Chapter 894
If it wasn't for Xiao Baorui's sharp eyes and quick hands, he withdrew the sharp sword.

At this time, Xiao Jingyuan might have already lost her soul to the west.

"My lady, if something happens to Jing Yuan, I will be under the Nine Springs. I really don't know how to explain to my parents."

"She'll be fine." Tang Huanxi looked at him and said firmly.

Facing her calm gaze, Xiao Baorui gradually calmed down, and nodded obediently.

At sunset, Xiao Jingyuan finally woke up.

"Brother?" Seeing the person sitting next to her clearly, Xiao Jingyuan forced a smile, "You are my big brother, right?"

Xiao Baorui looked at her and nodded slightly.

"I'm not a good big brother, I didn't look for you earlier, and I didn't take good care of you." Xiao Baorui looked at her with self-blame in his eyes, "Now you and I just met again, but I hurt you with a sword..."

"It has nothing to do with elder brother, I just don't want to owe him anything." Xiao Jingyuan lowered her eyes, her tone mixed with dark and unclear emotions, "I have been in poor health since I was young, and they have treated me as if they were themselves all these years. Besides, sister Xiuhui also treated me very well...I didn't expect that he was the one who killed our parents..."

What An Xionghu has done is too numerous to describe.

"I hurt him, and I avenged the Xiao family. Now I have blocked the sword for him, and I have repaid the kindness of nurturing." Xiao Jingyuan said with a wry smile, "Brother, now the relationship between me and him , has nothing to do with it.”

"Do you intend to spare his life?"

"Sometimes, living is more painful, right?" Xiao Jingyuan closed her eyes silently, not wanting to discuss this issue.

"You have a good rest, leave the rest to the elder brother." Xiao Baorui took a deep look at her, then turned and left.

At that time, Tang Huanxi was cooking the soup that Xiao Jingyuan was about to take in the kitchen.

After thinking about it, she still put a little mountain spring water into the soup.

Anyway, she is Xiao Baorui's relatives, so she should be more generous.

Thinking of this, Tang Huanxi couldn't help but smile.

"Ma'am?" Nanny Gui looked at her sudden smile and asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing." Tang Huanxi shook her head lightly, "By the way, how is An Xionghu?"

"He was seriously injured and was detained in the firewood room."

"What Jing Yuan did was beyond my expectation, maybe Xiao Baorui will change his mind." Tang Huanxi thought for a while and said softly.

"Ma'am, I don't know if this old slave should say something or not?"

"Mammy has something to say, but it's okay to say it."

"This old slave thinks that Miss Jingyuan's behavior is a bit weird." Gui Momo thought for a while, then deliberately lowered her voice into Tang Huanxi's ear, and said softly, "This old slave heard that she stabbed me earlier. When An Xionghu was there, she smeared poison on the dagger, which shows that she really wanted An Xionghu's life. She had been missing for many days, but she appeared at this juncture, and the old slave always felt that things were a bit weird. "

"Yeah." Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, "If you want to know what kind of tricks she's playing, just go and have a look."

Nanny Gui nodded, and then began to pour the boiled soup into the bowl.

When night fell quietly, Xiao Jingyuan was in so much pain that she couldn't fall asleep.

dong dong——

"Please come in."

Tang Huanxi winked at Nanny Gui, and the two walked to the side of the bed together.

"This is the soup that has just been cooked, Jing Yuan, drink it while it's hot."

"You are?" Xiao Jingyuan looked at the woman standing in front of her suddenly, and frowned suspiciously.

"I'm Tang Huanxi, your sister-in-law."

"Sister-in-law?" Xiao Jingyuan sneered, "I have never heard elder brother mention that he is married! What's more, elder brother is now the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. Looking at you, I am afraid that you are not worthy of my wise and powerful elder brother?"

"Miss Jingyuan, it's a little too much for you to speak like this!" Nanny Gui frowned, her tone a little more annoyed.

"What are you? How dare you speak like that?"

"I thought you were gentle and humble, but now it seems that you are a bit inconsistent." Tang Huanxi looked at her and smiled slightly, "Your elder brother seems careless, but in fact he is rough and fine. I hope your His acting skills will never show any flaws in front of him."

Xiao Jingyuan gave her a cold look and said nothing.

Tang Huanxi smiled, and poured all the soup and medicine into a nearby flower pot, "It's not speculative, so let's say goodbye."

"It seems that Mammy is right, this eldest lady is indeed a difficult character." Tang Huanxi sighed softly when she reached the middle of the courtyard, "I hope Xiao Baorui will not do anything to disappoint me. "

"The general attaches great importance to love and righteousness, and always blamed himself for the tragedy of the Xiao family in Jinling that year, so he cherishes Xiao Jingyuan." Gui Nanny thought for a while, and softly comforted, "Madam, don't think too much."

"Don't worry, Mammy, I've never been someone who would feel sad alone." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly.

She is neither kind nor kind.

Xiao Jingyuan is a very important relative to Xiao Baorui.

But to her, Xiao Jingyuan was nothing, so Tang Huanxi really didn't care.

In the early morning of the next day, after Xiao Baorui came back from the training ground, he went to Xiao Jingyuan's room.

"Brother, this soup is so bitter..." Xiao Jingyuan looked at him, frowned and said coquettishly, "I don't want to drink it."

"Nonsense!" Xiao Baorui scolded with a straight face, "You were injured and lost a lot of blood, how could you not take this medicine?"

"Then elder brother, you feed me?" Xiao Jingyuan suddenly smiled brightly at him.

Xiao Baorui immediately showed embarrassment.

"Brother..." Xiao Jingyuan hugged his arm, her voice was full of coquettishness, "Brother, I'm sick like this, just feed me!"

"Jing Yuan," Xiao Baorui frowned suddenly, pulled her arm off forcefully, and said in a deep voice, "If you can't handle this bowl, I'll send someone to serve you."

"Brother..." Xiao Jingyuan was obviously frightened by his attitude, her tears kept falling like pearls with a broken thread, "Brother, why are you so fierce to me?"

"Jingyuan, I regard you as my own sister. I have been looking for you all these years, and I am really guilty for not taking good care of you." Xiao Baorui looked at her and said earnestly, "But Tang Huanxi is my wife, you Disrespecting her means disrespecting me, do you understand?"

"Brother... I don't know what you're talking about?"

"I don't want to repeat some words, Jing Yuan, if you can be obedient, I will definitely give you a noble princess status and a lifetime of glory and wealth in the future, but you must not give birth to other thoughts, so, do you understand? "

(End of this chapter)

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