Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 790 Hurry up!

Chapter 790 Hurry up!

"My servant heard that Concubine Xian sent someone to invite Mrs. Xiao," Lu Yin said softly while tidying up, "I heard that Mrs. Xiao was ill, so she didn't enter the palace."

"Her temperament has always been one to do whatever she wants, not to mention that this time Wen Shaolan was the first to speak out provocatively. Even if Concubine Xian wanted to make peace, Xiao Baorui would not agree." An Xiuhui smiled slightly, "But this time, I will not be angry with Concubine Xian. It is also a profound lesson.”

"Anyway, ma'am, you're still in confinement, so don't worry too much about these insignificant things." Lu Yin said with a smile.


At that time, it was Chunxi Palace.

Concubine Xian stood in front of the window, looking at the bleakness outside the window, she couldn't help feeling a little depressed, "Seeing that the weather is getting colder and colder, I feel that it will snow in a few days."

"Your Majesty, don't worry about whether it will snow or not now. The Hall of Mental Cultivation has sent someone to spread the word that your Majesty will be confined in the Chunxi Hall for a month and copy the Buddhist scriptures fifty times!" Zhihua said anxiously. Like an ant on a hot pot, "Your Majesty, why did you suddenly become like this? Didn't Your Majesty love you all the time?"


Concubine Xian chuckled lightly, her tone full of sarcasm.

The most unreliable thing in this world is the emperor's favor.

Murong He only had An Xiuhui in his heart, as for the others, they were just optional.

Now Shaolan has offended Xiao Baorui, if she continues to intervene in this matter, the consequences will only be more serious.

"Zhi Hua, go and prepare pens, ink, paper and inkstones. Since the Holy Majesty asked me to stay in the palace to copy Buddhist scriptures, then copy them."


When the news of Chunxi Palace reached Tang Huanxi's ears, she was a little surprised.

"I heard that Concubine Xian is very favored by the emperor? Right now, Concubine Xian is grounded for not doing anything?"

"The relationship between the former dynasty and the rear palace is inseparable," said Nanny Gui with a smile while picking up the medicinal materials. "Why is Wen Shaolan able to dominate in the capital? Isn't it because her father is a university student?" Sir, is my sister Concubine Xian? The Holy Majesty did this because he wanted to beat these high-ranking families."

"Well, Mama is right." Tang Huanxi nodded, "Mama, can I stop drinking the medicinal diet? The medicinal diet for the past two days has been too bitter, and I feel like my tongue is completely numb. Ah, I want to eat spicy boiled fish for lunch today."

"it is good."

Surprisingly, Nanny Gui agreed.

Tang Huanxi almost lost her eyeballs in shock, "Nurse, you...you agree with me to eat spicy boiled fish?"

"Well, Madam's diet is very light these days, and it doesn't matter if you change the taste a little bit. It just so happens that the kitchen bought fresh fish today. At noon, the old slave will go and order the kitchen to make a portion."

"Mommy, you are so kind!" Tang Huanxi couldn't help but hugged Nanny Gui's arm and began to act like a spoiled child.

Nanny Gui smiled from the bottom of her heart, and then continued to prepare the medicinal ingredients, "However, we still need to continue eating this medicinal diet..."

Tang Huanxi, who was so excited at first, was poured cold water in an instant, and her whole heart went cold.

When Xiao Baorui came back, he happened to see Tang Huanxi's distressed face, "What's wrong, lady?"

"I'm fine. By the way, Xiao Baorui, did the emperor scold you?"

"No," Xiao Baorui led her to the study room, with a gentle smile in his eyes, "When the court went to court today, without waiting for Bachelor Wen to report, the censor impeached him for lax family management and pampering his heirs."

"Oh, which censor is so discerning?"

"Tang Yong'an is a confidant of the emperor."

"So, Murong He ordered Tang Yushi to impeach Wen Huairen?" Tang Huanxi frowned thoughtfully, "What is Murong He trying to do?"

"He has always wanted to cleanse the power of those aristocratic families, but he has never been able to find a suitable excuse. Now I give you an excuse, and he will naturally accept it." Xiao Baorui said a little irritably, "In the final analysis, I beat Wen Shaolan, but I also gave Murong He a good chance by mistake."

"Maybe all of this is not a coincidence?" Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and said in a low voice, "Perhaps since we came to the capital, our every move has been seen, and some people with ulterior motives have seen us in Fushou. The fast meal deliberately attracted Wen Shaolan."

"Young lady, you mean that we were designed by someone?" Xiao Baorui narrowed his eyes, and his tone became deeper and deeper.

"Xiao Baorui, do you still remember that in Fushouzhai, someone spoke rudely to me, and you shattered his wine glass?"

"Well, remember."

"I think that person should be one of Wen Shaolan's friends, otherwise how could Wen Shaolan appear in front of the gate of Fushouzhai by such a coincidence? I heard that Wen Shaolan is still unconscious right now?"

"My kick wasn't enough to kill him, but according to the news from the secret guards, Wen Shaolan's body is highly poisoned, and maybe he won't survive tonight."

"If Wen Shaolan dies, it will be very bad for you." Tang Huanxi said while analyzing, "I think I'm going to Wen's residence."

"The lady wants to save Wen Shaolan?"

"Well, I can't let the people behind me succeed. Even if Wen Shaolan deserves to die, you can't be charged with killing him." Tang Huanxi thought for a while and said in a deep voice, "Xiao Baorui, we have to go to Wen Shaolan right away. Mansion, without further ado, let's go now!"

"it is good!"

At noon, it is the time when the sun is at its hottest.

But the entire Wen Mansion was shrouded in a shadow.

Wen Huairen looked at his daughter who was lying on the ground crying, and felt a headache, "What's the use of crying? You are the one who pampered Shaolan to end up like this today!"

"Master, I'm just such a son, how can I be willing to beat and scold him? Even if Shaolan is being an asshole, he is a piece of meat that fell from under me after all!"

"Sister Wen, don't cry yet. Crying won't solve the problem." Mrs. Wen frowned, and said in a deep voice, "This matter needs to be discussed in the long run, master, or should we go to Xiao's mansion? No matter what No matter what, you have to get the antidote."

"Xiao Baorui said that he just kicked Shaolan, and the matter of Shaolan's poisoning has nothing to do with him." Wen Huairen said a little irritably.

"Why is it irrelevant? Why is it irrelevant? My Shaolan was originally able to be alive and kicking, but now he has become like this! Can this Xiao Baorui be so presumptuous just because he has won the trust of the Holy One? He openly poisoned my son , Why are they so vicious!"

"Although I have not been in contact with General Xiao for a long time, I believe he is not a liar."

"Master, General Xiao is asking to see you." Just as the Wen family was in chaos, Xiao Baorui brought Tang Huanxi to the door.

Wen Huairen hesitated for a while, and quickly said to the boy, "Quick! Please come in quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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