Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 793 Why Do I Trust You?

Chapter 793 Why Do I Trust You?

Tang Huanxi knew very well that Xiao Baorui was an eagle.

Eagles should soar in the vast sky, not be trapped in Kyoto.

"Madam, I know that you are still reluctant to give up, but if the general can accumulate great military exploits, it will be beneficial and harmless to your future."

"Mommy, I understand the truth, but I still feel a little reluctant in my heart." Tang Huanxi lowered his eyes to cover the sadness in his eyes, "I just want him to stay by my side more, the battlefield is dangerous, and the sword has no eyes. "

"The general is a blessed man, and he will surely turn bad luck into good fortune. Madam, don't worry too much."

"Mommy, why do you think Murong He insists on letting Xiao Baorui play? Many times, I can't figure out Murong He's thoughts. If Xiao Baorui's prestige is getting higher and higher, he will be the master of the game."

"I don't quite understand what happened in the imperial court." Nanny Gui shook her head lightly, her eyes were full of doubts.

"Forget it, let's not mention these unhappy things, where is Yijin? Are you still suffering?"

"The old slave ordered Hong Rong to light his sleeping point, and the young master has fallen asleep right now."

"When he wakes up, let him come and have dinner with me."


"By the way, mother. I heard that Concubine Rui gave birth to the third prince smoothly?"

"Yes, Concubine Rui is a clever and scheming person. She intentionally spread the fact that the child in her belly is a princess in order to numb other people's attention. Now she has successfully given birth to the third prince. The mother is more expensive than the child, and Concubine Rui's position is completely stable. It's done." Nanny Gui also expressed amazement at Concubine Rui's series of operations.

"Mommy, Concubine Chen is still alive." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and finally told this incredible news.

"How is it possible?" Nanny Gui's eyes widened, her eyes filled with disbelief, "Is Madam's news accurate?"

Concubine Chen passed away suddenly that day, and even the Supreme Emperor fell seriously ill.

Concubine Rui cried three times and passed out.

"There is the Supreme Emperor in the palace. If he comes up with a trick to get rid of his shell, how can anyone find out what's hidden in it? According to the convention, Chen Taifei should enter the concubine's mausoleum after her death, but the Supreme Emperor insists on sending her ashes to the Chen family's cemetery. It was weird."

Listening to Tang Huanxi's analysis, Nanny Gui felt terrified.

"In addition, Xiao Baorui has also found information about Princess Nanxiang." Tang Huanxi looked at Nanny Gui and continued, "Mama, Princess Nanxiang, may still be alive."


The teacup held in Nanny Gui's hand suddenly shattered.

"What's wrong, mama?"

"I'm fine, I'm just a little shocked to hear the news." Nanny Gui hurriedly smiled.

Looking at her swollen and disfigured right hand, Tang Huanxi felt suspicious in her heart.

Princess Nanxiang is still alive, why is Nanny Gui's attitude so strange?
At dusk, Xiao Yijin woke up.

After searching all over the General's Mansion, he did not see Xiao Baorui's figure, so he burst into tears.

Hearing his heart-piercing cries, Nanny Gui was heartbroken, and when she was about to step forward to coax her, she was stopped by Tang Huanxi's gaze.

Xiao Yijin, who had been sitting on the ground crying, cried even more sadly when she saw that no one came to care about her.

After about a stick of incense, he made his voice hoarse from crying.

"Have you finished crying now?" Tang Huanxi walked up to him, looked into his bloodshot eyes, and asked in a serious tone, "Do you think you can solve the problem by crying so hard?"

"Mother..." Xiao Yijin yelled aggrievedly.

"As a man, it is only natural to defend the country, let alone your father is a general! His status and identity are all fought back by himself! Right now, my territory is being invaded by the enemy, and your father is ordered to go to war. It is a kind of honor. A tiger father has no dog son, as your father's son, you should follow your father as an example, do you understand?"

Xiao Yijin bit her lips hard to keep herself from crying, and he seemed to understand Tang Huanxi's words.

But he knew that he made a mistake this time.

Otherwise, mother would not treat herself with such a strict attitude.

"Mother, I know I was wrong." Xiao Yijin tugged at the corner of her clothes and whispered.

Tang Huanxi didn't speak, just looked at him quietly, and at the end, a line of hot tears overflowed from the corner of her lips.

She took Xiao Yijin's hand and went back to the room.

"Mother, don't cry." Seeing Tang Huanxi crying silently, Xiao Yijin felt distressed immediately, and hastily stretched out her little hand to wipe the tears on her face, "Mother, I promise to be obedient in the future, don't be sad ,OK?"

Tang Huanxi didn't speak, but hugged Xiao Yijin tightly in her arms.

It took a long time before she calmed down.

"Yijin, isn't mother fierce?"

"No," little Yijin shook her head lightly, "Mother is not fierce, it's because of Yijin's fault, it's Yijin who shouldn't mess around."

"Your father... Actually, I also miss your father." Tang Huanxi smiled wryly, "Yijin, I can't wait to go to war with your father."

"Nurse said that mother is going to have a baby soon, mother should stay at home obediently, and Yijin will stay with you, okay?"


The imperial palace, Fengluan Palace.

An Xiuhui who received the news was also a little surprised, "What is your majesty's intention? He chose to make an order today?"

"My servant doesn't know either. I heard that General Xiao immediately changed into a military uniform after receiving the imperial decree, and led [-] elite soldiers to leave the capital." Lu Yin couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Right now it is the time when the snow is falling heavily in the twelfth lunar month of winter, and the entire Dongyang City is occupied by soldiers from Xiliang, and General Qin Xiao's whereabouts are even unknown. General Xiao will face such a mess when he goes to the battlefield.

"There have been conflicts between Xiliang and the Dayong Dynasty for a long time. Xiliang is in chaos. When the twelfth lunar month comes, the rivers will be frozen. Without food and grass, the people of Xiliang will have no way to eat and can only plunder." An Xiuhui said with a frown , "But Dad said that this year Xiliang did not directly go to war with the Dayong Dynasty, could it be..."

An Xiuhui seemed to have thought of something, and was secretly shocked.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Murong He looked at the secret letter spread out in front of him, and was furious!

These people are so brave that they dare to sell food and grass to Xiliang people.


Murong He was so angry that he smashed a good inkstone.

When Chen He came, he happened to see this scene.

"My lord, please take care of the dragon's body, and calm down!" Chen He knelt on the ground and pleaded guilty.

"Master Chen, you came just in time, come and have a look at this secret letter!" Murong He threw the letter in Chen He's face furiously, "If I remember correctly, Zhao Wushuang, the servant of the household department, is not Your disciple!"

Chen He opened the memorial anxiously, and when he saw the contents of the memorial, he immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed to plead guilty, "My lord, the old minister is willing to use his own head as a guarantee, and Zhao Wushuang will never participate in this transaction." middle!"

"Why should I trust you?"

(End of this chapter)

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