Chapter 792
When An Xiuhui heard the news, she hesitated for a moment, and then raised her lips slightly, "Concubine Rui's delivery date is only two days away, so why are you so upset?"

"Your Majesty!" Randong stomped her feet anxiously, and said unwillingly, "Evidently everyone in the palace said that Concubine Rui would give birth to a little princess, but she gave birth to a little prince without making any noise. This servant really..."

"Compared to the harem of the Supreme Emperor, the harem of the Holy Majesty is still a bit empty at present. When the harem is filled by the Holy Majesty in the future, there will be more heirs. The royal family can only have more children and more blessings. In the future, you can't have such thoughts. It's gone." An Xiuhui looked at her with burning eyes.

Ran Dongben wanted to say something, but was stopped by Lu Yin's eyes.

"Lu Yin, go to the storeroom and pick two horses of softer material for Concubine Rui. Congratulations for Ben Gong."

"Yes, the slaves obey the order."

Half an hour later, when Lu Yin left the Hall of Hehuan, Zisu looked at Concubine Rui and asked worriedly, "Your Majesty, what do you think the Empress Dowager is thinking? Is her congratulations sincere or false?" ?”

"If you can see through her mind, she won't be a queen." Concubine Rui smiled disapprovingly, "Zisu, did your majesty come today?"

"I came here early in the morning, and left after seeing the third prince. The servants looked at it, and the Holy Majesty seemed not so happy." Zisu pouted, and said with some dissatisfaction, "When the queen gave birth to the first and second princes, the Holy Majesty His joy is beyond words, but when it comes to our Third Prince..."

"Under the misleading guidance of this palace, the Holy Majesty has always thought that this palace will give birth to a little princess. It is not surprising that he will have a psychological gap when a little prince is born now. Besides, the Holy Majesty and the Empress have a deep relationship, so they will naturally be attracted to those two. The prince loves him very much." Concubine Rui didn't care at all, she was already satisfied with being able to give birth to Hao'er smoothly.

Zisu didn't speak anymore, but she still defended Concubine Rui in her heart.

With the successful delivery of the empress and concubine Rui, the whole palace was full of excitement.

However, Murong He's attitude towards the three princes was somewhat subtle.

In a blink of an eye, it was New Year's Eve.

The General's Mansion is full of lively scenes.

Xiao Yijin excitedly instructed Xiao Baorui to hang red lanterns under the corridor, and Tang Huanxi led Nanny Gui and Bai Wei to be busy in the kitchen.

"Ma'am, you are amazing. Look at the dumplings you made, they look like ingots." Bai Wei exclaimed as she watched Tang Huanxi make a dumpling in the shape of ingots in a short while.

"It's just that Bao is a little more proficient, do you want to learn?"

"I think!" Bai Wei nodded hastily, "Madam is willing to teach slaves?"

"Of course." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, and then carefully explained every step of making dumplings. After a while, the dumplings made by Bai Wei looked decent.

Half an hour later, the three of them made two pots of dumplings. Nanny Gui saw Tang Huanxi supporting her waist, explained to Bai Wei, and helped Tang Huanxi back to her room.

"Ma'am, your body is getting heavier and heavier now, if you feel any discomfort in your body, you must tell it!" Nanny Gui looked at her and said earnestly.

"Nurse, don't worry, I'm fine. It's just because I stood for too long that I felt some pain in my waist. It's nothing serious." Tang Huanxi smiled sweetly, "Nurse, with your meticulous care It's nice to care."

Nanny Gui looked at her and smiled lovingly.

At this moment, Xiao Yijin's incomparably bright and crisp laughter sounded outside.

"Madam!" Xiao Baorui, who had been playing wildly with his son for a while, entered the room with a happy smile on his face, "Madam, that brat Yijin is hiding somewhere, and I haven't found it until now."

Looking at Xiao Baorui with such a childlike heart, Tang Huanxi was full of helplessness.

At noon, the family gathered around the table, and a bowl of steaming dumplings was placed in front of everyone.

"Mommy, sit down too." Tang Huan looked at Nanny Gui with a smile.

Nanny Gui declined with a smile, but couldn't hold back Xiao Baorui's threatening eyes, and finally obediently sat beside Yijin and helped feed him dumplings.

"The decree has arrived!"

At this moment, an exclamation sounded, which suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

Half an hour later, looking at Xiao Baorui in military uniform, Tang Huanxi's eyes suddenly turned red.

"Miss, Xiliang is taking advantage of the winter to invade, and Dongyang City is at stake, so I have to fight." Xiao Baorui held her face, and his heart was full of reluctance, "Miss, I'm sorry, I broke my promise again."

I thought that this year, their family could sit down and eat dumplings for a reunion year, but the sacred will is hard to violate.

"The child and I are waiting for you at home." Tang Huanxi stretched out his hands to hold his face, and smiled softly, "The child's due date is in mid-March, I hope you can come back and be with me, okay?"

"En." Xiao Baorui nodded heavily, and before leaving, he planted a light kiss on her cheek, then got on his horse and flew away on the snow.

After noon, snowflakes began to float outside again, scattered and intermittent like catkins.

Nanny Gui brought the prepared ginseng and black chicken soup in front of Tang Huanxi. Seeing her sullen look, she persuaded her with some distress, "Don't worry, ma'am, the general is heroic. I think it will be all right."

"Mommy, why must it be Xiao Baorui? Could it be that Murong He has no one else to use? Or is it because he did it on purpose?" Tang Huanxi was really depressed.

Today is New Year's Eve, so the whole family should sit neatly around the table and have a reunion dinner, with cups and chips intertwined, laughing and laughing.

But Murong He's imperial decree destroyed this atmosphere.

"Madam, before the old slave answers your questions, can you answer the old slave's question?" Nanny Gui sat across from her and asked with a soft smile.

"Mammy ask."

"Since Madam is unhappy and unwilling to leave the general, why not stop it? Madam should know that if you don't want to, the general will stay for you even if you resist the decree."

"I..." Tang Huanxi was speechless.

"Actually, madam also knows that the general is actually a very passionate person. Only when he kills the enemy on the battlefield can he experience real happiness. It is precisely because madam knows this that she can restrain her inner emotions and watch the general leave. Compared with In this capital where intrigues and conspiracies are endless, the battlefield is a place suitable for generals to survive."

"Mommy, you really hit the nail on the head." Tang Huanxi smiled bitterly, "Actually, Xiao Baorui has never been really happy since I decided to come to the capital, so even if I don't give up, I can't stop him from flying."

(End of this chapter)

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