Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 893 It's not without reason

Chapter 893 It's not without reason

Xiao Baorui was taken aback for a moment, then understood the meaning of Tang Huanxi's words, and suddenly realized.

"Hanjie is the only son of Prince Yu's concubine, and now Hanjie has become a vanguard general under your command. Does the concubine want to see her husband and her son fighting each other?"

October 25, Big Buddha Temple.

Princess Yu received Tang Huanxi's post and rushed to the Great Buddha Temple early in the morning.

At the beginning of Chen Shi, the concubine of Prince Yu arrived in the Buddhist hall of the Great Buddha Temple.

At that time, Tang Huanxi was kneeling devoutly in front of the Buddha statue.

Rao, the concubine of Prince Yu, who was so anxious, gradually calmed down after hearing the Sanskrit sounds.

Half an hour later, Tang Huanxi arrived near the back mountain of the Great Buddha Temple.

"Unexpectedly, there are still sweet-scented osmanthus blooming in this season?"

"I heard that the osmanthus trees in the back mountain of the Great Buddha Temple are relatively late in flowering, so when the osmanthus on other trees has withered, the osmanthus here is just blooming." Nanny Gui smiled and replied softly.

"Listening to the Buddha's voice every day, even this sweet-scented osmanthus has a little bit of Buddha nature." Tang Huanxi couldn't help but smile a little bit more.

"Ma'am, Prince Yu's concubine is here."


Tang Huanxi replied indifferently, then turned around and met the anxious eyes of Prince Yu's concubine.

"I haven't seen you for a few months, and the princess seems to have worn down a lot."

"Great changes in Beijing, more things to worry about, people have lost a lot of weight." Prince Yu's concubine sighed in a low voice, "Things are people, but things are not, and now you are the wife of Emperor Yuanchu. I don't know what to call you."

"Everything is not settled, you can make me happy as before."

"Is it okay……"

"There's nothing wrong with it." Tang Huanxi smiled at her brightly, "Isn't the meaning of a name just to make people shout?"

"You... are the same as before." Prince Yu looked at her and smiled knowingly, "Huanxi, in fact, I can guess the reason why you came to me today, but now the son has just received an important task. , I'm afraid he won't listen to me."

"Although Mr. Han is dead, what he said in the Hall of Mental Cultivation is true." Tang Huanxi looked at her and said sincerely, "Murong Ze is not of the orthodox blood of the Murong royal family, don't you still Do you want to just watch Shizi continue to be obsessed with obsession?"

"These are just unfounded guesses..."

"There may be a reason for it." Tang Huanxi interrupted her words forcefully, his eyes darkened, "Concubine Shizi, to tell you the truth, the reason why I asked you to meet today is entirely out of past affection. At the palace banquet, you rescued me several times. Since I have received this kindness, I should repay it. Now that Hanjie has become the emperor's right-hand man, don't you really want to see your husband and his wife? A situation where your sons are fighting each other?"

"Hanjie...is it okay?"

"Everything is fine, but the sword has no eyes on the battlefield. Although he has been injured, most of them are not in danger of life. He is still young, and his future is bright." Tang Huanxi looked at her and smiled slightly.

Prince Yu's concubine asked about some things related to her son, and she smiled contentedly when she heard that his son had become a fifth-rank vanguard general.

After she left, Nanny Gui took a step forward and asked softly, "Madam, do you think she can persuade Prince Yu's son?"

"Prince Yu's concubine came from a very high family background. After she married Prince Yu, the husband and wife were very harmonious. I don't think anyone can persuade Prince Yu to move him except her."

"Speaking of which, King Yu and the Emperor also have some kind of blood relationship, why would he insist on being loyal to Murong He?"

"When Han Jianming thoroughly revealed the mystery of Murongze's life experience in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, King Yu must have been there. Although King Yu is a member of the Murong royal family, he is close. King Yu is the righteous brother of the former empress. King Yu and the first empress are childhood sweethearts, and Prince Yu and Murong Ze are siblings, so it is reasonable for him to help him."

"The relationship between the royal family was extensive before, and I hope this time the Crown Princess can live up to everyone's expectations."

On October [-]th, the night was quiet.

After Murong Ze finished his dinner, he felt a splitting headache.

Seeing his appearance, Prince Yu's son was suddenly worried.

"My lord, are you alright?"

"Brother Bo, I'm afraid I'm going to die..." Murong Ze looked at him and smiled wryly, "In the end, I still failed my mother's painstaking efforts."

"Don't worry about the emperor, the old minister will call the imperial physician immediately."

"No need," Murong Ze shook his head lightly at him, "It is said that people who are about to die speak well, Brother Bo, if you want, sit down and listen to Gu say a few words."

"...Okay." Murong Bo, who was deeply grieved, felt very heavy at the moment.

"My mother worked so hard back then, even poisoning my father, that I finally sent Gu to the throne." Murong Ze's heart was full of pain, "I thought I could sit safely on this chair, but I don’t want 20 years, just a flick of a finger.”

"Xi'er's talent is dull, not an emperor's talent. Ming'er's temper is reckless, and he is not suitable to be a king." Murong Ze sighed in a low voice, "I still can't protect the country of the Murong royal family!"

"Your Majesty, don't do this..."

"Gu has inherited the great rule for so many years, self-willed, self-willed and suspicious. The heavens can't stand it anymore, so natural disasters continue, and the front and rear palaces are even more chaotic. Now I know that my end is approaching. Brother Bo, I might as well tell you directly. The jade seal was given to Xiao Baorui by Murong He a long time ago."

"This..." Murong Bo's eyes widened, his eyes were full of horror, "Is this not possible?"

"The trend of the times is the direction of the people." Murong Ze sighed in a low voice, "Brother Bo, now all the Dragon Guards are under your command, no matter what choice you make, Gu will not blame you!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the old minister will remain loyal to you as always!"

"Brother Bo, I'm a little tired, you should step back first."

After Murong Bo left, there was no sadness in Murong Ze's eyes, only strong sarcasm remained in the depths of his eyes.

At that time, Yun'an City.

During the day, Xiao Baorui took An Xionghu to the training ground.

But he never expected that when he was about to take off An Xionghu's head, someone took a sword for him.

And the person who appeared out of nowhere was Xiao Jingyuan who had been missing.

"Xiao Baorui, don't be nervous, with Dr. Cheng around, Jing Yuan will be safe and sound."

"My lady..." At this time, Xiao Baorui's eyes were full of remorse, "It's all my fault, I hurt Jing Yuan, I deserve death!"

"Don't think about it." Tang Huanxi gently hugged him, and comforted him softly, "I know you didn't do it on purpose, not to mention that no one would have expected Jing Yuan to appear suddenly and block that sword for An Xionghu."

(End of this chapter)

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