Chapter 899

Xiao Baorui couldn't help but recall the scene when he first met An Xiuhui that year.

At that time, when he saw An Xiuhui for the first time, he thought she was Jing Yuan, so he couldn't wait to get her approval, but the final result made him extremely disappointed.

"There are as many similar people in the world as crucian carp crossing the river." Xiao Baorui sighed with emotion.

Hearing this, Tang Huanxi didn't say anything more, but there were more and more questions in his heart.

Probably because she was pregnant, after a while, leaning on Xiao Baorui's shoulder, she fell asleep.

Once the first month is over, it will be February when the spring breeze is like scissors.

"Seeing how the sun is shining outside, I really want to go out for a walk." Standing in front of the window, looking at the distant scenery, Tang Huanxi couldn't help but smile.

"After a while, it will be the spring hunting. At that time, the empress can go out for a walk." Nanny Gui said with a smile, "Speaking of which, there is a letter, but I haven't had time to hand it to the empress."

"What letter?"

"A letter from the Hexi Prince's Mansion in Luoyang."

Tang Huanxi couldn't wait to open the letter, seeing the familiar handwriting clearly, she couldn't help but curl her lips, "She is so restless that she wants to snatch someone from Ben Gong? "

"Steal people?"

"She bought a restaurant in Luoyang, and she wants to borrow Brother Pei for three months. After the restaurant's business is stable, she will let Brother Pei come back."

Pei Zhonghou is a good hand in business, and now the business of Huiweilou in Kyoto is booming.

As we all know, the largest shareholder behind Huiweilou is the Jinling Xu family, and Xu Jiudi, the head of the Xu family, is the handkerchief of the current empress, so the business of the restaurant is very booming.

"A year ago, Big Brother Pei sent someone to bring in the dividends from the previous days of recalling the building. I haven't met him yet."

"Your Majesty wants to summon Shopkeeper Pei?"

"Well, it happens that there are some things that I ask him to investigate."

An Xiuhui and Changle in the palace, who is the real Xiao Jingyuan?
Tang Huanxi was very curious about this.

It's not like she hasn't pressed the cutie before, but the cutie's attitude is really weird.

Every time the answer is irrelevant.

So Tang Huanxi made up his mind to investigate the truth of the matter no matter what.

"Nurse, you should find a way to find out about the An family in Yun'an Mansion, everything is fine."

"it is good."

It has been eleven months since Wuyou, and with Bai Wei's help, she is gradually able to walk.

"Your Majesty, the princess is really amazing. It's only been a few days and she can walk so steadily." Bai Ying picked up Xiao Wuyou and said with a smile.

"It's said that children who walk early talk late. It's true. Wuyou is still not very good at talking..." Tang Huanxi took Xiao Wuyou from her hand, and wrapped her gently in her arms.

"Your Majesty is late, so you don't have to worry too much." Bai Ying said with a smile, "By the way, Ma'am, is the crown prince going back to the palace?"

The Crown Prince Taifu Wang Yibo took Xiao Yijin and his two sons Wang Li and Wang Tu, and after more than a month, they traveled quite a lot.

A few days ago, Tang Huanxi just received a letter from Yijin, saying that she was going back to the palace in two days.

"This brat is always thinking about the puffs I made."

"Let's not talk about the prince, but the slaves are also very concerned about it." Baiying smiled brightly, "A few days ago, the slaves went to the imperial dining room and made puffs for us with Poria cocos. I don't know what happened, Poco cocos The puffs made don't taste very good..."

"There is a very important raw material for making puffs, and that is cream. Cream is hard to come by. Puffs without cream have no soul, so the taste will not be good." Tang Huanxi smiled immediately, "Left and right idle It’s okay to come, why don’t you go to the same imperial dining room in a while.”


Tang Huanxi immediately changed into light clothes and took Bai Wei to the imperial dining room.

At this moment, the freshly baked puffs are mouth-watering.

"Prepare a small dish, and I will take it to the emperor. You can share the rest," Tang Huanxi said with a smile.

"Thank you madam!"

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

At that time, Xiao Baorui was looking at Scorpio with a guilty expression, "I originally thought this was a blessing from heaven, but I didn't want Changle to force her to die. Brother Scorpio, I am the one who has failed you."

"The emperor is worrying too much, it's just that the humble minister and the princess have no fate." Scorpio always had a little smile on his face, "Since the princess is not willing, let's let this marriage go."

"Does Brother Scorpio have someone he likes that day? If Brother Scorpio meets someone he loves in the future, I will marry you, how about it?"

"I can't ask for it."

Xiao Baorui saw that he didn't have any grievances, so he felt a little relieved, "Now the Korean public and horses have all been arrested, but the two silver mines hidden in the southwest have never been found. I want Brother Scorpio to go A trip to Chenzhou."

"Even if we can't find those two silver mines, we must wipe out all the remnants of the South Korean government. Otherwise, I really don't feel at ease." The more Xiao Baorui thought about it, the more worried he became, "Also, there is something I want to hear your opinion."

"It's okay, Your Majesty."

"I suspect that Uncle Qin has something to do with people from Xiliang."

"The emperor is referring to General Qin Hongqin?"


"It's impossible." Scorpio frowned immediately, his eyes became deeper and deeper, "General Qin is a hero, not to mention the brothers of the Xinzhou Army, most of their relatives died under the swords of Xiliang people. It is precisely because of General Qin that this group of brothers can be tightly bound together, I do not believe that General Qin will collude with the people of Xiliang."

"Brother Scorpio, I know you don't want to believe it, but as a person, you should be clear that I would not say such a thing without definite evidence." Xiao Baorui thought for a while, then put the pressure on the case The memorial was handed to him, "Just take a look."

With a skeptical attitude, Scorpio silently opened the letter.

When he finished reading the contents of the letter, he was extremely shocked.

"how can that be?"

"When I saw this letter for the first time, I also thought it was impossible." Xiao Baorui sighed softly, "So I asked the brothers from the Hongluan Gang to check it out, but I was very disappointed in the result. "

"Wen Huairen's family is suspected of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, so I made a decree early on to punish the whole family. The person who dealt with the Wen family was Qin Hong. Although Qin Hong beheaded Wen Huairen, he managed to send Chen away. Rui and Murong Hao, in exchange for the trust of the First Prince Tuobawei of Xiliang."

"Brother Scorpio, I trust you, so I hope you can investigate this matter clearly. I don't know what you want?"

Scorpio was silent for a moment, and finally nodded heavily.

When Tang Huanxi arrived, the atmosphere was heavy.

"The puffs just made, brother Scorpio, shall we try them together?"

(End of this chapter)

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