Chapter 787

On the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, the morning sun was very warm.

Lu Yin walked into the inner hall with a happy face, and looked at the queen with earnest eyes, "Your Majesty, you finally woke up? You must be hungry, the slave has already prepared the black chicken soup in the imperial dining room."

"Well," An Xiuhui, who slept for a day and a night, is now in good spirits, "where are the two princes? The Holy One can name them?"

"The first prince's name is Xi, and the second prince's name is Ming. The slaves know that these two words have beautiful meanings. Madam, the Holy Majesty really values ​​the two princes!"

"I will bring the two princes to my palace to have a look later."


An Xiuhui drank a bowl of chicken soup and ate half a bowl of noodles, her complexion improved a lot.

"By the way, empress, Imperial Physician He heard the news that you had successfully given birth, and was waiting outside early in the morning, saying that he wanted to ask your empress for a safe pulse."

"I'm in confinement now, so it's not suitable to see a foreigner. Let him go back, and tell him that I will see him naturally when I want to see him."

"Yes, servant girl understands."

Half an hour later, looking at the two sleeping little fellows An Ran lying beside her, a tenderness flashed in An Xiuhui's eyes, "Xi'er, Ming'er, although you were born in the royal family and lived a rich life , but the road ahead is also difficult, the biggest wish of the empress mother is that you brothers are in harmony..."

"Lu Yin, take the two princes down."


"When I gave birth, what happened to the harem?"

"The empress is blessed with profound blessings and is blessed by the Bodhisattva, and those ghosts and snake gods dare not step forward to make trouble, so the harem has always been peaceful." Lu Yin replied with a smile, "However, Imperial Physician Yuan said that the concubine Rui's delivery date is probably about It's been two days."

"The Holy One is here!"

Murong He, who had just turned around, couldn't wait to come to Fengluan Hall.

"The concubine has seen the Holy Majesty..."

"Hui'er, what are you doing! You just gave birth, and the imperial doctor said that your body is still very weak." Murong He quickly helped her up, "Lie down on the bed and lie down!"

"The concubine thanked the Holy Lord for his compassion!"

"Hui'er, I'm really happy. Xi'er and Ming'er are both healthy, and I'm very grateful to you." Murong He looked at her with affectionate eyes.

"It is a concubine's blessing to be able to spread branches and heirs for He Lang." An Xiuhui had a gentle smile on her face, "He Lang, my concubine has a request."

"you say?"

"The concubine begs for the grace of the sage, and hopes that the sage can let the concubine raise the two children himself, and send them to the Royal Academy when they are four years old."

"Okay, I promise you." Murong He gently touched her face, his eyes became more and more gentle, "I will go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to deal with government affairs later, and I will come back to accompany you for dinner later. ?”

"Okay, my concubine is waiting for the sage."

After Murong He left, Lu Yin entered the inner hall carrying a dark gray brocade box.

"What is this?"

"It's a congratulatory gift from Mrs. Xiao to the empress. Congratulations to the empress for giving birth smoothly." Lu Yin also looked curious, "Empress, do you want to open it now?"

"Open it."

After Lu Yin opened the brocade box, she found that there was a picture scroll inside.

She picked up the scroll and waved it lightly.

A picture of Yongmei that is fake enough to be real comes into view.

"This early plum blossom is very beautiful." An Xiuhui smiled softly, "Lu Yin, bring the painting closer."

"There are several plum blossoms in the corner, and Ling Han blooms alone. I know it's not snow, but the faint fragrance." An Xiuhui read out the poem attached to the lower left corner of the painting, savoring it carefully.

"This painting is very beautiful, but this poem is even better." An Xiuhui admired from the bottom of her heart, "In the past, either Ben Gong underestimated her, or she was always hiding her clumsiness."

"I don't understand poetry, but this painting is really beautiful." Lu Yin said seriously, "But is this painting really written by Mrs. Xiao? At the palace banquet that day, Mrs. Xiao's attitude was so strong, I didn't expect her to be so aggressive." So talented?"

"If she is a mediocre person, how can she be favored by Xiao Baorui wholeheartedly?" An Xiuhui smiled slightly, "Let someone frame this painting and hang it in the hall!"


The fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Xiao Baorui took his wife and children to spend more than half a month of leisure time in Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing, but now he had to return to Beijing.

"I really don't want to leave!" Before leaving, Tang Huanxi lifted the curtain, a little reluctantly, "The plum blossoms have been blooming one after another in the past two days, and the fragrance is very fragrant."

"Ma'am, don't be sad, this old slave has already folded some plum blossoms and sent them to the General's Mansion."

"Nurse has a heart." Tang Huanxi smiled gratefully, then leaned on Xiao Baorui's shoulder and closed her eyes to rest, "Call me up when you get home!"


The carriage drove slowly all the way, and when Tang Huanxi woke up, the sun was already high.

"Are you awake?" Xiao Baorui looked at her bleary-eyed appearance and smiled slightly, "Miss, are you hungry?"

"A bit."

"Let me take you and Yijin out to eat. I heard that the sliced ​​skin duck at Fushouzhai tastes very good." Xiao Baorui rubbed her head and smiled dotingly, "I've already asked someone to order it at Fushouzhai. seat."

"it is good."

Fushouzhai is located on the busiest street in Kyoto. It is lunch time, so there is a lot of traffic and it is very lively.

Holding Tang Huanxi in one hand and Xiao Yijin in the other, Xiao Baorui walked into Fushou Zhai with his head held high.

As soon as the family of three appeared in the restaurant, they attracted everyone's attention.

The appearance of these three people is really too outstanding.

Xiao Baorui had an imposing manner, Xiao Yijin had a cute face even though she was young, as for Tang Huanxi, although her face was covered with a white veil, the eyes she showed were so beautiful.

A family of three with exceedingly handsome appearance is too eye-catching.

"There is such a beautiful woman in this world, with a temperament like a lotus, it is really captivating! If I can spend the spring night with her..."


Before the man in blue finished speaking, the wine glass in his hand suddenly shattered!

He was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he knelt heavily on the ground!

Xiao Baorui cast a icy light towards him, and the man hurriedly looked away.

Tang Huanxi felt the anger of the person beside him, carefully held his palm, and smiled softly, "Husband, don't pay attention to these clowns."

"En." Xiao Baorui replied sullenly, and then took his wife and children up to the private room on the second floor.

At that time, the man downstairs who was quite frightened by Xiao Baorui's aura softened a little.

"Which evil spirit is this?"

"Didn't I already tell you before? You have to use your brain before you speak! That was the famous General Xiao just now! How dare you covet his wife, are you really impatient?" and Lan Yi The man who was drinking with the man gave him an angry look, "Let's go now before General Xiao gets angry!"

(End of this chapter)

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