Chapter 772

There was a faint smile on Xiao Baorui's face, and then he stretched out his hand to embrace her in his arms, "My lady, sometimes I really feel that God treats me well, and even sent you to my side."

"Fool." Leaning in his arms, Tang Huanxi slowly closed her eyes, listening to his steady and powerful heartbeat, she felt extremely at ease.

"Murong He said that there will be a banquet in the palace in three days, and I will be there with my family. Do you want to go?" Xiao Baorui gently held her face in his hands, his gaze became more and more gentle, "If you don't want to go, don't force yourself , whoever has me, you know?"

"When I left Jinling, I promised Sister Jiudi something, so I had no choice but to enter the palace." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then smiled, "Don't worry, my husband, I will be careful in everything."

"it is good."

The couple stayed tenderly for a while, until Hong Tao reported something, Tang Huanxi turned and went back to the room.

At that time, Nanny Gui had already put Yijin to sleep, and Hongrong had also prepared everything for the bath.

"Hong Rong, your body is just a little bit better, don't do such cumbersome work in the future, remember?" Tang Huanxi said, looking at Hong Rong's pale face, and frowned.

"Don't worry, ma'am, I know it well!"

"Don't be brave, go back and rest first, and help me after you have fully recovered your body."

"...Okay." Hong Rong only felt a warm current pouring into her heart, she nodded cautiously, then turned and left.

Nanny Gui shrugged helplessly, "This girl just listens to Madam, the old slave has already persuaded her before, but she is really too stubborn."

"Mommy, when our side is completely stabilized, Mommy can help me buy one or two more maids to train me well. Except for Mommy and Hong Rong, there are really no useful people around me."

"This old slave thinks the same way. There are many rules here in the capital. Although Hong Rong is loyal to Madam, she is too direct." Nanny Gui thought for a while and said softly, "However, if you want to meet this man, you can do it." It’s not easy for a talented person.”

"Three days later, the Holy Majesty set up a reception banquet for Xiao Baorui. I thought that sister Yanqiu would definitely attend. I am not familiar with the place in the capital, so I still need to find someone familiar with me to do the follow-up work."

"Ma'am is still very thoughtful." Nanny Gui nodded lightly, but there was a layer of unresolved sadness on her brows, "But Ma'am, you are so inconvenient to move now, do you still insist on entering the palace for a banquet?" ?”

"Nurse, don't worry." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, "Even if this banquet is a grand banquet that Murong He set up for me and Xiao Baorui, I will come as scheduled. Don't worry, Mammy, Xiao Baorui and I are facing each other now." For some people with ulterior motives, it is very valuable. As long as they are valuable people, they will not be easily bullied."

"The old slave knows that Madam has plans in mind, but the palace is a dragon's lake and a tiger's den, and if she is not careful, her body will be smashed to pieces."

"It's okay." Tang Huanxi looked at her and smiled gratefully, "Don't worry, Mammy, the soldiers will cover you up."


Tang Huanxi's attitude was so firm, Nanny Gui knew that it would be useless to talk too much.

I just hope that nothing will go wrong at the banquet three days later.

At that time, under the illumination of the night pearl, the palace was brightly lit like daytime.

An Xiuhui looked at the blue and white color in Murong He's eyes, and immediately showed distress, "Your Majesty, even if you are busy with court affairs, you should have a good rest! Lu Yin, go and get a bowl of ginseng and black-bone chicken soup from the small kitchen."


An Xiuhui got up and walked to Murong He's side, took off the cloak on him, and asked with some doubts, "Your Majesty seems unhappy?"

"I have met Xiao Baorui just now."

An Xiuhui immediately lowered her eyes to cover the darkness in her eyes, "General Xiao returned to Beijing to report on his duties, the Holy Majesty doesn't seem happy at all?"

"It's just that I can't figure it out." Murong He waved his hand indifferently, "If he really has the last emperor's edict in his hand, and with the sincere support of the King of Yunnan, it is not impossible for him to stay in Chaozhou and become a local emperor, but he I just went back to Beijing."

"My lord, in my humble opinion, you think this matter is too complicated." An Xiuhui smiled lightly, "Is it the king's land under the whole world, and the king's minister on the shore of the land. Xiao Baorui is just Xiao Baorui, there is nothing else As for the edict of the former emperor in Jinling, wasn’t it found and destroyed by the Supreme Emperor a long time ago?”

An Xiuhui's words were like a sharp dagger, ruthlessly tearing apart Murong He's puzzled situation.

"Hui'er is right, I am too narrow-minded." Murong He nodded lightly after recovering, "Since he has decided to live a good life as Xiao Baorui, I will naturally give him this opportunity."

"Your Majesty is wise!" An Xiuhui smiled and bowed softly, "What does Your Majesty plan to do for the banquet in three days' time?"

"It's more inconvenient for you to be bulky now, so I plan to leave the handling of the banquet to Concubine Xian. If Concubine Xian has any doubts, Huier will help you."

"Yes, the concubine obeys the order."

"Okay, it's getting late, I'm leaving first, you go to bed early!" Murong He patted her hand, his eyes were affectionate and gentle.

By the time Lu Yin brought the boiled ginseng and black-bone chicken soup, there was no sign of Murong He in the bedroom.

"The Queen Mother?"

"It just so happens that I'm a little hungry, let me drink this ginseng black chicken soup." An Xiuhui smiled, then picked up the bowl of chicken soup, and sipped it lightly.

"Send Eunuch Zhao tomorrow."

"Your Majesty, do you want it?"

"Ben Gong and Concubine Rui got pregnant at about the same time. I have always been a good-natured person, but I can't help but some people start to feel restless and ready to move."

"Your Majesty is referring to Concubine Xian?"

"Well, Wen Jingxian is the daughter of Wen Huairen, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy. I remember that my father wrote a letter a few days ago saying that Wen Huairen was a little restless. Since he is restless, then I can only take good care of him."

"Your Majesty, right now Concubine Xian is gaining favor, if now..."

"Lu Yin, I can't wait." An Xiuhui looked down at her already protruding abdomen, and said softly, "I have already thought about it, and no one can wait until my child is born safely. Take away His Majesty's grace!"

At that time, Chunxi Hall.

Concubine Xian was practicing calligraphy when she suddenly heard the voice of the chief eunuch, she couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

"Looking at Concubine Ai under the lamp, it seems to have a different style!" Murong He smiled heartily, then walked to Concubine Xian, and asked softly, "What's wrong with Concubine Ai?"

"I didn't know the Holy Majesty was coming, and my concubine was far away to welcome me. It is really rude. I ask the Holy Majesty to forgive me!"

"I just suddenly miss my concubine, don't panic."

Murong He thought about it, but decided to go straight to the point.

"Concubine Xian, I want you to arrange a palace banquet in three days' time."

(End of this chapter)

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