tell me! All of this is true, right? It's all just fabricated by that bitch Xu Jiudi. Yes, right? I must be my father's son, the third young master of the Xu family! That Fang Ren is nothing, how could he be my father!"

Aunt Fang slapped him loudly on the face without hesitation!

"Auntie?" Xu Le was completely dumbfounded, "Auntie? You...why did you hit me?"

"I regret that I didn't hit you earlier, a loving mother is a loser! What the old master said before is all right. It is because I dote on you too much that led to today's situation!"


"Le'er, you should wake up. Compared with the sons of ordinary people, you have lived a pampered life for more than 20 years. Now you should be awake too! I know you don't want to admit that Fang Ren is your father, but you If you have no strengths, if you are kicked out of the Xu family, you are nothing, do you understand?"

The last trace of hope in Xu Le's eyes was also annihilated bit by bit in Aunt Fang's words.

It turns out that this time it's all true and it's not a nightmare.He is no longer the third young master of the Xu family.

Seeing that he finally calmed down, Aunt Fang's eyes quickly flashed a hint of relief.

"Le'er, let Fang Ren accept you as a son no matter what, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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