Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 900 I'm Afraid of You

Chapter 900 I'm Afraid of You
"Thank you, Empress, for your kindness. It's just that I don't like sweets very much." Scorpio lowered her head and politely declined, "Your Majesty, Empress, I will take my leave."

When his figure completely disappeared from the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Tang Huanxi took a step forward and pulled Xiao Baorui to sit on the chair.

"Xiao Baorui, close your eyes."


"Close your eyes, and I'll rub them for you." Tang Huanxi looked at his haggard face, and there was only distress in his eyes, "Even if the government is busy, you should pay attention to your body. I heard that you have been Do you go to bed after the hour and wake up before the hour?"

"Well, I've been busy with chores recently, so I haven't been with my lady well during this time." Xiao Baorui closed his eyes and said softly, with a bit of guilt in his tone, "My lady has been fine for the past two days." , are you still sleepy?"

"I was always sleepy a few days ago, but now it's much better. I think this one in my stomach is naughty." Tang Huanxi smiled, and then stretched out his hands to gently press on his temples on both sides, " Do you feel more comfortable?"

"Well, it's very comfortable."

"Isn't it going to be spring hunting in a while?"

"Well, there were already people from the Qin Tianjian yesterday. February [-]th is a good day. We tentatively plan to go to Xiangshan to hunt on that day."

"It's only a few days away, is everything ready?"

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs is almost ready."

"Then I don't know, my dear husband, do you plan to take me with you?" Tang Huanxi leaned on his shoulder and asked with a smile.

Xiao Baorui's heart moved, he turned around, and quickly pulled him into his arms, "Of course I have to take him with me, I have already asked the imperial doctor, the lady can go together in a carriage, it's just that the road is bumpy, and I have to trouble Nanny Gui to take care of her." , In addition, I also arranged for two imperial physicians to accompany me."

"Not bad!" Tang Huanxi moved subconsciously, and quickly kissed him on the cheek, "You know my husband, Tang Huanxi, is the best!"

"Then lady, can you give me more rewards?" Xiao Baorui asked with a smile, pointing to his other cheek.


At this moment, Xiao Jingyuan broke into the Hall of Mental Cultivation recklessly, and happened to encounter this scene.

She immediately looked at Tang Huanxi, with strong jealousy and hatred in her eyes, "Shameless!"

"Changle!" Her voice was not too loud, just enough for the people present to hear.

Xiao Baorui looked at her and roared angrily, "You are too presumptuous!"

"Empress Empress knew that she was pregnant, but she deliberately came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to seduce you! You can't stay with such a vicious woman, brother, you must not be deceived by her again!" At this time, Xiao Jingyuan was blinded by jealousy. He closed his eyes, but he didn't see the strong anger in Xiao Baorui's eyes at this moment.


Shockingly, Tang Huanxi stepped forward and slapped her!

"You hit me again?"

"As the Empress of the Central Palace, I am in charge of the affairs of the Six Palaces. Changle, you have spoken rudely several times. Shouldn't I beat you?" Tang Huanxi sneered, with strong mockery in his eyes, "When you were in Meilin, you almost Pushing Bengong, Bengong has already let the past go, but now you still continue to speak satirize Bengong without repentance, do you really think that Bengong is a soft persimmon?"

Chang Le covered half of her face, tears kept falling down.

She immediately cast a look at Xiao Baorui asking for help, but unlike the latter who refused to even give her a look...

"Come here, Princess Changle's words are not condescending, the next offender, pass on my palace's decree, and imprison her in Changle Palace. If you don't enter the palace to agree, you are not allowed to step out of the palace gate!"

"you dare!"

Before Xiao Jingyuan could finish her next words, a palace servant already took Chang Le down.

Xiao Baorui, who witnessed the whole process, never said a word.

"Jing Yuan is too outrageous!"

"The concubine thinks that the Hall of Mental Cultivation should be taken care of properly. Princess Changle can enter the hall without being summoned, so the emperor should take care of it." Tang Huanxi turned and left after saying this. up.

Looking at her back, Xiao Baorui only felt a headache.

Ma'am, I'm really angry.

At night, when Xiao Baorui's Luanjia arrived at Fengluan Hall, the gate of the hall was closed.

"Your Majesty, do you want to summon the Empress?"

"No need." Xiao Baorui got off the car and said in a deep voice, "You all go back first, I want to walk alone."


"Why, can't you listen to my words?"

"I dare not!" Eunuch Fu hurriedly left with a group of people.

Only Xiao Baorui was left alone, wandering outside the palace gate.

At that time, in the hall.

Wuyou leaned against Tang Huanxi's arms and fell asleep.

"Your Majesty, the princess is already fast asleep, let the servants take her back to rest?"


After Bai Wei took Wuyou away, Nanny Gui brought over the freshly brewed ginseng tea.

"The ginseng tea that has just been brewed, you can drink it while it is hot."


"Your Majesty is still upset?" Nanny Gui looked at her expression carefully, and asked with concern, "Just now I heard from the little maid who guards the gate that the Emperor is sitting alone on the steps outside the palace, and my Majesty really doesn't want to see him." ?”

"I don't want to see you." Tang Huanxi said a little irritably, "Xiao Jingyuan wanted to hurt me several times, and he tolerated it again and again. Even though he felt guilty towards Xiao Jingyuan, this guilt could not become the capital of Xiao Jingyuan's indulgence. !"

"The emperor is gentle and generous, so we can't completely blame the emperor for this matter." Nanny Gui looked at her and said earnestly, "Your Majesty is pregnant now, if there is a problem with the emperor's relationship at this time, Don't you want to give others another chance?"

Tang Huanxi silently lowered her eyes and said nothing.

Seeing her like this, Nanny Gui knew that she had listened to what she said.

"Your Majesty, go to rest early." Nanny Gui glanced at her, turned and left.

After Tang Huanxi finished drinking the ginseng tea, she leaned on the rug, closed her eyes and rested her mind.

Until a familiar smell came from the nostrils.


"Since when did the emperor become a gentleman on Liang?" Tang Huanxi opened his eyes, his tone was still somewhat alienated.

The cheeky Xiao Baorui stepped forward involuntarily, and hugged her tightly in his arms.

Tang Huanxi struggled a bit at first, but later she couldn't break free, so she simply confessed.

"I'm afraid of you." She complained softly.

"The lady is not angry anymore?"

"Why should I be angry?" Tang Huanxi glared at him angrily.

"Miss, don't be angry, okay?" Xiao Baorui leaned his head on her shoulder, and his voice became more and more pitiful, "Miss, I'm very tired, really tired..."

(End of this chapter)

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