Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 895 On the Rewards for Deeds

Chapter 895 On the Rewards for Deeds
Xiao Jingyuan never expected that Xiao Baorui would speak so bluntly.

Her eyes were red immediately.

Seeing her appearance, Xiao Baorui felt uncomfortable, "You probably don't know how much your sister-in-law has suffered with me these years. In my heart, she is a unique existence, and no one can disrespect her. You can clear?"

"Brother," Xiao Jingyuan wiped away her tears immediately, and a little smile appeared in her eyes, "but you are not Xiao Baorui now, you are Yuanchu Emperor Murong Chen, as an emperor, Sangong Sixth Court is the norm Ah, even... Even if I don't have those extravagant hopes, Big Brother will still find someone else in the future, won't he?"

"I have already promised Huanxi, a couple for the rest of my life. So I will never disappoint Huanxi."

His tone of voice was too firm.

Xiao Jingyuan was immediately disappointed, but deep in her heart was a wave of hatred.

It must be that Tang Huanxi was too jealous, that's why the elder brother had no choice but to say these things against his will.

She just bears it, she doesn't believe that the eldest brother will revolve around her all his life! ——
Fengluan Hall.

An Xiuhui looked at Tang Huanxi who was standing in front of her, and couldn't help but curl her lips, "I've been calculating for so many years, but now I'm going to hand over this post."

"The heights are extremely cold. Actually, I don't like the chair under my mother." Tang Huanxi looked at her and said sincerely.

"If other people say such things, I will definitely not believe it. But I believe that this must be from your heart." An Xiuhui looked at her and smiled, "I heard that the Hexi area is very clear, and Xi'er can become the king of Hexi. After all, this palace is gratified."

"The eldest prince is extraordinary, intelligent and transparent, this is what he deserves."

"It's time for me to leave this bustling capital after two days to clean up the things." An Xiuhui smiled, then walked up to her step by step, and smiled at her, "It's been a long time since I met with you." You have played chess, I don't know if the empress will appreciate it?"


Half an hour later, the winner was announced.

"After so many years, your chess skills are not unfamiliar at all, which is really admirable."

"Empress is the same."

"Huanxi, originally I wanted to send you a few words before leaving the palace, but after thinking about it later, I felt that it was unnecessary. After all, the Emperor Yuanchu and the Holy One are different, and you and I are also different."

"Now that the Holy Majesty has passed away, what are your plans for the future?" Tang Huanxi looked at her and asked softly, "I heard that Imperial Physician He also asked himself to leave the palace."

"Things are people, things are not things, the past is the past."

"You and I met once. Although we have different positions at the beginning, I do regard you as a friend. I hope you can live happily in the future."

"You too."

"I will not see you off after two days." Tang Huanxi picked up the cup of tea on the table and drank it down, "Tea instead of wine, I will see you off. "

"Thank you!"

Two days later, Murong Xi revealed the imperial edict of Murong He's guilt during his lifetime, which clarified in detail that the throne belonged to Murong Chen who was born by Concubine Lan Gui.

Therefore, Murong Chen ascended the throne in accordance with the destiny.

Therefore, Xiao Baorui ascended the throne on the winter solstice, and the title of the country remained unchanged, and it was still Dayong.The year is the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

And on the next day, Tang Huanxi was canonized as queen, and Xiao Yijin was crowned prince.

On the New Year's Day in the early Yuan Dynasty, the sky had been clear for many days, and it was snowing goose feathers.

Fengluan Hall.

Nanny Gui looked at Tang Huanxi, who had a pale complexion, and her eyes were full of distress, "Your Majesty, I can't let the emperor mess around like this in the future, look at the blue and blue in your eyes..."

"Take more rouge to cover it up." Tang Huanxi smiled wearily, "Don't worry, mother, I'm not that unreasonable person, but he endured it for so long and let it go for a while..."

"It will be a long time in the future. If your body is damaged, it will be your own empress who will suffer."

While combing her hair, Nanny Gui said in a low voice, "Look at this old servant, the one in Changle Palace is getting more and more restless."

Xiao Baorui thought of the affection he had implicated the Xiao family back then, so he made an exception and conferred the title of Princess Changle to Xiao Jingyuan, and gave her to live in the Changle Palace.

"Let's go with her. I don't care what she thinks." Tang Huanxi smiled indifferently, she didn't take Xiao Jingyuan seriously.

Nanny Gui sighed deeply from the bottom of her heart, but finally said nothing.

On New Year's Eve, Xiao Baorui discussed matters late at night in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Now that the civil strife in the Yong Dynasty had just subsided, Xiliang came to commit the crime at this time, obviously wanting to catch them off guard.

Fortunately, Qin Xiao insisted on staying in Wintersun City, so he withstood Xiliang's attack.

"In winter, most of the land in Xiliang is a barren land. Not a single grass grows, and the people can't even solve the problem of food and clothing. It's not surprising that the royal family of Xiliang will invade." Tang Huanxi said in a low voice after listening to Xiao Baorui's analysis, " But now that the internal turmoil in the court has just subsided, and you have just ascended the throne, the situation is not stable, if you really want to fight Xiliang, I'm afraid..."

"I'm also worried about this matter, lady, in your opinion, how should we deal with it?"

"Let me think about it?"


"Xiao Baorui, I still have something to discuss with you."

"My lady, but it's okay to say."

"Jingyuan came to Fengluan Hall today, saying that I shouldn't dominate you alone, and suggested that I recruit the harem, and I should draft for you. If the daughter of a wealthy family can enter the palace, it will be very important for you to stabilize the imperial court. Useful."

Xiao Baorui felt a faint anger in his heart, "What does the lady think?"

"When will my Tang Huanxi's man be reduced to the position where a woman can become a wise king?" Tang Huanxi looked at him and said with a smile, "I dismissed her in a few words, but I just looked at her a little unhappy. Husband, I know how much you feel guilty towards her, and I'm not an intolerant person, but if she provokes the relationship between you and me like this, if she hurts our relationship in the future..."

"Don't worry, lady, I know what's in my mind." Xiao Baorui thought for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Silai Changle is not too young now, just wait until I find a suitable person and marry her. .”

"Then this person must be handsome and good-natured."


"By the way, that stinky boy Yijin said that he will leave the palace again from tomorrow."

"Teacher Wang wants to take him around to have a look around and cultivate his sentiments, and I have already agreed." Xiao Baorui smiled, "Since Yijin is still young, it doesn't hurt to let him walk around to gain more knowledge. Wait a while Today, when he enters the upper study, he can't be so wanton and indulgent."

"Since you have considerations in your heart, I don't have to worry about it." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, then asked softly, "How do you plan to reward those who followed you before?"

(End of this chapter)

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