Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 789 Weird

Chapter 789 Weird

"These people are just thugs raised by the Wen family. They are used to bullying ordinary people. How can they go to the battlefield?" Tang Huanxi said softly while rubbing his shoulders, "It is said that Wen Dashi is a man. Ruya, Concubine Xian is also gentle and quiet, why is Wen Shaolan so unbearable? It seems that the rumors cannot be fully believed."

"My Madam doesn't know, these high-ranking and powerful families have a reputation as high-class people outside, but I'm afraid you can't imagine how dirty they are inside." Nanny Gui sighed while making tea.

"Mama has heard about the Wen family?"

"I've heard a little bit." Nanny Gui handed the brewed tea to Xiao Baorui, and handed the bird's nest porridge from the table on the other side to Tang Huanxi, "Wen Huairen was the famous number one scholar back then. He is full of praise for his talent and conduct. Mrs. Wen and his wife are deeply affectionate husband and wife. But Mrs. Wen disliked Mrs. Wen for not giving birth to a son, and decided to give Mrs. Wen a second wife. This is Wen Shaolan's biological mother The flat wife of the University of Wenzhou, I heard that she is also the distant cousin of the University of Wenzhou."

"I see." Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, "But why do these elders always like to bring their cousins ​​together? Don't they know that children born to close relatives are prone to underdevelopment?"

"Is there still such a saying? This old slave really has never heard of it." Gui Momo was stunned when she heard this kind of talk for the first time, "Is what Madam said really true?"

"Nurse, don't you know?" Tang Huanxi blinked and asked suspiciously, "When close relatives get married within three generations, most of them will give birth to unhealthy children."

"This is the first time this old slave has heard such a statement."

"Nurse, what is the attitude of this University scholar Wen Shaolan towards Wen Shaolan? Is it important?"

"After all, this is the only son of the University of Wen, how can we not take it seriously? It's a pity that Wen Shaolan has been ignorant since he was a child. Even if the University of Wen wants to train him, he can't stop Mrs. Wen's doting heart of."

"Husband, I'm worried that there will be a censor impeaching you tomorrow morning."

"My lady, don't worry, I know it well." Xiao Baorui smiled nonchalantly, "My lady, when do you plan to enter the palace?"

"The empress is still in confinement. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for me to enter the palace at this time."

"Release the news to the outside world, saying that you are unwell, lady, and need to rest in bed."

"My husband's intention is..."

"Some irrelevant people in the province have disturbed your tranquility."


At that time, it was the Chunxi Hall of the Imperial Palace.

"What?" Concubine Xian stood up nervously, "You said that Shaolan was poisoned and her life is hanging by a thread right now?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry." Zhihua quickly comforted, "Young Master was poisoned because he had a dispute with someone outside. Master is already thinking of a way!"

"Zhi Hua, hurry up to the imperial hospital, and invite Imperial Physician Yuan back with this palace's famous card!"


Wen Jingxian worked hard to calm down her emotions, her eyes gradually dimmed.

Although she and Wen Shaolan are not siblings of the same mother, she has doted on this younger brother very much these years.

Although Wen Shaolan was a bit arrogant, Wen Jingxian felt that his nature was still kind.

Right now he is being bullied by others, as an elder sister, how can she not stand up for her younger brother?
After half an hour.

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Concubine Xian's face became more solemn.

"You mean that Shaolan and General Xiao had a conflict? Did General Xiao poison Shaolan?"

"I don't know, but the news from the mansion said that it was the Eldest Young Master...he spoke rudely to Mrs. Xiao, General Xiao kicked the Eldest Young Master in a fit of anger, and then the Eldest Young Master passed out..."

"That is to say, there is no direct evidence to prove that General Xiao poisoned Shaolan?"


"Pass down my palace's order and let Mrs. Xiao enter the palace." Concubine Xian thought for a while, but still felt that it would be better to understand the matter clearly before making a decision.


Half an hour later, the little eunuch who had gone to deliver the decree returned to Chunxi Hall.

"Where's Mrs. Xiao?"

"Returning to your mother, Mrs. Xiao is not feeling well and is resting in bed, and General Xiao is still scolding the servant..."

"Okay, you go back first."

Seeing Concubine Xian's serious expression, Zhihua was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak out.

"I'm afraid Shaolan will be in danger this time. Ben Gong has warned him to refrain from arrogance and impetuosity and act in a low-key manner. Why doesn't he listen!"

"But ma'am, after all, it was General Xiao who made the first move. Even if the eldest young master speaks rudely, you don't have to confess your life?" Zhihua said cautiously, "I'm afraid Madam Xiao deliberately induced this incident. Trouble. No matter how presumptuous the eldest young master is, he wouldn't intentionally provoke him, right? The servant suspects that there may be something hidden here."

"You mean, someone deliberately instigated Shaolan to clash with General Xiao?"

"Well, the one in Fengluan Palace has become very quiet since the two princes were born, but if something goes wrong, there must be a demon... Your Majesty..."

Wen Jingxian didn't speak, but just glanced at Zhihua thoughtfully.

Zhihua quickly lowered her eyes and shrank her neck. There are some words that she can't say too clearly.

At dusk, Fengluan Palace.

An Xiuhui leaned on the bed and quietly finished a bowl of pork belly soup.

"Drinking too much tonic soup during this time, I saw that Ben Gong's waist has grown several times." An Xiuhui couldn't help laughing at herself, "Has the Holy One been here today?"

"I came here once after the morning court, hugged the two princes, and saw that you are still resting, Madam, and left after sitting for a while." Lu Yin replied truthfully.

"If both Xi'er and Ming'er can occupy a place in the Holy Majesty's heart, it will be a good thing for them after all." An Xiuhui sighed softly, "By the way, the palace and the palace have been together for the past two days. Can something interesting happen?"

"Inside the palace, it's as usual, calm and calm; but outside the palace, especially in Wen Dashi's mansion, it's very lively today." Lu Yin smiled gloatingly.

"tell me the story."

"Master Wen wanted to moles Mrs. Xiao in front of the gate of Fushou Zhai, but was severely punished by General Xiao. He is still lying on the bed, not knowing whether he is alive or dead!"

"Wen Shaolan has always been a lover of beauty. Tang Huanxi has an outstanding appearance, and her temperament is as fresh as a lotus. It is expected that he will be tempted." An Xiuhui lowered her head and thought for a while.

"Your Majesty, don't think too much about it. After all, this matter has nothing to do with us. You should rest more and don't be too sad. If you suffer from confinement disease, it will be bad." Lu Yin said with concern.

"I always feel that this incident is a bit weird. No matter how stupid Wen Shaolan is, he should have seen that Xiao Baorui is not an ordinary person. How could he kick the iron plate?"

(End of this chapter)

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