Chapter 774

"Ma'am, what do you mean?" When Nanny Gui heard this, she broke into a cold sweat secretly, "It's all the slave's fault, that he forgot such an important thing... If the Holy Majesty really gave the general a marriage ,That……"

"Don't worry, Mammy, I'm Xiao Baorui's wife who is being married. I think if His Majesty really wants to put people around Xiao Baorui, the queen will play around with it."

"Why are you so sure, madam?"

"Because An Xiuhui is a person who is always in good hands." Tang Huanxi smiled and said with firm eyes.

When Yang Yanqiu gave birth to twins back then, life and death were on the line. If Tang Huanxi hadn't secretly fed her drinking mountain spring water, I'm afraid the ending would not be as happy as it is now.

Now that An Xiuhui is also pregnant with twins, even if there are skilled imperial physicians and experienced stable women in the palace, what's the use?
Some disasters are inevitable.

For a woman to give birth is to step into the gate of hell with one foot, plus An Xiuhui is pregnant with twins, the danger will be doubled.

In the blink of an eye, it was November 28, the day when Murong He held a reception banquet for Xiao Baorui.

Tang Huanxi was pulled out of the warm quilt by Nanny Gui early in the morning.

"Mommy, it's not dawn yet. Aren't you having dinner? What are you doing up so early?" Tang Huanxi's sleepy eyes could hardly be opened.

"Ma'am, just now the Empress sent someone to convey a message that she will send someone to pick you up for lunch in an hour."

Upon hearing these words, Tang Huanxi immediately woke up.

"The queen invited me to lunch? Really?"

"Naturally, I heard that besides you, she also invited a lot of dignified ladies from official families!"

"What kind of trick is An Xiuhui playing? I don't quite understand it." Tang Huanxi rubbed her sore brows, "Forget it, the soldiers are here to cover the water and the soil, mother, help me up!"


Still unable to open her eyes in sleepiness, Tang Huanxi sat obediently in front of the dressing table, letting Nanny Gui smooth her face.

After about an hour, Tang Huanxi felt that her head was not so uncomfortable, and she woke up instantly.

Looking at the face in the bronze mirror, Tang Huanxi was completely dumbfounded.

" this still me?"

Tang Huanxi thought that her appearance was pretty good, and He Dongxue was one of the most beauties in Yunshui County in the past.

But today, with a little makeup on, it's like a different person.

"My lady, you are so beautiful." Xiao Baorui, who happened to step through the door, couldn't help but exclaim when he saw this scene.

Over the years, for the sake of convenience, Tang Huanxi has always worn a simple ponytail, and rarely left any traces of makeup on her snow-skinned face. On the small face as big as a palm, the crescent eyebrows are swept away, and the beautiful eyes flow.Especially the appearance of her with a shallow smile at the moment, the pear dimples are shallow and beautiful, and her every move is full of elegance.

When Xiao Baorui's eyes fell on her delicate and charming red lips, he couldn't help but kiss Fangze.

The others present hurriedly lowered their heads.

Tang Huanxi also blushed, and couldn't help but beat his chest, "It's sunny, what are you doing?"

"Miss, are you shy?" Looking at the two red clouds on her face, Xiao Baorui smiled even more heartily, "Miss, you are so beautiful, I don't even want you to go out."

"I really want to hide you and prevent others from admiring your beauty."

"Slick tongue!" Tang Huanxi couldn't help but glared at him, "I heard that the palace is full of beauty, and those dancers are even more beautiful and graceful. Who knows if you will also salivate over those people?"

"Although I am beautiful, I already have a wife. Besides, my eyes are small, so I can't hold other people." Xiao Baorui quickly hugged her from behind, and smiled softly, "But why did I smell a strong smell of vinegar early in the morning? Woolen cloth?"

"You dare to talk nonsense again, I'm going to get angry!" Tang Huan stared at him angrily.

Xiao Baorui thought for a while, then lowered his head again.

Before Tang Huanxi got completely angry, he slipped away, "Lady, the Holy Majesty has summoned me, and my husband is waiting for you outside the mansion."

After Xiao Baorui left, Nanny Gui couldn't help but smile when she saw her charming face.

"Mammy... even you laugh at me?"

"Madam, it's a good thing that you and the general are affectionate and affectionate. This old slave will only be pleased and not laugh at you."

Tang Huanxi turned around and sat in front of the bronze mirror, picked up the rouge again, and applied it lightly.

"Nurse, there are many rules in the palace. If I do something wrong, you must remind me."

"Ma'am, don't worry!"

In the past two days, Tang Huanxi has been trying to mend the etiquette rules in the palace, but now she has learned a lot.

From Mammy Gui's point of view, Tang Huanxi was smart enough that even if something happened to her, she would save the day.

The imperial palace, Fengluan Palace.

"Have you taken care of all the affairs of the Mingguang Palace? There can be no mistakes today." The queen put down a volume of scriptures in her hand, looked at Lu Yin, and asked softly.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Mother Liu has already taken care of everything."

"That's good."

"Your Majesty, the imperial doctor said that you will give birth in a month or so. You have to work hard at this time, and this servant is really worried."

"Don't worry, I know it well." The queen smiled slightly, "By the way, when Tang Huanxi enters the palace, bring her to Fengluan Hall for a seat."


About an hour and a half later, Tang Huanxi stepped into the magnificent and extravagant Fengluan Palace.

At that time, An Xiuhui was dressed in a bright red palace attire, with a scarlet gold phoenix flying on her head, and she exuded an aura of calmness and prestige.

It's just that this aura didn't suppress Tang Huanxi's indifferent aura.

"The women of the people have met the empress."

"Get up!" An Xiuhui hurried forward, with one hand supporting her waist and the other wanting to hold Tang Huanxi's hand, "I haven't seen you for many years, my sister looks the same as before."

"The empress is also the same, her momentum is becoming more and more graceful and luxurious."

Tang Huanxi took a step back subconsciously, and the smile on her face became more and more unfamiliar.

"Sister wants to have such a relationship with me in front of me?" An Xiuhui covered her chest pretending to be heartbroken, "I didn't mean to deceive back then, I always had my own difficulties."

"Your Majesty summoned the women to say such irrelevant things?" Tang Huanxi interrupted her with a frown, too lazy to watch her act.

An Xiuhui didn't expect Tang Huanxi's attitude to be so tough, she immediately raised her brows, "At first, I thought that since my sister was willing to enter Beijing, she must still be concerned about her former friendship. Now it seems that this palace is extravagant."

"Ming people don't speak dark words, so why not get straight to the point, Empress Dowager."

"Okay, since my sister is straightforward, I won't go around in circles." An Xiuhui smiled, then turned and sat on the head, "I heard that Song Yang was able to successfully give birth to twins back then, sister, you contributed a lot ?”

"That's right, I do have a potion in my hand that can save someone's life at a critical moment. Sister Yanqiu escaped death back then, if she had lost the elixir, she would have died long ago."

(End of this chapter)

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