Chapter 768

Xu Jiudi took her hand, and said all the plans in his heart, "Huanxi, I also know that once you go back to the capital, it will be a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, but my current situation is I came up with this idea out of desperation , but I also know that everything cannot be guaranteed, if there is no way to get the imperial edict of the empress, that's all."

"Sister Jiudi, what are you talking about? Since you have already thought about the countermeasures, how can I, as a younger sister, not go all out?" Tang Huanxi smiled indifferently, "Don't worry, sister, I am protecting Under my own premise, I will help you do this.”

"Yeah!" Xu Jiudi nodded lightly, and the expression on his face relaxed a lot.

"By the way, when you get to the capital, if you want to use money somewhere, just go to Xu's bank, and there is one more thing..." Xu Jiudi cleared his throat, and then deliberately lowered his voice, "The most famous Wanwan in Kyoto Hualou is the property of the Xu family, if you want to inquire about news, take the jade pendant that your father gave you to Wanhua, the person in charge of Wanhualou."

"Unexpectedly, the largest flower building in Kyoto is actually owned by the Xu family?"

"Daddy once said that the royal family is confident about our Xu family's wealth. Now it's just that the Xu family's loyalty is not bad, so they just keep turning a blind eye to us. If something happens in the future One, at least these secretly unknown industries can give us some breathing room, and then we can make a comeback."

"Uncle Xu is so far-sighted. Now I understand why the Xu family can thrive under the leadership of Uncle Xu."

"It's a pity that I didn't understand my father's good intentions at the beginning..." Xu Jiudi sighed with some emotion, "But I'm happy, fortunately our father and daughter met you, otherwise... otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to get along with you in this life. Father bridged the gap between each other."

"Sister Jiudi, don't be too sad. After a while, when everything is settled, you will definitely be able to reunite with Uncle Xu!"

"En!" Xu Jiudi nodded heavily and smiled knowingly.

After Xu Jiudi left, Tang Huanxi was a little tired, so she ordered Nanny Gui to pack her luggage, and she turned back to her room to rest.

At that time, there was a sudden heavy rain outside the window, and Caihuan walked beside Xu Jiudi holding an oil-paper umbrella, and said with some annoyance, "Miss, the rain is really heavy, or we should go there tomorrow? "

"The old Mu clan invites me, how can I not go?"

Xu Mu Nai is the youngest of the clan elders, but also the most prestigious one.

But Xu Mu was so anxious to see him, Xu Jiudi was also very curious.

So she walked through the heavy rain and came to the Xu Family Ancestral Hall.

At that time, Xu Le was kneeling in the middle of the ancestral hall, holding three incense sticks, with a sad expression on his face.

"Jiudi, it's hard for you. It's raining so much, and I still need you to come here." The old Mu clan looked at Xu Jiudi's half wet shoulder, and felt a little remorse in his heart. He shouldn't have listened to Xu Le's words. , insisted on letting Xu Jiudi come this trip.

But since Xu Jiudi is here, Xu Mu, as the elder of the Xu family, still hopes that they can resolve the misunderstanding in each other's hearts.

"Old Mu clan, why do you want to see me?"

"Sister Jiudi, I knelt here and begged the elders of the three clans to let him find a way to invite you."

"You're not from the Xu family. It's wrong to call me sister Jiudi." Xu Jiudi looked at him and asked blankly, "Tell me, why do you want to see me?"

Xu Le immediately clenched his fists, and lowered his eyes to cover the hatred in his eyes.

"If you have nothing to say, then I'm leaving."

"Wait a minute!"

Xu Le hurriedly said, "Miss, I don't want to leave the Xu family, even if I'm a cow." Xu Le tried his best to say these words, "The Xu family is where I grew up. I am familiar with the flowers, plants, trees, bricks, and stones here, and I am really sad to leave suddenly... What's more, I always thought that I was my father's son. I don’t know everything, the so-called one who doesn’t know is not guilty, I hope you can give me a chance.”

"Those who don't know are not guilty?" Xu Jiudi couldn't help laughing when he heard this sentence, "You mean, even if Aunt Fang and Housekeeper Fang have done something wrong to the Xu family, I still have to forgive you generously ? Xu Le, did you not wake up or did you take the wrong medicine?"

"I... that's not what I meant." Xu Le gritted his teeth angrily and said, "I just want to stay."

"Why do you want me to keep you? Come and tell me, what advantages in you are enough to convince me to let you stay?" Xu Jiudi sneered, "Fang Le, accept your fate, I won't stay Letting go of you, keeping you here will only breed tigers. Do you really think that I don’t know what’s in your mind? You can’t wait to kill me, eat my flesh, and drink my blood. Between you and me , I have been an enemy since childhood, now that I have finally found your weakness, do you think I will still be as stupid as I was when I was a child?"

" knew early on..."

"Otherwise?" Xu Jiudi sneered again and again, "When you were young, you wanted to kill me, lured me to play next to the lotus pond on purpose, and even pushed me back. Come and save me, I'm afraid there will be no more Xu Jiudi in this world."

"But... But didn't you lose your memory? Why... Did you do it on purpose for so many years?"

"What about intentional? What about not intentional?" Xu Jiudi glanced at him angrily, "The winner is the king and the loser. If you lose, you lose."

Xu Jiudi thought for a while, then suddenly took a step forward, and whispered in his ear, "Actually, you are not the son of the second steward Fang at all, you are indeed the child of my father and Aunt Fang, but Aunt Fang is too confused, Back then, I had a relationship with Steward Fang Er, all in all, you can only use the name Fang Le for the rest of your life, understand?"

"You...Xu Jiudi! You vicious woman! You will definitely die!"

"Thanks for the compliment," Xu Jiudi smiled lightly, then turned to look at the Mu clan elder who was completely dumbfounded, and sighed softly, "Mu clan elder, Jiudi knows that you have always been generous and kind, if Jiudi was framed by someone back then It would be a pity if you could be as upright as you are now..."

"Nine Flute..."

"Old Mu clan, the Xu family's business has not been very good these days, so the matter you proposed a few days ago to repair the ancestral hall may come to an end." After saying these words, Xu Jiudi left .

Only the remorseful Mu clan elder and Fang Le, who looked hateful, were left behind!

(End of this chapter)

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