Chapter 775

After Tang Huanxi finished speaking, she lowered her eyes and fell silent.

Nanny Gui stood behind her, quickly picked up the teacup on the table and handed it to her palm, "Madam must be tired after talking so much, drink some tea to moisten your throat!"

An Xiuhui, who was thinking deeply, suddenly raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"Lu Yin, I remember that there are still a lot of top-level clouds and mists in the warehouse. You take the mother to get two boxes, and Madam Xiao will take them there later."

"The queen's kindness is appreciated by the women." Tang Huanxi smiled neither humble nor overbearing, "However, compared to Yunwu tea, women prefer yellow and white things."

"I heard that you are planning to open a restaurant in Kyoto? If you don't mind, I am willing to take a share."

"How many shares do you plan to buy?"

Finally, when a topic that interested him was mentioned, the smile on Tang Huanxi's face increased a little.

"Thirty percent, how about it?"

"Too much, one and a half."

"Don't you think you're a little deceptive?"

"Since women have the courage to seek skins from tigers, why do they feel that they are deceiving others too much? Empress, don't forget, it was you who offered to participate in the shares, not the women who begged you."

"Presumptuous, how dare you be so rampant in front of the empress, are you tired of working?" Lu Yin roared instantly.

"Hehe, Miss Luyin, you seem to have forgotten your identity. If it wasn't for my husband's ignorance back then, how could he have saved one white-eyed wolf after another? The story of the farmer and the snake, the women are really tired of reading it. , if the empress has no other orders, the woman will leave!"

Not much speculation.

Tang Huanxi was too lazy to waste time on her.

"Ben Gong agrees!" An Xiuhui, who had been thinking a lot, suddenly smiled when she was about to leave his sight, "As long as you are willing to help Ben Gong when she gives birth, Ben Gong will help you." Let you get what you want."

"Three conditions."

"you say!"

"First, if the Holy Majesty wants to marry Xiao Baorui, I would like to ask the empress to deal with it. After all, women can't rub sand in their eyes; second, every inch of capital in Kyoto is expensive, so it is not easy to open a restaurant. I reached a condition with the head of the Xu family bank, she is willing to lend me 15 taels of silver, and repay it after three years without interest. The premise is that you need to make a decree from your mother."

"These things are not difficult, but what is the third condition?"

"The folk woman hasn't thought of it yet, and it won't be too late to mention it when the folk woman thinks about it."

"Okay, it's a deal!"

"Since the empress is straightforward, the women are not stingy. Although the empress's cloud mist tea is good, it is not suitable for pregnant women to use regularly, especially for pregnant women like empress who are about to give birth!"

An Xiuhui immediately lowered her eyes to cover the anger in her eyes, "Okay, thank you very much."

"Your Majesty, you are welcome."

After leaving Fengluan Hall, Tang Huanxi did not leave in a hurry, but followed Nanny Gui to the vicinity of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"Why don't Madam stay in Fengluan Palace for dinner?"

"Those noble ladies are used to intrigue. Now that the empress and concubine Rui are equally divided in the harem, those people will naturally form cliques. In their eyes, Xiao Baorui is a new rich man. I don't want to deal with them."

"Madam can hide for a while, but not forever!" Nanny Gui understood what she was thinking and couldn't help sighing.

"I can't control so much right now, I wonder how Xiao Baorui is doing now?"

"The general is alert, and he will be safe and sound, Madam, don't worry."


At that time, it was the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

With Xiao Baorui dropping the last white piece, the winner or loser is decided.

"You won." Murong He slowly raised his eyes, looked at the expressionless Xiao Baorui, and said with a smile, "You are the first person to win against me in the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

"Since the Holy Majesty wants to see how good Wei Chen is at chess, how can Wei Chen not go all out? Although he won, he only won half of the pieces."

"One drop, the whole game is lost. Just now, the one that I landed in the northwest made a mistake, and the whole game will be lost." Murong He stood up slowly, with his hands behind his back, and walked up to the table with his head held high. In front of the French window, "Xiao Baorui, are you willing to live only as Xiao Baorui?"

Speaking of it, the person in front of him should be his uncle.

But Murong He was terrified in his heart.

If Xiao Baorui really had the imperial edict of the ancestor emperor in his hand, then the throne that his father got back then would be unfair, let alone his own identity?

What made Murong He more upset, he couldn't just kill the person in front of him like this.

After all, Xiao Baorui accumulated illustrious military exploits in the battle against Great Liang back then, and his prestige in the barracks was extremely high, so the current Xiao Baorui cannot be killed.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I believe that as long as you can protect your family and live well, no matter what kind of identity you use to live, it doesn't matter."

"Do you really think so?"

"If Weichen didn't think so, then Weichen wouldn't be here at this moment."

Murong He was speechless for a moment, as Xiao Baorui said, if he really had a different heart, he would not be standing in front of him now.

"I deliberately ordered someone to tidy up the Shouchun Palace. You go down and rest. When the evening banquet starts, I will send someone to summon you."

"The minister obeys the order."

After Xiao Baorui saluted, he turned around and strode away.

At that time, Tang Huanxi was standing a hundred meters away, looking at each other from a distance. The moment she saw him, she smiled slightly. That smile was so beautiful.

"Why is the lady here?"

"It's too boring in the Queen's Palace, so I thought of coming to pick you up." Tang Huanxi took his arm and smiled sweetly, "Xiao Baorui, where are we going now?"

"Go to Shouchun Palace."

"it is good."

Looking at the picture of the couple walking side by side and gradually drifting away, Murong He's eyes shone with complicated and dark light.

Does he really not want Murong Chen's identity?
Shouchun Palace.

Compared with the extravagant Fengluan Palace, the decoration of this palace is much simpler.

"Are you tired, lady?" Xiao Baorui gently kneaded her shoulders, with a bit of guilt in his tone, "I thought I could take you out of the palace right away, and then go out for a stroll, but it's a pity, according to the meaning of the Holy Majesty, yes We must attend the evening palace banquet."

"Since you're here, you'll be safe." Tang Huanxi smiled indifferently, "However, if you enter the palace today, this trip is worthwhile."

"Why did the lady say such a thing?"

Tang Huanxi thought about it, and then recounted the conversation between himself and An Xiuhui verbatim.

Hearing this, Xiao Baorui frowned, "Aren't you afraid that the queen will hinder you if you do this?"

"An Xiuhui's temperament is always beneficial. Besides, as long as she is human, she will have weaknesses, and her biggest weakness is greed for life and fear of death." Tang Huanxi sneered, "Since I want to gain a firm foothold in the capital, Then find a backer as soon as possible, leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade!"

(End of this chapter)

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