Chapter 771

A quarter of an hour later, An Xiuhui hurriedly explained, "Your Majesty, my concubine has been rude, please forgive me."

"Hui'er, you are my wife. It is reasonable for you to be worried or afraid. How can I have the heart to blame you?" Murong He raised his hand and gently stroked her soft hair, " Huier, don't be afraid, I will find the best imperial physician and best midwife to help you, you are my queen, you must not order anyone who is poor and unlucky."

"Well, the concubine understands."

"It's late at night, does the Holy Majesty want to go to bed?"

"No, I'm going back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, you have a good rest, I'll come to accompany you for lunch tomorrow."

"Okay," An Xiuhui nodded obediently, "The concubine sends you off respectfully."

After Murong He left, An Xiuhui leaned on the soft couch in a daze, with a tired look on her face.

Lu Yin calculated the time correctly, called a basin of hot water, wrung out the towel and handed it to her palm, "Ma'am, wash your face first?"

"Bengong finally turned into a look that I can't even see clearly." An Xiuhui raised her eyes slowly and finished speaking with a wry smile.


"I'm fine, Lu Yin, you go outside and keep watch, I want to be alone and quiet."

"Yes, the servants will stay outside. If the empress needs anything, just tell the servants."


After Lu Yin left the main hall, An Xiuhui looked around and looked at every object in this resplendent palace, her eyes became more and more calm.

So many years have passed, and she is still thinking about why she obeyed her father's words, deliberately approached the Holy One, and purposely showed her talents in front of the Holy One.

In fact, An Xiuhui has always known that although Murong He has become the supreme king of a country, he still has low self-esteem in front of her.

When they met back then, he was a depressed prince who couldn't be reused; but he was a young and bright daughter of the magistrate, with both talent and beauty.

But An Xiuhui had never had real affection for him.

In these years, the only time she was throbbing was when He Yihang bumped into her by accident that day, that shy face that could bleed.

She calculated every step of the way, and finally made herself the empress empress who is under this person and above ten thousand people.

But she has never really loved Murong He, and now she is raising a child for him in her womb.

If you think about it carefully, it's really ironic.

"Then have you ever regretted it?" At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in An Xiuhui's mind.

She woke up suddenly.


She never regrets, never regrets!

Time flies by in a hurry.

It was the end of October in a blink of an eye, and the carriage that Tang Huanxi and the others were riding in was about to arrive outside the city of Kyoto in half a day.

"Miss, you have lost a lot of weight along the way." Xiao Baorui looked at her obviously haggard face, and said with some distress. "When I get back to Beijing, I'll ask the imperial doctor to show you."

"Xiao Baorui, don't make such a fuss." Tang Huanxi said helplessly, "This child is already struggling, and I have no appetite, so I naturally lost weight."

"When she comes out, see if I don't teach this brat a lesson!"

"Well, I'm waiting for the day when you help me teach her a lesson." Tang Huanxi looked at him and nodded firmly.

"By the way, has the general's mansion over there in Kyoto been cleaned up?"

"Well, when I was in Jinling, I handed over the note and said that I would return to Beijing to report on my work. Murong He should have prepared everything." Xiao Baorui said in a low voice, "Lady, don't worry, I am here for everything."


"According to the regulations, when I return to the capital, I will first go to the palace to face the saint. When the time comes, you and Nanny Gui will go directly to the General's Mansion. I have already asked Hong Yan to take care of everything."

"Okay, then be careful, I'll wait for you at home."


Xiao Baorui lifted the curtain, got on the horse, clamped Feixue's abdomen with both legs, and rushed out like an arrow from the string...

Looking at his handsome back, Tang Huanxi asked worriedly, "Nurse Gui, do you think something will happen to Xiao Baorui?"

"Ma'am, don't worry, the general is a man of measure, and he must have made the best plan." Nanny Gui didn't know what the situation in Beijing is like now, so she could only comfort Tang Huanxi in a soft voice, "Ma'am, you Don't worry about it."

"Well," Tang Huanxi nodded heavily, "Nurse, I feel a little sleepy again, wait until you call me to get up."

"Yes, the old slave obeys!"

At dusk, Xiao Baorui had already arrived at the palace.

At that time Murong He had been waiting for a long time.

"The humble minister sees the Holy One, and the Holy One is blessed and safe." Although Xiao Baorui was only wearing ordinary clothes, it was difficult to conceal his natural majesty.

"General Xiao, please get up!" Murong He squinted his eyes and said calmly, "I have received General Xiao's memorial half a month ago. I have chosen a courtyard in the east of the city. I hope General Xiao will be satisfied."

"Thank you, Lord!"

"General Xiao is willing to return to Beijing to report on his duties. I am very relieved. Three days later, I will hold a reception banquet and invite the general and his family to attend."

"Yes, I obey the order!"

Originally, Xiao Baorui was ready for a tough battle, but he never expected that this conversation with Murong He would be so peaceful, it was really unexpected.

When he left the palace and returned to the General's Mansion, Tang Huanxi was leading everyone to prepare for the salute and tidy up the yard in an orderly manner with Nanny Gui.

"Xiao Baorui, are you back?"

"My lady, let Nanny Gui and Hong Yan take care of these trivial matters." Xiao Baorui held her hand with great distress, and his voice was extremely gentle.

"It's okay, I've been falling asleep all this way, now that I finally got home, I have to do some exercise."

"Lady, let's go to the study first."

Xiao Baorui nodded slightly, and then led her back to the study.

At that time, Hong Yan was leading people to tidy up the study room, and immediately retreated after seeing the two of them.

"Xiao Baorui, why did you come back so early? I thought you would stay in the palace for a while."

"I originally thought that Murong He would definitely catch me, after all, I was holding a soldier talisman in my hand. But Murong He's performance was very different from what I imagined."

"If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. It seems that we have to be more cautious in our actions in the future." Tang Huanxi's expression became a lot more dignified, "From the moment we decided to return to Beijing, I am afraid that our every move It has all fallen under the noses of those who care."

"Ma'am, are you afraid?"

"With you by my side, I'm not afraid." Tang Huanxi raised her eyes suddenly, looked at him, and said firmly, "Xiao Baorui, I believe that we are all blessed people, no matter what happens in the future, we can turn evil lucky!"

(End of this chapter)

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