Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 786 Attractive Woman

Chapter 786 Attractive Woman
"The scenery here is really nice, Mammy, look, the early plum blossoms have already bloomed. It won't be long before the fragrance of the plum blossoms will fill the whole house." Tang Huanxi looked at the flowers planted in the A few early plum trees in the northwest corner of the yard sighed, "I heard that Concubine Lan is a very talented person, and now it seems that her reputation is well-deserved."

She treats a courtyard in the suburbs of Beijing with such care.

Presumably she must be a person who loves life.

"When Concubine Lan Gui entered the palace, the old slave went to the imperial mausoleum just to stay with the concubine for a while. So I didn't care much about the news in the palace. But Concubine Lan Gui is indeed a woman with both talents and looks, otherwise I wouldn't You will be favored by the late emperor."

"Ma'am, do you think the plum blossoms in Kyoto are blooming?"

"Now that the twelfth lunar month has just entered, there are very few early plums in Kyoto, and they haven't bloomed yet."

"Nurse, I've already thought about what gift I want to give the queen." Tang Huanxi raised her brows lightly, and a smile appeared in her eyes.

Soon, Nanny Gui thought that the easel, pens, inks and paints were all ready.

Tang Huanxi raised her eyes again, carefully took a panoramic view of the scenery in front of her, and then started to paint with a brush.

Half an hour later, a painting of plum blossoms appeared.

On the white rice paper, plum blossoms are dotted and blooming.

Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and wrote another poem.

"Mommy, after the pen and ink is dry, send someone to deliver it to the Empress Dowager!"

"Yes," Nanny Gui nodded, "I never imagined that Ma'am, your painting skills are so exquisite?"

"It's all a skill bestowed by God," Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, and dimples appeared, "By the way, Mammy, Xiao Baorui is back?"

Early this morning, Xiao Baorui suddenly became interested, and took Xiao Yijin to a hunting ground not far away.

I heard that the hunting ground was funded and built by the royal family, so Xiao Baorui came up on a whim.

"I haven't come back yet."

"Mom, follow me to the kitchen." Tang Huanxi smiled, turned and went to the kitchen.

Since Nanny Gui came to her side, Tang Huanxi seldom cooks.

But today she really wants to drink soup, fresh and sweet yam pork rib soup.

"Mommy, you also want to drink a bowl later."

"Okay." Nanny Gui narrowed her eyes and smiled very gracefully.

"It's strange to say, since Madam, you made the sesame paste and gave it to the old slave, the old slave always feels that his body has relaxed a lot, and his whole body has become clearer. Madam, you are the real one. Blessed man."

This sentence is from the heart of Nanny Gui.

Tang Huanxi is a very charming person, getting along with her always makes people feel happy.

And most of the people around her can benefit.

Like Qian's, Yang Yanqiu only got better and better because of his wife's blessing.

Right now, even himself is in the light.

"Well, I also hope that I am a blessed person and can bring blessings to everyone." Tang Huanxi responded with a smile, and then cut the yam seriously. After preparing all the ingredients, she told Nanny Gui to watch carefully. Holding the earthen pot, he turned around and went back to rest.

As her belly grew, she became more and more lethargic.

I think this little guy in my stomach must be a lazy guy.

[Ding——Your refrigerator cutie is online! 】

[Smelly refrigerator, where have you been during this time? ] Tang Huanxi, who was sleepy, heard the cute voice, and complained angrily, 【Do you still remember your host? 】

【Master, do you want to know the whereabouts of Princess Nanxiang? 】

【what?Is Nanxiang princess not dead? 】Tang Huanxi was awakened instantly, and her whole body came to her senses, 【Little cutie, what do you know? 】

【Not only the princess Nanxiang is not dead, but also Concubine Chen is not dead. 】

[? ] Tang Huanxi instantly showed a question mark face.

[I have been in retreat for a while, and now I have upgraded.So I can perceive whether human beings are still alive in the world. Just a while ago, didn't you ask me to investigate the matter of Nanxiang Princess?I suddenly realized that she was not dead. 】

[What about my mother?Is my mother still alive?And who is my biological father?Cutie, now that you have upgraded, can you give me the answers to these questions? 】

[Master, now is not the best time——]

[I knew you would say that! ] Tang Huanxi rolled her eyes angrily, 【I'm sleepy, don't disturb me, I'll sleep first. 】

The royal hunting ground at that time.

Xiao Yijin, who was hugged by Xiao Baorui, was very excited, "Father, look there is a rabbit over there!"

"Does Yijin want a rabbit?"

"Hmm..." Xiao Yijin thought about it seriously, and finally shook her head, "I don't want it anymore, Daddy is very powerful, Tutu is very good, it's so cold, you can't hurt it!"

"Okay, Daddy listens to you!" Xiao Baorui squeezed the horse's stomach, and smiled gratifiedly, "Yijin, it's getting late now, shall we go back?"

"Okay!" Yijin nodded obediently.

When the father and son came back, Tang Huanxi was busy in the kitchen.

"Mother! Mother! I'm back!" Xiao Yijin shouted excitedly, and the whole person was jumping with joy, "Daddy and I hunted a sheep and a pheasant!"

"Hey, my Yijin is really good." Hearing the little guy's excited voice, Tang Huanxi put down the spoon in his hand, turned around and squatted down, cupped Yijin's little face with both hands, and smacked hard, " Are you happy today?"

"Well, I'm very happy." Xiao Yijin nodded vigorously, smiling with satisfaction on her face! "Mom, Daddy is so powerful, Daddy took me on a horse, as if flying..."

"Yijin's daddy is the most powerful daddy in the world!" Tang Huanxi rubbed his head and smiled softly, "Mother made yam pork ribs soup, can Yijin drink a bowl obediently later?"


Xiao Yijin nodded obediently, then hugged Tang Huanxi, and said coquettishly, "Mom, I miss you and my sister."

"Mom misses you too."

When Xiao Baorui stepped through the door, he happened to see this scene.

So he stretched out his hand and pulled Xiao Yijin out of Tang Huanxi's arms, "Didn't you say you wanted to raise that rabbit? If you don't go and have a look, the rabbit will die in the hands of Nanny Gui!"

"No, no, no, you can't kill rabbits!" Xiao Yijin turned around anxiously, and walked away on her short, stout legs.

Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows and looked at Xiao Baorui, and asked playfully, "There is no vinegar in the pork rib soup cooked today, why is there a sour smell of vinegar in the air? Some people, even their own son's vinegar Eat, tsk tsk..."

Xiao Baorui didn't speak, but hugged him tightly in his arms.

"My lady, I miss you."

"Well, I know." Tang Huanxi reached out and hugged his arm, and smiled softly.

(End of this chapter)

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