Chapter 892

Even if An Xiuhui wanted to stop it, she was powerless.

At that time, Xiao Baorui's army had already arrived at Yun'an City.

Surprisingly, An Xionghu also ordered someone to open the gate of the city and let the [-] troops in.

Inside the prefect of Yun'an.

An Xionghu, who was still pale, looked at the radiant Xiao Baorui, and couldn't help sighing, "I knew this scene would happen a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon."

"There is still a battle between you and me." Xiao Baorui looked at him and said with deep eyes, "I am not a person who takes advantage of others' dangers, so when you recover from your injuries, you and I will have a good competition. If you win Now, I will save your life; if you lose, I will take your head."

The more than 100 members of Xiao's family in Jinling died tragically in the fire.

For the sake of those wronged souls, Xiao Baorui should also have a good fight with An Xionghu.

This battle, he must win.

Use the head of An Xionghu to comfort the hundreds of souls of the Xiao family in Jinling.

"I was indeed responsible for that incident back then," An Xionghu admitted quite frankly, "Xiao Yuanchuan is a nerd who doesn't care about oil and salt. The official really had no other choice, so he spread the news about the late emperor's edict in Xiao's family, but I didn't expect Murong Ze to be so ruthless, thinking of killing so many people in Xiao's family!"

"So you released the news about the will? You knew about the will?"

"Naturally." An Xionghu nodded, "I originally wanted to bring you to Yun'an City, so that you and Xiuhui could develop a good relationship, but I didn't want so many things to happen by mistake, and Xiuhui , also... make a wrong move and lose everything."

"What about Jing Yuan?" Xiao Baorui anxiously asked with the last trace of expectation, "Where is Jing Yuan now?"

"Back when I brought her back, I deliberately hid her identity and kept protecting her carefully, but I didn't want to end up almost falling into that girl's hands. As expected, I will pay you back!" An Xionghu Thinking of what happened half a month ago, I just feel extremely tired.

These years, he regarded Xiao Jingyuan as his daughter, and Jingyuan got even more than Xiuhui.

But in the end, Jing Yuan almost killed him.

"She's gone, and I don't know where she went. The people I sent haven't found her whereabouts yet." An Xionghu looked at him and said in a low voice, "I thought she was going to find you... ..."

"If there is something wrong with Jing Yuan, I will let the whole An Mansion be buried with her!" Xiao Baorui warned with serious eyes while looking at him.

The army of Emperor Yuanchu occupied dozens of cities in a row without any effort.

Half of the lands and mountains of the Dayong Dynasty were within the territory of the Emperor Yuanchu.

In late autumn, the dew is deeper.

Palace, Hall of Mental Cultivation.

After Murong Ze finished reading the memorial that Murong Xi had annotated alone, he was furious!

"What the hell is going on in your head? Can't even handle such a simple memorial? You're just as stupid as a pig!"

Murong Xi, who was being scolded, just lowered his head cautiously, biting his lips tightly, not daring to let himself make a sound.

He knew that his talent was dull, not that of an emperor.

But his grandfather was persecuting him all the time.

Murong Xi felt very tired. When he was young, looking at this square, golden palace, there was only one thought in his heart, and that was to escape.

Although he didn't know where he could escape to, he really couldn't stay here any longer.

At dusk, Fengluan Palace.

An Xiuhui looked at the downcast eldest prince, her eyes filled with distress.

"Xi'er, are you tired today?"

"Mother..." Leaning in An Xiuhui's arms, Murong Xi felt himself come alive, "Mother, isn't Xi'er stupid?"

"Xi'er is not stupid."

"But grandfather always reprimanded Xi'er, and Xi'er also knew that she was too stupid, and couldn't understand many things..."

"As a king, many things have to be considered from the overall situation. You are still young, so naturally you can't consider everything like your grandfather." An Xiuhui looked into his eyes and said sincerely, "What's more, the queen mother knows that Xi'er, you don't care about everything." I don’t want to stay in this deep palace.”

"The queen, can you help me?"

"Guy Xier, only you can help yourself, and no one else can help you." An Xiuhui said earnestly, "There are two choices in front of you right now, and the two choices mean two different things. Life, the queen mother hopes that you can think about it carefully."

Murong Xi looked at her with puzzled eyes.

Until An Xiuhui carefully analyzed it, Murong Xi soon made a decision in his mind.

After the Double Ninth Festival, it came to October.

Murong Ze felt that his body was not as good as before.

Now the army led by Xiao Baorui is as powerful as a broken bamboo, and has already occupied half of the Great Yong Dynasty.

If this continues, they can last for half a year at most.

Half a year is already the limit.

Xiao Baorui has been famous in the battlefield for a long time, and his wife Tang Huanxi has made a lot of contributions to the food and clothing of the people.

The couple has completely won the hearts of the people.

What the people want will naturally succeed.

Yun'an City.

An Xionghu's injury has completely healed, and all the elite soldiers under his command have been controlled by Xiao Baorui.

Now between him and Xiao Baorui, there is only a life-and-death situation left.

Tomorrow is the day they agreed upon.

"Xiao Baorui, although An Xionghu has been quiet for many years, his strength cannot be underestimated." Tang Huanxi silently put down the book of war in his hand, and said softly, "Tomorrow, we must not underestimate the enemy."

"Don't worry, lady, I know what's going on." Xiao Baorui thought for a while, then said softly, "After this matter is resolved, let's set off. Try to resolve this mess before New Year's Eve."

"An Xiuhui sent a letter a few days ago saying that Murong Ze is ill." Tang Huanxi thought for a while and said in a low voice, "I think this is a good opportunity for us."

"Young lady, what do you mean... to send troops now?"

"There are still [-] Dragon Guards in the capital." Tang Huanxi carefully considered, "The Dragon Guards are loyal to the Murong royal family. If we can secretly contact the current commander of the Dragon Guards, Prince Yu's son, many things may be possible. Get twice the result with half the effort."

"Mistress, is she going to meet Prince Yu's concubine?"

"Well, because of the little affection in the past, I hope that Princess Yu can help us persuade Prince Yu." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, "Sometimes, things that women can solve with just a word of mouth, don't have to. You men have made a move."

"Young lady, are you sure that Prince Yu's concubine will meet you?"

"Xiao Baorui, have you forgotten that the only son of Prince Yu's concubine is still under your command?"

(End of this chapter)

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