Chapter 770

Murong He really couldn't figure out what Xiao Baorui's intention for returning to Beijing suddenly was.

Previously, every move of Xiao Baorui was under his nose, and the military power of the five Linhai states also fell into his hands.

The reason why Murong He has been holding back all this time is that he is waiting for the right time to catch them all.

But now, Xiao Baorui chose to return to Beijing to report on his duties, and the situation became even more difficult.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Rui is here." Eunuch Fu asked cautiously, "Does Your Majesty want to summon you?"

"Let her come in." Murong He nodded lightly, putting away the turbulent thoughts in his heart.

The soldiers came to block the water and the soil, and he finally sat on this dragon chair, so he firmly believed that he would not be easily defeated.

Concubine Rui walked up to him with a smile on her face, her every move was charming, "My lord, I saw that the cloud cake delivered by the imperial dining room in the past two days tastes good, so I specially sent it for you to taste. .”

"Concubine Ai has a heart."

"The Holy Majesty is busy with court affairs, and there are not many concubines that can do for the Holy Majesty." With a modest smile on her face, Concubine Rui rolled up a piece of cloud cake and handed it to Murong He's lips, "Try it, Your Majesty." ?”

"It melts in the mouth, it's really good."

"Your Majesty likes it as long as you like it." Concubine Rui smiled lightly, "I originally wanted to cook your favorite pastries myself, but now that my stomach is getting bigger and bigger, it's really inconvenient to do it."

"You are pregnant, you still need to rest more."

"Thank you Majesty for caring, my heart is warm." Concubine Rui laughed quickly, "By the way, Majesty, I heard that Mrs. Xiao's cooking skills are very good. I think I will go to Mrs. Xiao after the princess is born in the future. Asking for cooking lessons!"

"Madam Xiao?"

"It's Tang Huanxi, the wife of Vanguard General Xiao Baorui. This concubine once heard from the Queen that Mrs. Xiao's cooking skills are excellent!"

"He's really lucky." Murong He squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Concubine Rui, I still have a memorial to review, you should step down first!"


Concubine Rui saw that Murong He's eyes were a bit suspicious, and her heart became more and more cheerful.

An Xiuhui, you killed Ben Gong's aunt back then, and Ben Gong will make you lose even more in the future!
Returning to the Hall of Hehuan, Zisu quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off Concubine Rui's face, "Mother, it's already the end of autumn, why are you sweating so much?"

"Walking all the way back from the Hall of Self-Cultivating Heart, it feels a lot more comfortable after sweating so much." Concubine Rui smiled, "These days, I have been staying in the Hall of Hehuan and rarely go out, but I don't know that my body is already weak It's come to this point."

"Your Majesty will naturally have to work harder to give birth to an emperor's heir."

"That's right, as long as she is safe and healthy, what's the point of working harder?" Concubine Rui gently touched her stomach, a little disappointed, "By the way, Zisu, what I asked you to do outside the palace, Is it all right?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the servant has already handed over the letter to the Master."

"That's good." Concubine Rui breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as father reads that letter, he will definitely understand the difficulty of this palace. Although this method is a bit dangerous, but right now the harem is like a wolf like a tiger, and the Holy Majesty Suspicious temperament, if I can't take the risk, I'm afraid it will bring disaster to this child.

"My mother's loving heart, the little prince will definitely understand in the future."

"Yeah." Concubine Rui nodded heavily, then took Zisu's hand, and said earnestly, "Zisu, you are the person my father and Aunt He trust, and you are also the person I trust. Now in this deep palace, the situation I am in It's difficult and difficult, and there are not many people who can be trusted..."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, if it wasn't for the Empress Dowager to save the servant girl, the slave servant would have already died on the street. After the concubine passed away, the servant girl swore a poisonous oath. If she can't avenge the empress dowager in the future, the servant girl is willing to die a terrible death! "

"Silly girl, there is no need to make such a vicious oath." Concubine Rui patted her hand and said softly, "Don't worry, with me here, aunt will definitely not die in vain!"

It was night, An Xiuhui was sitting on the porch, embroidering the bright yellow undershirt in her hand.

Hearing the vaguely familiar sound of footsteps gradually approaching, An Xiuhui curled up her lips soundlessly, "Lv Yin, cut the candle wick, the light is a bit dim."

"Since you know that the lights are dimmed, why don't you rest?" Murong He walked slowly to her side and asked with concern.

"My concubine has met the Holy Majesty, all blessings to the Majesty." An Xiuhui quickly stood up and saluted.

"Get up, you are inconvenient to move now, so you can avoid these immodest rituals." Murong He waved his hands indifferently, and his eyes fell on the sewing basket on the table, "Why don't you take a break so late and still work on it?" Needlework?"

"The concubine is thinking that it is getting colder and colder these days. Your Majesty, you used to have leg problems, and you will get frostbite in the winter, so I want to make you a fleece jacket while I have nothing to do. Underwear, this way, it won’t be so cold when you go to court in the morning.”

"Hui Er is so considerate, I am very happy."

The candlelight was flickering, An Xiuhui was wearing her hair like a waterfall, standing obediently below, the hazy halo hit her body, adding a bit of dignified and soft beauty.

"The Holy Majesty is the concubine's husband. The concubine has no talent or virtue, so I can only do these trivial things to show my concubine's heart."

Murong He took a deep look at her, then raised his hand and pulled her into his arms and sat down, "Since you know it's autumn, why are you still wearing so little? Now that you are pregnant with twins, if a It’s not good if you accidentally catch the wind and cold.”

"Your Majesty is worrying too much. The concubine is so delicate. The imperial doctor said that the concubine is in good health, and she shouldn't suffer too much when she gives birth in the future." An Xiuhui said softly, but her tone gradually became choked up, " Your Majesty..."

"What's the matter?" Murong He raised his hand to hold her face, and asked with some distress, "Why are you crying so well?"

"He Lang, Huier is actually a little scared... During these days, Huier has read a lot of medical books, and they all say that women who are pregnant with twins are very prone to dystocia. Having children is Huier's blessing, but Huier is afraid that she will die, once Huier dies, He Lang, if you are sad, Huier will feel even more distressed."

An Xiuhui has always shown a generous and gentle side in front of Murong He.

Although Murong He liked An Xiuhui's talent and wisdom from the bottom of his heart, but most of the time he felt inferior.

When they met back then, he fell in love with An Xiuhui at first sight, but he still couldn't see clearly An Xiuhui's affection for him.

It wasn't until this moment that he truly believed that this woman had him in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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