Chapter 902
Seeing the long-lost smile on An Xiuhui's face, Lu Yin couldn't help curling her lips.

It turned out that the master would be much happier after leaving that seemingly glorious palace that was actually a prison.

"Lu Yin, go back to the study to study ink, I want to write a letter to Tang Huanxi."

Perhaps it was because her mood became clearer, the smile on An Xiuhui's face never disappeared.

On February [-]th, the annual spring hunting came as scheduled.

Tang Huanxi thought over and over again, and decided to leave the palace without worry-free.

"I have to trouble Madam to stay in the palace to take care of Wuyou again," Tang Huanxi said with a smile as she looked at Madam Gui.

"It's my honor to be able to take care of the princess." Nanny Gui smiled and said softly, "Everything has been taken care of when leaving the palace, and the empress plans to take Bai Wei alone?"

"Well, Wuyou likes to cling to Baiying, so she decided to keep her."

"There are many rich and powerful families who will participate in this spring hunting. Madam Gui still needs to be careful in everything." Gui Momo thought for a while, and then expressed the worries in her heart, "Madam, you are pregnant now, so you must be more careful and vigilant." Some, don’t let others take advantage of it.”

"Mommy," Tang Huanxi raised her lips when she heard her earnest voice, her eyes were full of gratitude, "Don't worry, Mommy, I know everything in my heart."

"The empress has too few people who can be used now. After a while, the House of Internal Affairs will have newcomers, and the old servant is taking the time to train a group of newcomers." Nanny Gui thought carefully, and said in a deep voice, " There are not many people in the harem now, but in the future..."

"There will be no increase or decrease in the future." Tang Huanxi looked at her and said firmly, "Xiao Baorui has promised me that there will be no three palaces and six courtyards in the harem, so you don't have to worry."

"The empress and the emperor have known each other since they were young, and they have gone through so many ups and downs. Naturally, their relationship is extraordinary. But there are some things, the old slave still has to say, the empress must not have too many expectations of the emperor, after all, sometimes , the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment." Nanny Gui looked into her eyes and said sincerely, "Does your mother understand what this old servant means?"

"Don't worry, Mommy, I won't lose myself because of Xiao Baorui." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, her gaze firm.

After everything was tidied up, Tang Huanxi came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

At that time, Xiao Baorui was changing into his riding clothes, and the silver armor fit his body line very well, especially when he was smiling at the moment, he was full of energy and very handsome.

Today's Tang Huanxi also changed out of her palace attire, and changed into a red riding outfit. Her jet-black hair was tied up high with a red ribbon, and she looked radiant and bright.

Both of them saw a strong look of amazement from the bottom of each other's eyes.

"My lady, you are so beautiful." Xiao Baorui immediately walked in front of her, his tone full of admiration, "My lady's skin is like snow, red really suits you."

"You're also handsome today!" Tang Huanxi looked at him and smiled coquettishly, "As expected of Tang Huanxi's man, he's just good-looking!"

"Hey." Xiao Baorui smirked, then took her hand, and the two walked out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation together.

At that time, the Spring Hunting team was already waiting outside the hall.

The leader is Hong Tao.

"Long live the emperor, long live, long live, the maiden is thousand years old, thousand years old, thousand thousand years old!"

Following Hong Tao's cry, everyone knelt down and shouted loudly.

The momentum is magnificent and the scene is grand.

"My dear friends, let's set off!" Xiao Baorui raised the golden bow in his hand and smiled confidently!
The Spring Hunting team immediately rushed towards Xiangshan in an orderly manner.

Tang Huanxi originally wanted to ride a horse, but Xiao Baorui's attitude was too strong, so she could only obediently admit her cowardice and ride in the carriage that had been prepared early in the morning.

Bai Wei looked at her gloomy appearance, smiled and comforted her, "Madam, do you want to sleep for a while? You'll be refreshed when you get to Xiangshan."

"I want to ride a horse."

"Your Majesty should know that this wish is impossible to come true. Now Your Majesty is only two months pregnant, so you should be more cautious in everything."

"Bai Wei, I found that you have become nagging."

"The empress is teasing the slaves again."

"Bai Wei, can you sing ditties?"

"Your Majesty really wants to listen?" Bai Wei raised her brows and couldn't help smiling, "Bai Ying said that if slaves and maids sing, no grass will grow within a radius of five miles..."

"This lethality is stronger than mine! You are amazing!" Tang Huanxi immediately gave her a thumbs up, and then picked up a book of stories in a bored manner, reading it with gusto.

It took the entire spring hunting team two hours to arrive from Kyoto to Xiangshan on the outskirts of Beijing.

When they arrived at Xiangshan, Tang Huanxi, who was sitting in the carriage, had already fallen asleep.

"The Emperor—"

"Hush!" Xiao Baorui gently shook his head towards Bai Wei, "You go out first, I will accompany her."

Bai Wei nodded immediately, and then backed away.

Xiao Baorui carefully picked up Tang Huanxi, and the two got out of the carriage together.

Today's spring hunting, many officials came.

The emperor's kindness is great, so most of these officials bring their family members.

Among them, there is no shortage of young and young daughters.

Now the emperor's harem is really too empty. Except for a queen, there are no extra concubines in the Sangong and Liuyuan.

So the minds of these officials became alive.

Xiao Baorui is now in his thirties, and he looks handsome, tall and unrestrained.

In addition, he loves Tang Huanxi, a poor wife, as always.

He has long been the most admired idol of countless boudoir daughters.

So when others saw him get off the carriage with Tang Huanxi in his arms, their eyes were full of shock and envy.

Tang Huanxi slept deeply this time, and she didn't wake up until it was dark.

"Your Majesty is awake?" Seeing her waking up, Bai Wei said excitedly, "Your Majesty, let me help you wash up."

"What about the emperor?"

"The emperor took a team to Xiangshan this afternoon. He just came back half an hour ago. Madam, the emperor is really good. He has hunted a lot of prey, and the emperor has ordered a bonfire party to be held in an hour."

"Bonfire party? It sounds quite interesting." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and then said a little disappointed, "Bai Wei, why didn't you wake me up earlier? I want to go hunting too!"

Tang Huanxi felt that after she became pregnant this time, she fell in love with sleep more and more.

And slept very deeply.

"It's all the emperor's intention. Besides, my servant sees that you are sleeping soundly, ma'am, so I don't want to disturb your sweet dreams." Bai Wei explained with a smile as she tied her hair, "Madam, do you want to apply rouge?"

"No more, that's it." Tang Huanxi smiled, looked at the delicate face in the bronze mirror, and smiled, "Bai Wei, do you think this palace is pretty?"

(End of this chapter)

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