Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 783 Sorry!

Chapter 783 Sorry!
Hall of joy.

Autumn has passed and winter has come, and the two acacia trees in the Hehuan Temple have already withered branches and rotted leaves.

However, there are two large water tanks in the front yard, and a lot of water lilies are planted in the water tanks.

But compared to the luxurious Fengluan Hall, the scenery here is a bit bleak.

"The women have met the concubine Rui, and the lady is safe." Tang Huanxi looked at the woman in the brocade clothes sitting in the first place, and saluted seriously.

"Mrs. Xiao, you don't have to be so polite," Concubine Rui smiled slightly, like a spring breeze blooming, the beauty is too beautiful to behold.

Compared with An Xiuhui's grace and luxury, Concubine Rui gave people the impression of gentleness and elegance, like a ray of spring breeze that made people feel warmer, especially her voice, which was even more beautiful than an oriole.

"Now that General Xiao is receiving the favor, I believe Madam's order will come soon." Concubine Rui smiled lightly, then looked at Zisu and said, "Zisu, serve tea quickly."


"Does Mrs. Xiao think it's strange? I suddenly want to see you?"

"My lady always has her own reasons for wanting to see me. Although the lady doesn't know what the lady's purpose is, the lady's intuition tells herself that the lady will never hurt the lady."

"I will not hurt you. I have no direct conflict of interest with you, so there is no need for me to hurt you." Concubine Rui thought for a while and asked thoughtfully, "Madam Xiao, I heard that you Are you from Yunshui County?"


"It's a coincidence that I saw a scroll of portraits at the concubine's side before. The person in the portrait is five or six points similar to you, madam. That's why I was curious and summoned you."

"There are tens of thousands of people in this world, and it's normal to occasionally have one or two people who look similar." Tang Huanxi smiled nonchalantly.

Concubine Rui didn't expect Tang Huanxi to be so tactful that she wouldn't accept the bait she threw out at all.

"Isn't Madam curious about who is in the portrait? After all, not everyone can appear in the deep palace."

"If the empress wants to say it, she will naturally say it, won't she?" Tang Huanxi looked at her, smiled, and asked instead of answering.

"Hehe... Mrs. Xiao, you are really different." Concubine Rui lowered her eyes to cover the light in her eyes, then picked up the tea on the side table and took a sip, "This is added Hawthorn black tea, what does Madam think it tastes like?"

"The mouth is mellow, but with a touch of sweetness, very good."

"This is also what I figured out in my free time, as long as Madam likes it."

"Although this tea is good, you can't drink too much. Don't you know that this hawthorn is not suitable for pregnant people?" Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows and asked curiously.

"... Bengong really didn't think about it so much, it shouldn't matter if you want to come to one or two places."

"Since the empress has already made up her mind, the woman will not say much. The woman will leave."

Tang Huanxi left with the excuse of being tired.


"Zisu, this Mrs. Xiao really lives up to her reputation, but if she is the Queen's ally, she is destined to be the enemy of the palace." Concubine Rui looked at Zisu, her eyes gradually darkened.

After leaving the palace gate and sitting in the carriage, Tang Huanxi leaned on Nanny Gui's shoulder sadly.


"I didn't take it seriously when you told me about Princess Nanxiang before, Mammy, but now I believe that Princess Nanxiang might really be my grandmother."

"Ma'am, you and Nanxiang princess are indeed similar, but no one knows the truth of the matter." Nanny Gui patted her on the back lightly, and comforted her softly, "Ma'am, don't think too much. , Hasn’t the general sent someone to investigate secretly? I believe it won’t be long before we know the truth.”

"En." Tang Huanxi nodded thoughtfully, "Why does Concubine Rui bring this up so well?"

"If the old slave's guess is correct, Concubine Rui is trying to test you, madam. But madam, you didn't answer her words. This old slave is worried that she will deal with you behind your back."

"Don't worry, with the queen here, Concubine Rui won't be able to make too much trouble for the time being." Tang Huanxi smiled indifferently, "Nurse, I feel a little tired, I'll go to bed first, and I'll call when I get home. I?"

"it is good."

In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

When Tang Huanxi woke up, the afternoon sun was at its most blazing.

"Xiao Baorui?"

"Miss, you're finally awake." Xiao Baorui smiled and hugged her up, "Since there's nothing to do this afternoon, let me go for a walk in the outskirts of the city with you?"

"But we haven't had a good tour of Kyoto yet?" Tang Huanxi muttered a little dissatisfied.

Xiao Baorui took this opportunity to cover her lips.

Tang Huanxi pushed away the person in front of her with all her strength until she felt that her brain was about to run out of oxygen.

"Xiao Baorui!"

"My lady!" Xiao Baorui smiled foolishly.

Facing his simple and honest smile, Tang Huanxi's anger dissipated instantly.

Half an hour later, the three of them arrived at a house outside the city.

"Uncle? Brother Pei, why are you here?" Tang Huanxi saw the person in front of him clearly, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

"Sister and sister, if I hadn't just met Dr. Jin this time, I would have gone to see the King of Hades long ago." Pei Zhonghou smiled wryly, his tone full of helplessness.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Tang Huanxi immediately frowned, and her eyes became vigilant.

"That day, Miss Hongrong and I left Yunshui County together. Later, Miss Hongrong told me to go directly to Beijing, while she took a detour to Jinling. Who knew that when I was passing through Pei County, I bumped into a A large number of men in black assassinated a woman in red... I don’t know what happened, I was knocked out, and then I lost consciousness.”

"When I woke up again, the surrounding area was pitch black. I struggled to get up, but couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of black blood. Later, I saw Dr. Jin in a daze..."

"Uncle, what's going on with all this?"

"When I saw shopkeeper Pei, shopkeeper Pei was lying in the misty forest and was poisoned by miasma, so I brought him out, detoxified his body, and brought him to the capital together."

"Brother Pei, you have always been generous and kind. I believe that no one will be against you. So those people should be targeting me." Tang Huanxi sorted out the ins and outs of the matter, and said in a deep voice, "It's just I wonder who those men in black are?"

"I don't know, but the clothes of those men in black are all embroidered with a small golden boa constrictor pattern." Pei Zhonghou recalled seriously, but couldn't remember anything.

"Brother Pei, don't think about it if you can't remember it. Anyway, you suffered such a big crime this time, and I was implicated in it. I'm really sorry!" Tang Huanxi bowed deeply to him. bow.

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(End of this chapter)

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