Chapter 769

Two days later, Tang Huanxi and his party were ready to go.

Before leaving, Xu Jiudi held her hand reluctantly.

"Huanxi, Kyoto is no better than Jinling, you have to be careful in everything, remember?"

"Don't worry, sister, I will take good care of myself."

"Well, safe travels!"

"Sister, too, you must take good care of yourself, and don't worry about hurting your body too much." Tang Huanxi said earnestly, "Don't worry, sister, what I ask will definitely come true."

"it is good!"

Tang Huanxi didn't forget to take a look at Caihuan before getting into the carriage, "Caihuan, take good care of your young lady, remember?"

"Slave and servant will, Mrs. Xiao has a smooth journey!"


Seeing the carriage drifting away, Caihuan looked at Xu Jiudi who was still reluctant, and said in a low voice, "Miss, don't worry too much, servant girl, you and Mrs. Xiao are very destined, we will definitely see each other again in the future!"

"I know, I'm just a little worried."

As for Tang Huanxi's sudden change of mind not to go to Chaozhou but to go to Kyoto instead, Xu Jiudi had some vague guesses in his heart.

Huanxi has always been a smart person, and she can definitely do what she wants to do.

But the road ahead was full of ups and downs and thorns, and she was really worried.

"Mrs. Xiao is the general's wife, and she is extremely intelligent. Even if she encounters any danger, she will save it." Caihuan supported her and said softly, "Miss, compared to Mrs. Xiao, this servant is more worried about you."


"Well, although those irrelevant people have left Xu's mansion, some people have lived in Xu's mansion for so many years and have hidden a lot of nails in the mansion. Instead of worrying about Mrs. Xiao, the eldest lady should think about it carefully. How can we make the Xu Mansion even more solid like golden soup!"

Xu Jiudi responded softly, "You're right, I finally got to this point, and I can't fall short."

"Miss is smart!"

"Caihuan, you seem to be getting smarter and smarter. It seems that I was right to ask you to ask Nanny Gui for advice."

"Miss, please don't make fun of the servants. How can the servants learn the skills of Gui Momo? But Gui Momo is really good. Before she left, she left two prescriptions for you, miss. I will wait for your future miss." After the body is recuperated, if you find a good husband, you will be able to live a happy life with He Meimei, and when the young lady has a child, the slave will have to take care of the young master!"

"You, you, you are getting farther and farther away!" Hearing Caihuan's words, Xu Jiudi's mood brightened a little, "I see, before I find a good husband, you will be sent to marry me Already!"

"The servant does not marry, the servant must guard the young lady!"

"Silly girl!"

The master and servant smiled at each other and walked into the yard together.

At that time, it was Fengluan Hall in the imperial palace.

An Xiuhui was surprised when she received the news.


"Lu Yin, is the news true? Xiao Baorui really returned to the capital with his family?"

"This news is indeed true, ma'am, do you think there is something we don't know about it?" Lu Yin also expressed her surprise, "A few days ago, Eunuch Xia, who was serving the Holy Majesty, missed a few words and said It was someone in Jinling who was restless, causing the Holy One to not sleep a wink for two days and two nights!"

"You mean the matter of the former emperor's last edict?"

"Well, I heard that the heir that the late emperor preferred was not the Supreme Emperor, but the young Third Prince!"

"It's fine to say these words in front of this palace. If it is spread, be careful with your head."

"Your servant is guilty!" Lu Yin also knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, and she knelt down in a panic.

"Get up." An Xiuhui glanced at her, then lowered her head to look at her abdomen, "It's just that I don't understand what the purpose of these two couples coming to the capital at this time is?"

An Xiuhui knew Xiao Baorui's true identity early in the morning.

There can be absolutely no problem with the father's information.

Linhai Wuzhou has long been in Xiao Baorui's pocket, but how could he willingly bow his head to the Holy One?

This matter is really strange.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Soldiers will come to cover you with water and soil. If the slaves want to come, no matter what happens in the future, Madam, you will be able to turn danger into danger."

"Well, Tang Huanxi is not my opponent, otherwise I wouldn't have been played around by me at the beginning." An Xiuhui smiled, "By the way, I heard that Song Yang's son was ill, is the news true? ?”

"I heard that the two children ate something they shouldn't eat, and they had continuous diarrhea. Mr. Song even asked the imperial physician Zhang from the imperial hospital. Unfortunately, the imperial physicians couldn't help it. The two children suffered a lot this time."

"Song Zhuo's mother is a rascal, and she even came up with such a way to torture Yang Yanqiu." An Xiuhui sighed softly, "Forget it, since Tang Huanxi is going to enter the palace, then I'll just sell it off. Let Doctor Chen go to the Song Mansion to have a look, and give Yang Yanqiu's two sons the two pairs of small red gold bracelets in the palace's warehouse."

"Ma'am, isn't that prepared for the little prince?"

"My prince, I don't care about that." An Xiuhui smiled indifferently, "If Tang Huanxi is really willing to surrender, I might as well give them some sweetness first!"

"Young lady is wise!"

Lu Yin nodded immediately, then turned around and went to work.

At that time in Hehuan Hall, Concubine Rui who also received the news was also a little surprised.

"I thought that Xiao Baorui would bring his wife to Chaozhou to become a local emperor, but who would have thought that they were willing to return to Beijing to report on their duties? It's really surprising!" Concubine Rui fiddled with her nails, her lowered eyes covering the eyes. A sneer.

"Your Majesty, I heard that there is movement from the Queen's side."

"Oh, she is about to give birth now, why worry so much?"

"I heard that Mrs. Xiao and Song Yang are very close. The empress is doing this, I am afraid she is showing favor to these two people." Zisu thought for a while, and then said the guess in his heart, "My lady, I don't know what is in your heart. What are your plans?"

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, you can easily make mistakes if you are in a hurry, and it will be difficult to solve the problem if you make a mistake." Concubine Rui smiled, casually rolled up a piece of ice cream, and tasted it carefully, "These two The dim sum sent by the Japanese Imperial Dining Room is not bad, Zisu, you go and bring another one, and follow me to see the Holy Majesty."


Yangxin Palace received the memorial from Xiao Baorui, and Murong He felt a little headache.

"If the Holy Majesty is tired, why not have a sip of tea first, and then read the rest of the memorial after rest?" Eunuch Fu carefully looked at Murong He's face, and advised softly.

"What do you think is Xiao Baorui's intention in doing this? I thought he would go to Chaozhou to be his local emperor. Why did he turn his gun and return to Kyoto?"

"My lord, this old slave doesn't understand."

Murong He took the cup of tea he handed over, and sighed softly, "Don't say you don't understand, even I don't understand what his intention is."

(End of this chapter)

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