Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 784 Fearless

Chapter 784 Fearless
"Sisters, you don't need to be like this." Pei Zhonghou quickly took a step forward and helped her up, "From the time I decided to open a restaurant in the capital with you to do business, I knew that everything would be risky. Am I okay? I think there will be blessings if you survive a catastrophe, and I am talking about myself!"

Sometimes, Tang Huanxi had to admit that Pei Zhonghou was really a very optimistic person.

"Brother Pei, I'll send someone to take you back to the capital when your injuries are fully healed." Tang Huanxi said with a smile.

"Success." Pei Zhonghou nodded, then turned and left.

When only the husband and wife and Jin Sheng were left in the room, Jin Sheng looked at Tang Huan who was hesitant to speak, and smiled slightly, "Your doubts are already on your face, if you have any questions, just ask Just ask."

"Uncle, my mother... Tell me all the things you haven't told me about my mother's life experience now."

Jin Sheng didn't speak, but was silent for a quarter of an hour.

Then he took out a blue purse from his pocket and handed it to Tang Huanxi's palm, "Open it and have a look."

"This is?"

"It's something your mother left you," Jin Sheng sighed softly. "Actually, it's something my mother has been keeping for my sister. The things inside are really too valuable, so my sister never knew about it."

Out of curiosity, Tang Huanxi opened the blue purse, which contained only a jade pendant and a note.

My beloved daughter Dongxue, on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month in Yihai Year.

"Is this my mother's birth date?" Tang Huanxi was surprised, "The name below is Nanxiang Princess?"

"Well, it's Princess Nanxiang." Jin Sheng nodded, "My parents picked up my sister after a snowfall, and then treated her as their own, and loved her as their own daughter. This Purse, my mother gave it to me before she died, and told me not to tell my sister for the rest of my life, "


"Because the words Nanxiang Princess were not very pleasant to hear more than 20 years ago."

The real princess of Nanxiang abandoned her childhood sweetheart Han Hangong, and instead had a skin relationship with Han Hangong's concubine brother, and even chose to elope. Such a thing is very disdainful.

"We don't know the truth about that year." Xiao Baorui held Tang Huanxi's shoulders and comforted him softly, "Miss, don't worry, I believe we will know the truth soon."

"Uncle, if my grandmother is really the princess of Nanxiang County, what about my grandfather? And is Tang Shizhu really my father?"

"Tang Shizhu should not be your biological father. As for who your real biological father is, I don't know."

Tang Huanxi smiled wryly twice, and said nothing.

The atmosphere of silence is always extraordinarily sad.

"By the way, Uncle, how did you happen to pass by Pei County and just happened to save Brother Pei?"

"Maybe it's his fate, or maybe it's fate." Jin Sheng smiled self-deprecatingly, "A month ago, I received a letter from Granny Bu, saying that Qianlian had returned to Dai County, so I Thinking about going back to find her, who knew that I would meet Pei Zhonghou in the Misty Forest."

"Then uncle, are you sure that Brother Pei in front of you is the real Brother Pei?"

"Happy, why did you say that?"

"I don't know either. It's just that there's always some uneasiness in my heart, as if something is about to happen." Tang Huanxi rubbed her eyebrows and said a little tiredly.

"Stretch out your hand." Jin Sheng looked at her like this, really worried.

After checking her pulse, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huanxi, you go out first, I still have something to say to Xiao Baorui."

"it is good."

"Uncle?" Xiao Baorui looked at Jin Sheng, and asked nervously, "Is there something wrong with the lady's body?"

"Huanxi's body is inherently weak, and you should know that."


"Before she gave birth to Xiao Yijin, her body hadn't been properly taken care of. Now she is going to give birth to this fetus in her womb, so her body is strong on the outside but weak on the inside. If she doesn't take care of it, the consequences will be disastrous..."

"Then uncle, what should I do?"

"You should pay attention to your usual diet. I know that Huanxi has a nanny who is proficient in medicine. In addition to medicinal diet, she should eat more food that nourishes Qi and blood such as bird's nest. Also, don't make her too tired. If you are too tired, you will hurt your mind."

"I understand, don't worry, uncle, I will take good care of my wife."


Jin Sheng came to Tang Huanxi's side again, explained a few words seriously, and then turned around to prepare to leave.

"Uncle, won't you stay?"

"Grandma Bu told me that Qianlian went to the southwest area, so I plan to set off immediately, and no matter what, I have to resolve the misunderstanding between me and her." Jin Sheng looked at her and explained softly, "By the way, Huanxi, If there is anything that needs to use uncle, remember to pass on the letter by Feige."

"Okay," Tang Huanxi nodded obediently, "Uncle, I wish you the best of luck!"

"You too, be careful!"

At dusk, Xiao Baorui took Tang Huanxi's hand and walked to the back of the other courtyard, opened the door of the courtyard, and the two walked hand in hand to the back mountain.

At that time, the sunset and the lonely bird flew together, and the autumn water grew together, and the sky was the same color.

"I didn't expect to see the sea from here?" Tang Huanxi's eyes were full of surprise, "Xiao Baorui, how did you find this place?"

"Actually, this is my mother's property." Xiao Baorui looked into her eyes, and tenderly raised his lips, "When I decided to return to the capital, Uncle Qin handed over all my mother's property to me."

"That is to say, this other courtyard is the private property of Concubine Lan Gui?"


"It is rumored that the Lan family is as rich as an enemy, but now it seems that it is true?" Tang Huanxi raised an eyebrow and asked curiously, "Xiao Baorui, how much do you know about the Lan family in Jinling?"

"I know very little." Xiao Baorui smiled wryly, "What I know now is only a few words. Uncle Qin said that now is not a good time to tell me everything."

"Uncle Qin, it really is unfathomable."

"Miss, look at the sunset over there, isn't it beautiful?" Following the direction Xiao Baorui pointed, Tang Huanxi carefully admired it, the scenery there was really beautiful.

The sun was setting, the cool breeze was blowing, and the sunset glow reflected the whole sky red.

This kind of scenery makes people involuntarily calm down.

Tang Huanxi leaned into Xiao Baorui's arms, closed her eyes silently, feeling the sharpness of the cold wind whizzing by, she silently raised her lips, all the thoughts in her mind were relaxed at this moment .

The whole person is much more relaxed.

"Xiao Baorui, with you in the future, I have nothing to fear!"

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(End of this chapter)

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