Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 794 Questioning Concubine Xian

Chapter 794 Questioning Concubine Xian
On the second day of the first lunar month, Tang Huanxi had just woken up when the general's mansion came to a decree.

The queen wants to summon her.

Nanny Gui looked at Tang Huanxi and said worriedly, "Madam, if you don't want to go, then this old servant will send the eunuch who passed the order away."

"It doesn't matter." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, "An Xiuhui is not yet confinement. If she wants to see me at this time, she must have something to tell me. If that's the case, why not enter the palace? But I don't worry about Yijin. How about staying at home alone, Nanny Gui, you stay in the mansion to take care of Yijin, and I will bring Baiwei into the palace?"

"This... the old slave is a little worried."

"Didn't Mommy say that Bai Wei is very calm?"

"Bai Wei's temperament is indeed calm, but the situation in the palace is unpredictable. If something unexpected happens, I'm afraid..." Nanny Gui is still a little worried.

Tang Huanxi didn't speak, but just gave her a gentle look, and finally Nanny Gui nodded and reluctantly agreed.

The imperial palace, Fengluan Palace.

Lu Yin supported An Xiuhui to sit up, and put a pillow behind her, "Ma'am, do you feel more comfortable?"

"Well, much better."

"Your Majesty, the Holy Majesty came to see the two princes early this morning, but he only stayed for a quarter of an hour before leaving." Lu Yin pouted and said with some dissatisfaction, "I heard that the Holy Majesty went to the Hall of Hehuan, this Concubine Rui is just After giving birth to a prince, this tail is going to be raised to the sky, and he always says that he is dizzy, deliberately causing the Holy One to look sideways."

"Misfortune comes from your mouth." An Xiuhui glanced at her helplessly, "I know that you are defending me against injustice, but this is the imperial palace, so you should be more cautious in what you say and do, after all, misfortune comes from your mouth!"

"Your Majesty... the servant knows it's wrong..."

"By the way, is Tang Huanxi here?"

"The maidservant has already sent someone to summon her," Lu Yin asked curiously, "Your Majesty, you are not yet confinement, why are you so anxious to see Mrs. Xiao?"

"Since I have accepted her love, I naturally have to tell her some truths." An Xiuhui lowered her eyes slightly, covering the emotion in her eyes, "Lvyin, you and Randong go to the plum garden to pick a few. Come back Lamei."

"Okay, the servant girl will pick it up right away."


After a stick of incense, Tang Huanxi brought Bai Wei to Fengluan Hall.

At that time, An Xiuhui had just drank a bowl of medicinal food, and frowning, she pinched a plum and threw it into her mouth.

"Is this medicine bitter?" Looking at her expression, Tang Huan raised his eyebrows curiously.

"Well, the medicinal diet specially prepared by the Tai Hospital for Bengong, although it tastes a bit bitter, is indeed good for the body." An Xiuhui smiled softly, "Come here, give me a seat."

"Thank you."

"You are Welcome."

"Now, empress, you haven't confinement yet, why do you suddenly want to see the women?"

"On New Year's Eve, the sage issued an imperial decree. I thought, General Xiao must have left the capital, right?" An Xiuhui glanced at her and smiled slightly.

"Well, Xiliang is here to commit crimes. As a fierce general, Xiao Baorui should naturally serve for the Great Yong Dynasty."

"But what if the war situation in Xiliang is just a cover? What about a trap that wants Xiao Baorui's life?"

"What did you say?" Tang Huanxi worked hard to calm down, "Empress, do you know what you are talking about?"

"You're calmer than I imagined." An Xiuhui didn't expect her attitude to be so calm, "It's winter now, and there is a canal at the junction of Xiliang and Daliang. In winter, the canal has already frozen , how could the Xiliang people suddenly come to commit crimes?"

"So, all of this is a trap against Xiao Baorui?" Tang Huanxi clenched his fists, and his eyes gradually became serious. "Is Murong He planning this incident?"

"I don't know about this point." An Xiuhui shook her head sincerely, "It is said that I am a blessed person, but on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, I almost went to see the King of Hades. I bought that small bottle of spiritual water from this palace, I am afraid that this palace has already..."

"Thank you very much." Tang Huanxi looked at her with a little more gratitude in his eyes.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"What else does the Empress think I can do?" Tang Huanxi smiled, her eyes full of sarcasm, "Xiao Baorui already left on New Year's Eve, what else can I do?"

"I thought..." An Xiuhui smiled and said nothing more, "Forget it, I'm a little tired, I'll send someone to send you away immediately."


In the imperial garden, the flowers that were originally colorful are now covered with snow.

"It is said that the scenery in the imperial garden is beautiful, but in winter, it is covered with snow." Tang Huanxi sighed with emotion.

"The madam seems to be deeply moved?" Bai Wei asked softly, "Is the madam worried about the general?"

"Xiao Baorui promised me that he will definitely come back to accompany me to give birth in the future." Tang Huanxi said in a deep voice, "I trust him, so no matter what happens in the future, I believe he will be safe and sound."

"I never imagined that Mrs. Xiao, like Bengong, would like to see such a bleak scenery?" Concubine Xian walked up to her with Zhihua, and said with a gentle smile, "Actually, the plum blossoms on the side of Yimei Garden bloom more brilliantly, don't you?" Do you know if Mrs. Xiao is willing to show her face and accompany me to watch it?"

"Ma'am—" Bai Wei looked at Concubine Xian warily, then shook her head slightly.

Tang Huanxi cast a reassuring look at her, then looked at Concubine Xian, and nodded happily, "Since Concubine Xian invites you, it's natural for women to be respectful rather than obedient."

Yimei Garden is located in the northwest corner of the Royal Garden, and the ten-mile plum forest has now bloomed one after another.

At this moment, snowflakes suddenly floated in the sky, and they fell in the plum garden one after another, which was too beautiful to behold.

"It seems that today's weather is beautiful, and Madam Xiao's blessing has been delayed, so that this palace can see such a beautiful scenery that complements each other." Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of her, Concubine Xian smiled slightly, "It seems that Madam Xiao is really the one who is loved by God. people."

"Concubine Xian's words are wrong. The empress always lives in the deep palace, so she naturally sees the scenery here every day. Even if the women don't come today, I think there will be a day when the empress will still see such a beautiful scenery."

Concubine Xian didn't speak, but just looked at her tenderly.

"Mrs. Xiao, you really are an interesting person."

"Your Majesty doesn't seem to have any jealousy towards the women?"

"Why does Mrs. Xiao think that this palace will hate you?" Concubine Xian smiled slightly, "Even if you have had grievances with this palace's younger brother, but this palace has always kept a clear line between public and private, not to mention that this palace has already known, if it weren't for Mrs. Xiao I'm afraid that my younger brother would have already..."

"Concubine Xian, the reason why the women rescued me that day was to remove the suspicion from my husband. In fact, I really regret saving your brother." Tang Huanxi looked at her and said solemnly, "Actually I'm very curious. It is said that the scholar of Wen University is gentle and elegant, and the concubine Xian is noble and generous, but Wen Shaolan has been cultivated to have such a temperament. The women heard that the empress and Wen Shaolan are half-brothers. I don't know that Wen Shaolan was raised to be like this Did someone do it on purpose?"

(End of this chapter)

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