Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 901: A 1-Year Covenant

Chapter 901

When Xiao Baorui said that she was tired, Tang Huanxi was only full of distress.

"Since you're tired, let's take a rest." Tang Huanxi gently held his generous palm and said in a low voice, "I'll be with you."

"it is good."

The two of them lay side by side on the bed, and after a while, there was the sound of even and powerful breathing.

Tang Huanxi stretched out her hand and gently stroked the tip of his brow, her eyes filled with distress.

From the time they decided to reveal the last emperor's edict, it was doomed that this road would not go too smoothly.

Now Tang Huanxi only hoped that he could do well, and that was enough.

In Luoyang in February, it is still snowing.

The ice and snow have not yet melted, and the sun is not too bright.

Randong handed the freshly made soup to An Xiuhui, and asked softly, "What would Madam want for lunch?"

"In such cold weather, let's set up a pot and let Xi'er and Ming'er come over and let's eat together." An Xiuhui smiled, her smiling face was flushed red from the cold, she looked really cute.

"Ma'am, I heard that Doctor He is sick, Madam, can I go and see?" Lu Yin hurried back to the house, and said cautiously, "I heard that Doctor He couldn't drink the medicine, and the fever has not subsided for two days. .”

An Xiuhui didn't speak, but silently lowered her eyes.

At the beginning, their family was helped by Tang Huanxi, not only won the title of King of Hexi, but also a fief.

Although it was a bit cold here in Luoyang, An Xiuhui felt her heart was warm.

Without the status of empress, she felt much more relaxed.

But she really didn't expect that He Yihang also insisted on coming to Luoyang.

It wasn't long before he fell ill.

"Madam, don't you really want to take a look?"

"Let me think about it."

An Xiuhui sighed in a low voice, her tone full of melancholy.

At noon, the whole family gathered together, and after eating the hot pot, An Xiuhui felt that she was not so cold anymore.

Lu Yin found a red cloak from the box and put it on her body.

"Let's go." An Xiuhui looked at her and smiled slightly.

The Hexi Palace is not big, but it is not small either.

Going around the diamond-shaped arch, I walked through a long corridor.

Arrived at the back room of the palace.

An Xiuhui stood under the willow tree that had sprouted new buds, and suddenly stopped in her tracks.


"Lu Yin, I..." An Xiuhui smiled bitterly. She thought that she could abandon everything in the past and start a new life, but when things came to an end, she realized that she had no courage at all.

"If Ma'am hasn't figured it out yet, then wait a little longer." Lu Yin saw the uneasiness in her eyes, and said with some distress, "Just follow your heart."

An Xiuhui didn't know how long she stood there. She didn't decide to leave until she felt her legs go numb.

Before she could turn around, there was a sudden coughing sound.

She didn't care too much, and rushed in hastily.

He Yihang, who was administering needles for himself, was a little dazed when he saw her suddenly barging in, but he was more pleasantly surprised.


"You...why don't you wear clothes?" An Xiuhui realized how reckless she was.

"I..." He Yihang's ears turned red immediately, "I have a cough, and drinking soup and medicine didn't help, so I thought about giving acupuncture..."

"Then...then I won't bother you." An Xiuhui turned around in a hurry, wanting to leave.

But He Yihang took a step forward and grabbed her arm forcefully.

"What do you want to do?"

"I...Xiuhui, can you stay and talk with me?" He Yihang looked at her with begging eyes.

An Xiuhui bit her lips tightly, and finally nodded slightly, "Okay."

He Yihang was ecstatic, and immediately took off all the silver needles on his body, and quickly put on his clothes.

Two people, sitting opposite each other.



The two broke the strange silence with one voice.

"What do you want to say?" He Yihang smiled at her, "The climate here in Luoyang is very different from that in Kyoto. I know you are afraid of the cold. You must remember to keep warm. After I recover from illness, I want to give How many prescriptions do you prescribe for medicinal meals?"

"He Yihang," An Xiuhui suddenly interrupted him, she looked into his eyes and asked in a deep voice, "Why did you come to Luoyang?"

The He family is a medical family, and He Yihang is the heir of the He family.

He could have lived a wanton and carefree life, but why did he enter the palace?

Now he came to Luoyang with her again.

"For you." He Yihang looked at her with clear eyes, and smiled sincerely, "Do you still remember what you said back then?"


"When you were in Pei County, you said that it was not easy for people like you and me to find a person who only loves yourself wholeheartedly. You also said that priceless treasures are easy to get, but lovers are rare. At that time, I treated you Tempted."

"I..." A flash of astonishment flashed in An Xiuhui's eyes, she really didn't expect that at that time, He Yihang was already tempted.

"Later, I inquired everywhere about your whereabouts, and I chased after Yun'an Mansion, only to hear the news that you were about to enter the palace." At that time, He Yihang finally knew what it meant to feel heartbroken, "And then I came back again. In Pei County, I get drunk every day, only hoping to forget you sooner. But sometimes, the more I want to forget someone, the easier it is to remember... I studied medicine desperately, and finally got the chance to enter the palace."

"Xiuhui, my thought at the beginning was very simple. Even if I can't be with you, as long as I can watch you from a distance, I will be satisfied."

He originally thought that it would not matter even if she was a high-ranking queen all her life.

He is her imperial doctor, and he is satisfied if he can take care of her for the rest of his life.

But who would have thought that times would change.

"Xiuhui, can you give me a chance to take good care of you for the rest of my life?"

Mustering up all his courage, He Yihang finally uttered these words.

An Xiuhui was silent for a long time.

After a long time, she raised her eyes to look at He Yihang, and said seriously, "The late emperor died not long ago, and his bones are not yet cold. According to the law, I need to keep my filial piety for a year. Can you wait for me for a year? Let's discuss this issue again in a year. , what do you think?"

He Yihang didn't expect that she was willing to give him a chance!
He nodded impatiently and said, "Of course I am willing!"

"Then for you now, the most urgent thing is to get better soon. You can take care of me when you recover from illness."


"If you still feel uncomfortable, please invite an imperial doctor from outside the mansion to have a look. Doctors don't heal themselves."

"it is good."

The two talked for a while, and An Xiuhui got up to leave.

This time He Yihang did not stop, because she promised herself that she would come to see him tomorrow.

After walking out the door, An Xiuhui looked up at the sky, "Today's sky is so beautiful."

(End of this chapter)

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